a quantum phase transition from bounded to extensive


A QUANTUM PHASE TRANSITION FROM BOUNDED TO EXTENSIVE ENTANGLEMENT Product state Rainbow state S n =n 1/2 S n =O(1) S n > c n s >1 t t =1 Israel Klich S n =O(1) S n =O(1) with: s =1 t S n =log(n) Zhao Zhang Amr Ahmadain

  1. A QUANTUM PHASE TRANSITION FROM BOUNDED TO EXTENSIVE ENTANGLEMENT Product state “Rainbow” state S n =n 1/2 S n =O(1) S n > c n s >1 t t =1 Israel Klich S n =O(1) S n =O(1) with: s =1 t S n =log(n) Zhao Zhang Amr Ahmadain arXiv:1606.07795

  2. HIGHLY ENTANGLED STATES Entanglement entropy: S A = − Tr ρ A log ρ A where ρ A = Tr B ρ Generic states in Hilbert space have extensive entanglement (page prl 93,foong prl 94,sen prl 96) ⎧ L d generic state (Page prl 93) ⎪ ⎪ L d − 1 (Hastings 07,1d) gapped , " area law " ⎪ L d − 1 log L S A ≈ ⎨ free fermions (Gioev IK 06,M Wolf 06) ⎪ c ⎪ (Holzhey Larsen Wilczek 96, 3 log L conformal Calabrese Cardy … ) ⎪ ⎩

  3. EXTENSIVELY ENTANGLED STATES First local Hamiltonian with volume scaling: Irani 2010. local Hilbert space dimension is 21 Simpler models but without translational invariance, and with exponentially varying couplings: Gottesman Hastings 2010 Rainbow ground states:Vitagliano Riera Latorre 2010, Ramirez Rodriguez-Laguna Sierra 2014 Translationally invariant but with a square root scaling: Movassagh Shor (2014), Salberger Korepin (2016)

  4. Here: a simple spin chain with remarkable phase transition: 1 2 n n+1 n+2 2n S n =n 1/2 S n =O(1) S n > c n s >1 t t =1 S n =O(1) S n =O(1) s =1 t S n =log(n)

  5. Basic intuition: How to create a highly entangled state? EPR: electron-positron pair generation in an electric field as a source of entanglement “Rainbow” state

  6. ANOTHER TYPE OF RAINBOW STATE IN THE LAB! Optical Pfister et al, 2004 frequency Chen Meniccuci Pfister PRL2014, 60 mode cluster state comb Cavity eigenmodes -n -(n-1) -1 1 n Nonlinear cavity ω in → ω n + ω − n = ω in Incoming laser

  7. MOTZKIN WALK HAMILTONIANS Bravyi et al. 2012 “Criticality without frustration” ∑ Ψ = S n ∝ 1 2 log( n ) Motzkin paths Movassagh Shor 2014 “Power law violation of the area law in quantum spin chains” ∑ Ψ = S n ∝ n colored Motzkin paths

  8. REPRESENTING SPIN STATES AS MOTZKIN WALKS |1 , 0 , -1 , 1 , 1 , -1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , -1 , -1 , 0 , 0 , -1 > Motzkin paths: ( - ) ( ( ) ( - ( ) ) - - ) m 1 2n n n-1 Colored Motzkin paths: |1 , 0, -1 , 2 , 1 ,-1 , 1 , 0, 2 , -2, -1 , 0, 0, -1> ( - ) [ ( ) ( - [ ] ) - - ] m 1 2n n n-1

  9. MOTZKIN HAMILTONIANS Enforce a g.s. superposition made of Motzkin paths by using projectors like: Φ = Ψ = Θ = H = ∑ Θ Θ + Ψ Ψ + Φ Φ + h 1 + h 2 n + ( penalty unmatched colors )

  10. HOW COLOR ENHANCES ENTROPY H eight after n steps = # of unmatched up steps For n >> 1, typical Motzkin walk is like a Brownian walk . ⇒ Typical height after n steps ∝ n ⇒ # of colorings of unmatched up steps ∝ s n all coloringschemes of unmatched equally likely ⇒ S n ∝ n

  11. CAN WE SKEW THE MODEL TO PREFER HIGHER MOTZKIN PATHS? Main idea – up moves are like electrons and down moves are like positrons. They should go in different directions! Can try: Φ = cos ϕ i − sin ϕ i Ψ = cos ψ i − sin ψ i Θ = cos θ i − sin θ i

  12. Choice of angles must satisfy a consistency condition: i + 1 i 1 L i +1 R i i i + 1 i i + 1 cot ψ i +1 tan φ i F i F i +1 i i + 1 cot ψ i +1 tan θ i ≡ tan φ i tan θ i +1

  13. Local consistency condition is enough h 0 = h + 2 h h + 1 (a) h 0 = h + 2 h h + 1 (b) � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4

  14. THE UNIFORM MODEL Φ = − t Ψ = − t Θ = − t ∑ Area t Ψ = colored Motzkin paths

  15. ENTANGLEMENT ENTROPY Schmidt decomposition ∑ t Area Ψ = colored Motzkin paths ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ n ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ∑ ∑ ∑ t Area ∑ t Area p n , m Ψ = ⊗ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ m = 0 coloring paths from 0 paths from ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ scheme to height m height m to 0 2 ( n − m )/2 p n , m = M n , m ∑ s i ∑ t Areaunder path M n , m = N n i = 0 path from 0 to height mwith iunpaired colors n ∑ s m 2 N n = M n , m m = 0

  16. SCALING OF ENTROPY . We need the asymptotics of M n,m ( n − m )/2 ∑ s i ∑ t Areaunder path M n , m = i = 0 path from 0 to height mwith iunpaired colors n ∫ ( dX ds ) 2 − log( t ) X ( s ) ds X ( n ) = m − ∑ t Areaunder path ∫ ≈ dX [ τ ] e 0 path from 0 to X (0) = 0 height mwith Charged particle in a field, Brownian particle with a drift

  17. For precise estimates use recursion relations: M k + 1, k + 1 =t k + 1/2 M k , k M k + 1, k =t k M k , k + t k − 1/2 M k , k − 1 M k + 1, m =st m + 1/2 M k , m + 1 + t m M k , m + t m − 1/2 M k , m − 1 , 0 < m < k M k + 1,0 =st 1/2 M k ,1 + M k ,0 ( k, m + 1) ( k, m ) ( k + 1 , m ) ( k, m − 1) (0 , 0) ( k, 0) ( k + 1 , 0)

  18. PROOF IDEA Define ∞ ˆ ∑ M n , m m ; Shift : M n = S m = m − 1 m = 0 Then : ! n st − ( k − 1/2) ˆ S + 1 + t ( k − 1/2) ˆ ( ) ∏ S + M n = K 0 k = 1 For large n, ! k 0 − 1 n st − ( k − 1/2) ˆ S + 1 + t ( k − 1/2) ˆ t ( k − 1/2) ˆ ( ) ( ) ∏ S + ∏ S + M n ~ K 0 + corrections k = 1 k = k 0 Transient ∝ n − k 0 Ballistic propagation of distribution

  19. Here: a simple spin chain with remarkable phase transition: 1 2 n n+1 n+2 2n S n =n 1/2 S n =O(1) S n > c n s >1 t t =1 S n =O(1) S n =O(1) s =1 t S n =log(n)

  20. DEFORMED FREDKIN MODEL Fredkin model Salberger/Korepin 2016 has as ground state superposition of Dyck paths: ∑ Ψ = colored Dyck paths We can deform it into: ∑ q Area under Ψ = colored Dyck paths Entropy scales linearly with n log(s)! Same phase diagram. Need 3 neighbor interactions. To appear shortly! IK with Z Zhang, O Salberger, T Udagawa, H Katsura, V Korepin

  21. ODDS AND ENDS 1. Gap decays exponentially for t>1. Gapped for t<1? 2. Thermodynamics is unknown (Shape of transition region?) 3. Stability? 4. Periodic boundary conditions? 5. Can build a tensor network. 6. Holography: Can get linear entanglement scaling by choosing a metric that would give entanglement using Ryu Takayangi formula. Relation to hyperscaling violations (Huijse, Sachdev and Swingle 2012) ?


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