A HELCOM & CBSS hosted DSM session; Cooperation on Alternative Fuels, Green Ship Technologies & Incentives in the Baltic Sea Reflections & lessons learned on PPP within ZVT Eija Kanto, Helén Jansson - Donsö, Sweden September 5, 2017
COLLABORATION FOR CHANGE - STEP BY STEP ? Zero Vision Tool Finnish Maritime Clusters Baltic Sea Position Industry Group 2. – 4. 1. Roadmap for Green Technology & Alternative Fuels 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
RED YELLOW GREEN – examples on progress exchange Scrubber residues – in regards to EU it differs between sulphur directive and water • frame directive (Pilot Scrubber and Joint industry projects Scrubb and Scrubber Installation Challenges – samples, functions etc.) If a new technology, such as scrubber, doesn’t work (All JIPs – what types of faults, • timeframe when/how to fix etc) Methanol included in the IGF Code (Pilot Methanol - real life trials and feedback) • Education and cooperation between memeber states via HTW - ”Model course on • Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations” ”Special training requirements for seafarers on ships using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels” ”Basic and Advanced training for masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on ships subject to the IGF Code.” (Pilot LNG and all the LNG joint industry projects using LNG – what’s needed, how do they solve etc.) Ship-to-Ship offshore bunkering (Joint industry project Flexi – progress, tech choices/ • coordinations and real life trials) Calculation models when calculating societal costs, when local, regional and global • versions doesn’t match (Joint University Project Zero.8 - what models exists, differences, real life tech calculations) Financial mechanisms/incentives for green transition (Pilot FI, ECA Bonus, JAP EPI and • all Joint industry and university projects – what is needed, how does the market work, real life tests)
NEXT STEP – ”THE BIG PICTURE PROCESS” Industry driven PPPs such as
THANK YOU Eija Kanto, Helén Jansson - Donsö, Sweden September 5, 2017
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