a place of education pilgrimage

A Place of Education & Pilgrimage T'r Pererin A Place of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Place of Education & Pilgrimage T'r Pererin A Place of Pilgrimage 3,984 visitors 2013-2014 6,780 visitors 2014-2015 To date: 12,634 Learning from Christian Watching and Waiting Festivals & Celebrations Advent to

  1. A Place of Education & Pilgrimage Tŷ'r Pererin

  2. A Place of Pilgrimage… 3,984 visitors 2013-2014 6,780 visitors 2014-2015 To date: 12,634

  3. Learning from Christian Watching and Waiting Festivals & Celebrations… – Advent to Christmas Each day during December up until the holidays. Investigating Festivals Programmes Harvest Celebration Day After a short introduction the Watching & Waiting: Advent children will Experience Easter Religious Heritage in Wales  Make a journey around the Pentecost and the Arts cathedral visiting different Programmes zones which explain why Cathedral Church of St David Advent is a time of waiting Dewi Sant Treasure Chest  Engage and participate in creative ways with different Life of the monk parts of the story Pilgrimage  Be able to make something to take back home/to school (if full day visit)

  4. Learning about beliefs and practices, in particular St David… Explore the Cathedral to discover more about it and its history A series of interactive stations telling the story of the life of St David Activities and workshops in Tŷ’r Pererin Opportunities for dressing up, drama, art, music and literacy Linked to units of study for RE To provide the children with a special opportunity to discover St David’s Day in a new and exciting way in the place where he lived and where he is still remembered in the Cathedral today.

  5. Learning from Christian values … School Council Day Helping your pupils to ‘do the little things’ that make a big difference. Bring your school council to explore how Christian values important to St David help build a brilliant team. Games Sharing

  6. Learning even with short timetable…

  7. Reflecting on life using the tradition of Year 6 Leavers Pilgrimage School Pilgrimage Day pilgrimage… ‘Moving On’ Suitability: Year 6 Transition Year Educational Foci: Religious Education links to and develops work from: Non-Statutory Skills Framework for RE Developing Thinking by exploring pilgrimage, asking questions raised by their experience and making a personal response Developing Communication by expressing their What will the visit programme involve? Pilgrimage Day feelings and opinions and listen to others with This is a reflective journey (approximately 1 ½ increasing discernment miles) along field paths towards the coast and then Developing ICT by taking photographs/video to use on to the Cathedral. Pupils will consider issues later for expressing their ideas in a variety of ways related to life journey . Developing Number by ordering events in history The pilgrimage day involves walking, talking, and considering the significance of some numbers to reflecting, playing and singing around 6 visual the Christian faith ideas, culminating in a joint worship and reflection time in the cathedral.

  8. Reflecting on a local issue using the tradition of pilgrimage… Suitability: Key Stage 3 & 4 Educational Foci: Religious Education links to and develops work from: Non-Statutory Skills Framework for RE Developing Thinking engage with fundamental questions and issues that relate to their individual needs by exploring pilgrimage and applying and evaluating their experience & beliefs. Developing Communication by expressing their feelings and opinions through active participation and being open to different interpretations

  9. A Place of spiritual connection… Diocesan schools Pilgrimage for Year 6 leavers

  10. A Place to foster relationships… "Fe gafodd y disgyblion a'r staff ddiwrnod gwerthfawr ac arbennig iawn. Yr oedd yn gyfle unigryw i gyfoethogi y berthynas sydd eisoes yn bodoli rhyngddom â'r disgyblion yn ein hysgol wrth ymgymryd â thaith ysbrydol o Eglwys St Llawddog i Eglwys St Barnabas". "The pupils and staff had a wonderful valuable day. It was an unique opportunity to enrich the relationship already fostered between ourselves and the pupils in our school by undertaking a spiritual journey together from St Llawddog Church to St Barnabas Church". Staff Ygol Penboyr

  11. A Place for integrated curriculum…

  12. A Place of collaboration… Risen Christ The concept of Risen Christ installation incorporating art from the community and family of schools in St Davids Cathedral

  13. Willow Heart Making Evening The community join in…

  14. Introduction to Experience Easter Visualisation of atonement and resurrection

  15. The Risen Christ will hang from the ceiling in the South Aisle of the Cathedral

  16. A Place of Learning at … Post 16 studies Lat Blaylock presents partnership activities to inspire new RE teachers and students aged 14-19 from November 2014 RE Today / NATRE The Diocese of St Davids The Saint Luke’s Foundation Dare2engage University of Swansea The RE Movement of Wales

  17. Students say… “I thought it was a good idea to use the starting point of evil: pupils will be interested in this, perhaps more than in goodness. But they are actually thinking about both, of course.” Students at the PGCE day came from far and wide to explore some inspirational ideas from NATRE and RE Today about how to engage students, reflect on investigations and express ideas and arguments forcefully.

  18. The second day long event brought together young people 14-19 from St Davids with some of the PGCE beginning RE teachers, using the amazing environment of St David’s Cathedral as our ‘classroom’ for the day.

  19. The conference used highly interactive and discursive learning to examine questions about God and evil: the longest speech was under 12 minutes, and activities in pairs, groups and so on took up most of the 5 hours of the conference.

  20. We used the Cathedral space as expansively as we could.

  21. Students all students shared their ideas through this strategy, called ’paper the wall with your wisdom’. Selecting 6 from a choice of twenty prompts, we gathered over 600 ideas in ten minutes from the group and everyone was involved.

  22. This prompt gathered more opinions than any other.

  23. The balance of views was that prayer is more effective than our politicians in reducing evil. Plenty to think about on both sides.

  24. Students answers were varied and some complex.

  25. New entrants to RE teaching used their experience from the day before to lead the ‘Evil Game’ discussion with groups of students.

  26. Opinion based starting points enabled young people to get further in their arguments and analysis through dialogue. Important skills for RE and for life.

  27. Students say… “This is my favourite (image of Job) because it shows you can lose everything in a matter of a day: how a life can fall apart…”

  28. Students say… “Job shows that faith in something sometimes helps people to overcome bad times”

  29. Students say… “…the most moving of the panels, symbolising the empathy and despair we feel at the suffering of others…”

  30. Later in the day, creative work from the students produced peace icons based on a Christian aid project from Maputo in Mozambique

  31. Students say… “Everyone was invited, all the time, to say their own views. It was good that the day was a chance to think about our own ideas without anyone pushing their ideas onto us”

  32. Lat Blaylock led the day: “A super opportunity to work between students and new teachers on issues that really matter in the contemporary world. I’m very grateful to all who made it possible.”

  33. A Place of Reflection, Rest & Refreshment Guided Retreats 24 hours with staff & governors

  34. A Place to Shape the Future • Is there anything we could do to support the work of WASACRE? • Is there scope for us to develop something more to help schools deliver RE?


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