a framework for modeling the consequences of the

A framework for modeling the consequences of the propagation of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Eric Rigaud 24 octobre 2012 Centre de recherche sur les Risques et les Crises A framework for modeling the consequences of the propagation of automation degradation: application to Air Traffic Control systems E. Rigaud 3 , E. Hollnagel 3 , C.

  1. Eric Rigaud 24 octobre 2012 Centre de recherche sur les Risques et les Crises A framework for modeling the consequences of the propagation of automation degradation: application to Air Traffic Control systems E. Rigaud 3 , E. Hollnagel 3 , C. Martinie 1 , P. Palanque 1 , A. Pasquini 2 , M. Ragosta 1-2 , S. Silvagni 2 , M. Sujan 4 1 University Paul Sabatier - ICS-IRIT, 2 DeepBlue Srl , 3 Mines-Paristech / ARMINES, CRC, 4 Warwick Medical School - University of Warwick

  2. Technological assessment and complexity Technological assessment To consider in a systematic way, the potential consequences of new technologies in order to anticipate wanted and both potentially reversible and not reversible unwanted effects (adapted from Westrum 1991). Risks and Automation Consequences Opportunities Interpretation description Inventory assessment How will the Who will the technology evolve? technology users be? What will the Who will decide how technology be used the technology will be for? used? What will be the consequences of technology degradations ? 2

  3. Technological assessment and complexity Ecology of action Given the multiple interactions and feedbacks within the environment in which they take place, action, once started, often beyond the control of the actor, causing unexpected and sometimes even contrary effects to those expected (Morin 1990). • Perverse effect (the unexpected adverse effect is greater than the expected beneficial effect) • Futility of innovation (the more things change, the more they stay the same) • Threat of achievements (we wants to improve system, but only succeeded in removing the freedoms and safety). 3

  4. Technological assessment and complexity Consequences assessment Gaming Technological Delphi methods forecasting Modelling Cross – Impact analysis Scenario building 4

  5. Technological assessment and complexity Consequences assessment Gaming Technological Delphi methods forecasting Modelling Cross – Impact analysis Automation degradation consequences Scenario building 5

  6. Technological assessment and complexity Automation degradation propagation in LSSTS Level 1 Consequences Universe of possible consequences How automation degradation affects operator’s performance ? - Performance delay and/or Operator’s precision performance - Non technical skills (stress, fatigue, communication, etc.) - Etc. 6

  7. Technological assessment and complexity Automation degradation propagation Level 2 Consequences Universe of possible consequences How automation degradation and operator’s performance variability affect capacity to Operator’s Capacity to respond ? Respond performance - Respond function delay and/or precision - Operators non technical skills - Situation to be responded evolution and / or escalation 7

  8. Technological assessment and complexity Automation degradation propagation Level 3 Consequences Universe of possible consequences How automation degradation, operator’s performance variability and capacity to adjust Operator’s Capacity to Resilience its functioning prior to, during, or Respond capacity performance following changes and disturbances, so that it can sustain required operations under both expected and unexpected conditions ? - Regular and Irregular respond functions delay and/or precision - Operators non technical skills - Regular and Irregular situations to be responded evolution and / or escalation 8

  9. Technological assessment and complexity Automation degradation propagation Universe of possible consequences Level 4 Consequences How automation degradation, operator’s performance variability, resilience capacity Operator’s Capacity to Resilience Network affect network performance? Respond capacity resilience performance Network’s node resilience - capacities - Situations to be responded evolution and / or escalation - Network resilience 9

  10. Technological assessment and complexity Research and development objectives Models collection Development of a Federation of modeling models framework Modeling method 10

  11. Technological assessment and complexity Research and development objectives Models collection Development of a Federation of modeling models framework Modeling method 11

  12. Models collection How model automation degradation impacts on operator’s performance? Models Collection Automation diversity, automation degradation modes, human performance variability. Automation functions and level of automation typologies, CREAM method phenotypes and Common performance conditions, HAMSTERS task analysis method, Non technical skills, etc. 12

  13. Models collection How model automation degradation impacts on operator’s performance? Automation diversity, automation degradation modes, human performance variability Models Collection How model automation degradation impacts on system resilience capacity? System resilience capacity, system performance trade- offs, lose of control factors. COCOM model, Organisational resilience analysis grid, Socio technical systems trade-offs

  14. Models collection How model automation degradation impacts on operator’s performance? Automation diversity, automation degradation modes, human performance variability How model automation degradation impacts on system resilience capacity? Models System resilience capacity, system performance trade- Collection offs, lose of control factors, etc. How model automation degradation on a Large Scale Socio Technical System? Network performances, socio-technical interdependencies. Network interdependencies typologies, Network models. 14

  15. Models collection How model automation degradation impacts on operator’s performance? Automation diversity, automation degradation modes, human performance variability. How model automation degradation impacts on system resilience capacity? System resilience capacity, system performance trade- offs, lose of control factors, etc. Models Collection How model automation degradation on a Large Scale Socio Technical System? Network performances, socio-technical interdependencies, etc. How integrate models as a federation of models? Modelling models and methods. FRAM 15

  16. Technological assessment and complexity Research and development objectives Models collection Development of a Federation of modeling models framework Modeling method 16

  17. Technological assessment and complexity Research and development objectives Models collection Development of a Federation of modeling models framework Modeling method 17

  18. Federation of models Level 1 Operator’s performance Level 2 Node capacity to respond Generic Propagation Model Generic modeling method Level 3 Node resilience capacity Level 4 Network nodes resilience capacities

  19. Federation of models Level 1 Operator’s performance Level 2 Node capacity to respond Generic Propagation Model Generic modeling method Level 3 Node resilience capacity Level 4 Network nodes resilience capacities

  20. Federation of models Generic Propagation Model Initial Event Consequences Targets Environment

  21. Federation of models Generic Propagation Model Initial Event Consequences Targets Environment FRAM based generic modeling method Context definition Functions definition Propagation model definition

  22. Federation of models Level 1 Operator’s performance Level 2 Node capacity to respond Generic Propagation Model Generic modeling method Level 3 Node resilience capacity Level 4 Network nodes resilience capacities

  23. Federation of models Level 1. Operator’s performance Initial Event Automation degradation modes Operator’s adaptation modes Targets Endogenous and exogenous factors that Environment influence operator’s behaviours - Precision and duration of the realisation of both Consequences automation and operators functions - Operator’s non technical skills

  24. Level 1. Operator’s performance Context definition Automation description Operators description Environment description

  25. Level 1. Operator’s performance Context definition Name : Automation Functions performed : description Level of automation : Degradation modes : Operators description Environment description

  26. Level 1. Operator’s performance Context definition Name : AMAN Functions performed : Display SEQ_LIST and Advisories Automation Level of automation : Semi-Autonomous description Degradation modes : Normal, Malfunction, Misleading information provided Operators description Environment description

  27. Level 1. Operator’s performance Context definition Name : Automation Functions performed : description Level of automation : Degradation modes : Name : Operators Functions performed : description Endogenous variability factors : Adaptive modes : Environment description


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