a look ahead to the 2020 legislative session education

A Look Ahead to the 2020 Legislative Session Education Priorities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Look Ahead to the 2020 Legislative Session Education Priorities January 9, 2020 WELCOME A AND D INTRODUCTIO IONS Bill Hoffman FPN Education Consultant & Moderator BEFORE WE WE B BEGIN Dont worry, youre muted! All

  1. A Look Ahead to the 2020 Legislative Session Education Priorities January 9, 2020

  2. WELCOME A AND D INTRODUCTIO IONS Bill Hoffman FPN Education Consultant & Moderator

  3. BEFORE WE WE B BEGIN Don’t worry, you’re muted!  All attendees are muted for the webinar; no need for a microphone. Have a question?  Submit questions at any time using the question function in your counsel. There will be time to respond to questions Missed a slide?  This webinar is being recorded; the recording and slides will be made available to all registrants.

  4. WELCO LCOME A AND CF CFEF PRI RIORITIE IES Mary Chance, President Consortium of Florida Education Foundations Our mission is to work with our members and partners to connect individuals, organizations and financial resources, building the capacity and effectiveness of local education foundations. educationfoundationsfl.org

  5. $1 for $1 Match for Private-Sector Investment in: • Career and Technical Current Year: Education • Increasing Graduation $5 M Supporting 128 Initiatives in 64 Rates Countywide School • Literacy Districts • Low-Performing House Bill #2853 & Students Senate LFIR #1947: • STEM Education Continues $1 M in • Teaching Quality Nonrecurring Funds Click Here To Learn More About The Program

  6. WELCO LCOME A AND FPN PN PRI RIORITIES Robert McFalls, President & CEO Florida Philanthropic Network Mission: Building Philanthropy for a Better Florida fpnetwork.org

  7.  Advancement of early childhood education  Implementation of rigorous K-12 standards  Post-secondary access, persistence and success Spring Policy Convening

  8. GOALS LS OF T THE W WEBI BINAR We will learn about  Education priorities for session  Legislature structure and key legislative leaders  Education funding projections  Current key legislative issues  Resources available during and after session Answer your questions

  9. A LITTLE A E ABOU OUT YOU OU  Work in Early Childhood Education  Work in K-12 Education  Work in Higher Education  Work in Independent Sector (Non-Profit/Philanthropy)  Concerned Citizen

  10. CONSTI TITU TUENCIES S & O & OUR UR S SCH CHOOLS LS Philanthropy & School District Leaders Foundations Florida Legislature Parents Business Community K-12 Policy & Funding Priorities Governor’s FL Dept. of Office Education/ Teachers Students State Board National/International Entities (Data & Resources)

  11. OU OUR S SPEAKER KERS Brewser Brown Darrick D. McGhee, Sr. Johnson & Blanton, LLC SKB Consulting Group CFEF Government Representative CFEF Government Representative

  12. LEGISLATIVE S STRU RUCTURE House of Senate Representatives Appropriations Education Appropriations Education Committee Committee PreK-12 PreK-12 Appropriations PreK-12 Quality Appropriations Innovation Subcommittee Subcommittee Subcommittee Subcommittee on Education

  13. FL FLORIDA SENATE LE LEADERSHIP President of the Senate Senator Bill Galvano (R-21) (Manatee and part of Hillsborough) President Pro Tempore Senator David Simmons (R-9) (Seminole and part of Volusia)

  14. HO HOUSE O OF REPRESENTATIVES LEADERSHIP Speaker of the House Representative Jose Oliva (R-110) (Part of Miami-Dade County) Speaker Pro Tempore Representative MaryLynn Magar (R-82) (Part of Martin, Palm Beach)

  15. EDU DUCATIO ION C COMMITTEES House of Representatives Senate Chair Rep. Jennifer Sullivan Chair Senator Manny Diaz Vice Chair Rep. Chris Latvala Vice Chair Sen. Bill Montford Members: Members: Randy Fine Vance Aloupis Dennis Baxley Delores Hogan Thad Altman Johnson Lori Berman Bruce Antone Amber Mariano Janet Cruz James Bush Ralph Massullo Keith Perry Cord Byrd Daniel Perez David Simmons Kimberly Daniels Jay Trumbull Kelli Stargel Byron Donalds Susan Valdes Patricia Williams Elizabeth Fetterhoff

  16. PR PREK EK-12 A APPR PPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Senate House of Representatives Chair Senator Kelli Stargel Chair Rep Chris Latvala Vice Chair Senator Manny Diaz Vice Chair Rep Stan McClain Members: Members: Dennis Baxley Ralph Massullo Vance Aloupis Lauren Book Josie Tomkow James Bush Anitere Flores Susan Valdes Tracie Davis Bill Montford Patricia Williams Brett Hage Jason Pizzo Ardian Zika David Simmons Sam Killebrew

  17. GOV. R RON DE DESANTIS EDU DUCATIO ION P PRI RIORI RITIE IES Investing in Great Teachers • $603M for pay raise for more than 101K teachers. • $300M for teacher & principal bonus program to replace Best & Brightest Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) • $$302/student Incr. in total FEFP; 50/student Incr. in Base Student Allocation (BSA) • $25M Incr., for a total of $100M, in Mental Health Assistance Allocation • $181.4M for school safety initiatives • $5.5M for Youth Mental Health Training • $8M to fund Interoperability – real-time emergency services communications • $75M (Incr. of $25M) for school safety grants (physical security of buildings) • $2.5M for Jewish Day Schools for additional security • $12.8M Incr. for Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK), highest BSA since 2011-12, to total of $415M • Gardiner Scholarship - $24.8M Incr. (total of $172.8 M) additional 2,367 students.

  18. EDU DUCATIO ION L LEGISLATIO ION P PROPOSED  S.B. 106 "Florida Teacher Fair Pay Act"  S.B. 486 “Florida Best and Brightest Programs”  S.J.R. 282 “Homestead Assessment Limitation for Certain Persons”  S.B. 208 “Wellness Examinations”  S.B. 632 “Education”

  19. FLORIDA A EDUCATION F FINAN ANCE PROGR GRAM AM ( (FEFP) • Legislature established the Florida Education Finance Program in 1973 to comply with the constitutional requirement for uniform system. • The funding formula used to calculate operating revenue allocations for 67 school districts including charter schools, 1 special district, 6 lab schools, & Florida Virtual School. • The purpose is to provide each student in the Florida public educational system the availability of programs and services appropriate to his or her educational needs. • These services should be substantially equal to those available to any similar student notwithstanding geographic differences and varying local economic factors.

  20. FLORIDA A EDUCATION F FINAN ANCE PROGR GRAM AM ( (FEFP) For More Information: www.fldoe.org/finance/fl-edu-finance-program-fefp

  21. GO GOVERNOR’S B BUDGE GET P PROPOSAL AL  Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) funding = $415M  K-12 public schools funding = $22.9B in total funding with $13.2B state funding  K-12 per student funding at $7,979 or $302 per student increase  The Florida College System funding = $1.3B  State University System of $4.4B billion with state operating funding = $2.7B Components of FEFP Increase:  $50 increase in the Base Student Allocation (BSA)  $1.4M for a total of $181.4M for school safety initiatives  $25M for a total of $100M for mental health initiatives  $602.3M to increase the minimum salary to $47,500 for full-time public classroom teachers  $290.7M for the new Florida Classroom Teacher Bonus Program  $9.4M for the new Florida School Principal Bonus Program.

  22. FEA EATURED S SPEA EAKER Rep. Vance Aloupis, Jr. , Dist. 115 CEO, The Children's Movement 22

  23. DO Y YOU PLAN AN TO B BE I INV NVOLVED IN N THI HIS YEAR’S L S LEGISLA LATI TIVE P PROCE CESS? SS?  Definitely  Probably  Still figuring that out  Probably not

  24. RESOURCES ES Gov. DeSantis 2020-2021 “A Bolder, Brighter, Better Future” Budget Florida Senate Committee on Education All Senate Committees Florida House Committee on Education All House Committees S.B. 106 "Florida Teacher Fair Pay Act" S.B. 486 “Florida Best and Brightest Programs” S.J.R. 282 “Homestead Assessment Limitation for Certain Persons” S.B. 208 “Wellness Examinations” S.B. 632 “Education”

  25. STAYING I G INF NFORMED W WITH FREE RESOURCES DURING S NG SESSION N & B BEYOND ND Easy links for contact information for legislators, following committee agendas, archived audio, following legislation and publications. • www.floridasenate.gov (also use bill tracker) • www.myfloridahouse.gov (also use bill tracker) • www.thefloridachannel.org – Watch committees, live & recorded



  28. Staying Informed with Free Resources During Session & Beyond

  29. EDUCA UCATI TION P PARTNERSH SHIPS S TOOLK LKIT http://fpnetwork.org/eag/engage

  30. RE REPLAY, S SLIDES AND M D MORE RE Educationfoundationsfl.org

  31. CONTACT I INFORMATIO ION Mary Chance, President Bill Hoffman, Education Consultant Consortium of Florida Education Florida Philanthropic Network Foundations Office: 352-338-0250 Office: (813) 956-6453 marychance@cfef.net bill@billhoffmanandassociates.com fpnetwork.org educationfoundationsfl.org

  32. A Look Ahead to the 2020 Legislative Session Education Priorities January 9, 2020


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