a men s shed day where you can be a part of making

a Mens Shed day where you can be a part of making positive social - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to a great day, a Mens Shed day where you can be a part of making positive social and health changes for Scotland's men & communities My Purpose Today To share with you what is a Mens Shed - the missing piece of the mens

  1. Welcome to a great day, a Men’s Shed day where you can be a part of making positive social and health changes for Scotland's men & communities

  2. My Purpose Today To share with you what is a Men’s Shed - the missing piece of the men’s health puzzle has been found, a snap shot of the Global Men’s Sheds Movement and the role of the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA). My aim is to inspire you to join this movement and to play your part in improving men’s health.

  3. The Need To help men over the age of 18 with time on their hands voluntarily improve their quality of life by having a purpose and enjoy good health and happiness. From: “I went from a meaningless life of TV, fridge and couch To enjoying making a real difference in my community.” Lou K

  4. The How Until 2013 in Scotland we are not aware of any successful healthy engagement models or places where all ll men volu luntarily and actively socialised with male health benefits.

  5. Its ‘almost’ still new, innovative and different, stay calm it’s a Scottish Men’s Shed

  6. BACK TO THE ROOTS - Shed Benefits, opens doors to voluntary change By identifying a number of benefits associated with those attending the Sheds (e.g. addressing issues associated with boredom, inactivity, loneliness, problems caused by smoking, alcohol, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, healthy weight/diet, economic issues), Misan et al. (2008) We can see that this new ‘place’, i.e. the Shed can become a pivotal and transitional place for men to experience relearning and new learning. The place is the magnet which attracts a movement, a coming together of a large male under represented, marginalised and isolated sector of our population for the first time in Scotland.

  7. What it is! • The Men’s Shed is a social place for men to meet with a purpose • The Men’s Shed supports their community and visa versa • The Men’s Shed is a preventative and healing health initiative • The Men’s Shed is 100% focussed on men’s health • The Men’s Shed is created and run by volunteers • The Men’s Shed is for all men over the age of 18 in Scotland

  8. What it is….NOT! • The Men’s Shed is NOT a workshop • The Men’s Shed is NOT a source of cheap or free labour • The Men’s Shed is NOT a drop off place for social work clients • The Men’s Shed does NOT employ paid staff

  9. A new day has dawned! • It creates a ‘place’ to go to and do things together….a direction, a focus • It creates new friendships and strengthens old ones • It puts the purpose back into living • Maybe for the first time being accepted for who he is and not by what he does or has done Men voluntarily across the generations start to reengage with life wide and lifelong learning in a shame free masculine environment in the Shed

  10. Men’s Sheds Global picture 1998 - 2017 Australia – 980 Sheds New Zealand – 110 Ireland (incl NI)- 350 England and Wales - 225 Scotland – 99 Canada – 20 Denmark – 12 Kenya – 7 Sweden - 1 New countries showing an interest Czech Republic, Iceland, Norway, Germany, Holland, Finland, South USA - 7 = total 1800 + Africa, Hong Kong and South Korea. Stats from International Men’s Sheds Organisation

  11. Sheds grassroots run deep and spread… In six years since the first Scottish Men’s Shed opened in Aberdeenshire there are now 175 open and developing Scottish Men’s Sheds engaging over 6,000 men across Scotland. This number grows monthly showing a great ‘need’ in our communities!

  12. Shoulder to Shoulder by ‘doing’…. men communicate Concept well- known in Australia, the home of Men’s Sheds and since 2009 started in Scotland e.g. “Through the provision of ‘ mateship ’ and a sense of belonging through positive and therapeutic informal activities, Men’s Sheds achieve outcomes of positive health, happiness and well-being for those men who participate, as well as for their partners, families and communities” (National Men’s Health Policy 2008 -2013, pp.59-60)

  13. What change? The Shed is a pivotal and transitional place for men to voluntarily socialise and experience relearning and new learning in: • Passive and supportive communication- ‘shoulder to shoulder’ evolves into face to face friendships • Learning to cook and eat healthily before it’s to late • Improve self esteem and purpose by being in a self directed, non competitive, engaging, busy and fun environment • Mentoring and being mentored in traditional crafts and new technology • Sustainable Sheds are run voluntarily by the Shedders and this creates a learning environment of responsibility, action and community engagement

  14. 1. The go to place for everything Scottish Men’s Shed – www.scottishmsa.org.uk 2. Promoting, supporting and innovating the grass roots movement 3. Providing awareness presentations and training for Council, TSI’s and voluntary development officers including Shedders 4. Creating the path to sustainable and successful outcomes – constitution, charity/SCIO, insurance, health and safety, CAT etc 5. Strategic to individual: Scot Gov , councils, social work, GP’s, groups and individuals wanting to know more and be supported!

  15. Become a SMSA member today and be part of the solution! It is taking many of us to create this grass roots movement across our country. We are successful in this because we are all making a difference in our own unique way . By becoming a member you will be able to access all the information and support you or your family, friends and community will need to be involved in the Scottish Men’s Shed Movement. Join online at www.scottishmsa.org.uk for free and become part of a very exciting social change! Presentation by Jason Schroeder, SMSA Executive Officer Email : jason@scottishmsa.org.uk Tel: 07397382533


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