A dynamical mobility model Beyond the roboticle metaphor roboticle metaphor : individual and collective autonomous robots moving around. How to monitor and control them. Suggestions for a Robotics Course Robotics Course. . Antonio D'Angelo Dept. of Math. And Computer Science University of Udine Email: antonio.dangelo@dimi.uniud.it Web: www.dimi.uniud.it/~dangelo
Implementing Heat Control ● To this aim we need to define two different scalar quantities the temperature distribution , which acts as stigmergic information (cfr. pheromone levels within ant systems) the diffusivity , which explicitly considers the roboticle distribution around the temperature source (cfr. the walking ants from the home position to the target position and reversely)
Navigation around Obstacles ● Let us consider a robot which tries to reach a given target position by navigating inside an environment disseminated of obstacles. ● A path to follow is generated by considering the quality of obstacles; namely, ● the robot is required to qualify its moving around obstacles by extracting information through a proper interaction, ● causing the expected trajectory to be really covered.
Source of Heat ● If we model the autonomous robot within the framework of roboticles, each obstacle is a source of heat affecting the environment, which results in a perturbation of roboticle current moving. ● How it can really happen? roboticle senses obstacle; it understands its quality by generating an appropriate temperature field which, in turn, affects the robot movement.
Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance ● During the navigation across the free space around the disseminated obstacles in the environment, ● each of them can be understood as a source of information which help the robot to reach the designated target position. ● Let us consider its trajectory covering while it passes near an obstacle. ● We can refer its movement to the obstacle by introducing a frame of reference centered on it with both cartesian cartesian and frame of reference centered on it polar coordinates to be used with the transformation fomulas polar x = r cos y = r sin
Thermal Field ● From a preceding slide the thermal fields stems from a temperature gradient grad T which gives raise to the heat flux H , as a consequence of the diffusivity ρ . ● The diffusivity diffusivity should represents how the environment responses to the applied thermal gradient . Let us assume such a quantity to be characterized by the follow formula ≡ H ⋅ r = H 1 x H 2 y
Temperature Decay ● The first main consequence of the preceding definition is that the decay rate of the temperature obeys the inverse distance law , namely, dT dr =− 1 r ● We can easily convice ourselves of this formula by considering the following chain of equalities r ⋅ grad T =− r dT = H ⋅ r =− dr namely, 1 r dT dr = 0 which implies the term inside parentheses to be identically null.
Obstacle Anisotropy ● Any obstacle is an hint obstacle is an hint to drive robots towards their targets. It can happen because obstacles are generalized forms of stigmergy and the temperature gradient is the implementation in the roboticle framework ● To this aim it is very useful to associate to each obstacle the polar pattern which assigns a different quality to the obstacle with the respect to the direction under which the obstacle is sensed .
Anisotropy Measurement ● The quantity which determines this obstacle aptitude can be easily obtained from the chain of equalities appearing below dy ]= H 1 y − H 2 x d = dT dT d dT dx d =− y dT dy dx x dT dy = 1 [ y − dT dx − x − dT dx dy H 1 x H 2 y where the following identities have been used H 1 =− dT H 2 =− dT dx dy ● Rearranging d = H 2 x − H 1 y − dT H 1 x H 2 y = tan − tan 1 tan tan = tan − where Ψ is the angle which identifies the cartesian component of the heat flux .
Temperature ● Putting all together, it yields to − dT = dr r tan − d and, because dT must be an exact differential form, the angle Ψ only depends on the robot direction φ from the obstacle point of view. ● In the special case where the heat flux is directed from the obstacle to the robot ( Ψ = φ ), the temperature field is given by − T r = ae namely, the obstacle is isotrope obstacle is isotrope. ● In this case robot behavior doesn't depend on the way it is approaching the obstacle.
Building Stigmergy ● The temperature distribution around an obstacle is built by combining different contributions through the following relations tan i = y = 1 2 ... n m i x ● Each component defines the heat flux which originates from the object having a fixed angle apart the direction towards the robot . ● A parametric example with one component
Monopolar Source ● Each Ψ i appearing in the preceding formula is termed the i-th driving direction of the heat flux ● The most simple temperature distribution comes from a single driving direction y tan = m 1 x ● The most general heat flux satisfying the given constraint takes the form H 1 = m 1 xQ x , y H 2 = yQ x , y ● And, then, the diffusivity 2 y 2 Q x , y = m 1 x
Monopolar Temperature ● The exploitation of the temperature distribution requires the integration of the direction dependent part of the temperature increment dT s − s 2 m 1 1 − m 1 ds 2 2 ds ds 2 − ds 2tan − d = 2 2 = = 2 2 1 s 2 2 1 s m 1 s m 1 s 1 s 1 s m 1 where we have introduced the auxialiar variable s = tan φ , for convenience. ● Putting all together it yields to 2 r dln m 1 s 2 2 − 2dT = 2dr ds 2 − ds 2 = 2dr r 2 m 1 s 1 s 1 s ● and, then, the final formula − 2T = r 2 e 2 m 1 sin 2 cos 2 = x 2 m 1 y 2 a
Thermal Field around the Object ● The figure plots the thermal field around the object with T = 1 , and the parameter m taking values 1 1 (black), 0.1 0.1 and 0.9 0.9 (blue), 0.3 0.3 and 0.7 0.7 (red) and 0.5 0.5 (green). ● The plotted values should be compared with the heat flux directions appearing in a previous slide.
Dispersion Factor ● By combining the relations expressing the temperature distribution and the diffusivity in this specific case, it yields to − 2T = W e where 2 Q x , y W = a is said the dispersion factor dispersion factor around the obstacle centered in the origin of the frame of reference. ● This quantity is referred to the (temporal) asymptotic distribution of roboticles around the obstacle due to the assigned heat flux.
Simple Dispersion ● Let us consider a dispersion factor having the quadratic form 2 px 2 qy 2 W = a where a a is a quantity which takes track of the unit length measure and p p and q q are general parameters which define the quality of W . ● By so doing the cartesian components of the heat flux are 3 m 1 qxy 2 2 qy 3 H 1 = m 1 px H 2 = pxy ● and then, by partial derivation, through the well-known formula 2 m 1 3 qy 2 F = 3 m 1 1 px M = 2 m 1 q − p xy
Isotropical Behavior ● If we choose the parameters p p and q q taking its values such that 3 m 1 1 p = m 1 3 q = 1 2 m 1 q − p = 0 2 ● the roboticle behavior takes the isotropical form 2 y 2 F = x M = 0 xy 2 where τ and ω 0 have the usual meaning with the aim to weigh the relative strength of the dissipative component of the motion with the respect to the conservative one .
Dissipative/Conservative Tradeoff ● The dissipative/conservative tradeoff is given by the constant m = ω 0 τ yielding to 2 − 1 3 m 1 m = m 1 3 3 m 1 1 ● and the relationship is depicted by the following figure
Isotropical Motion ● With the given source of heat, originating from the obstacle, the dynamical law of the roboticle takes the form u =− x − 0 x =− m 1 v =− y 0 y = m − 1 x ● yielding to the following trajectory equation EdS = vdx − udy = m 1 ydx m − 1 xdy = xy d [ m − 1 ln x a m 1 ln y a ] ● namely, m E = xy S = xy y e 2 x a
Isotropical Trajectories ● Really speaking the isotropy property must be referred to the dissipation function which doesn't depend on direction whereas the internal momentum does. ● The figure below depicts this particular situation
Dipolar Source ● A temperature distribution generated by two driving directions takes the form y y m 1 x m 2 x = m 1 m 2 xy tan = y y 2 − y 2 m 1 m 2 x 1 − m 1 x m 2 x and, then, the heat flux 2 − y 2 ] Q x , y H 1 =[ m 1 m 2 x H 2 =[ m 1 m 2 xy ] Q x , y ● so that the diffusivity becomes 2 m 1 m 2 − 1 y 2 xQ x , y = m 1 m 2 x
Dipolar Stigmergy ● When the heat flux originates from an object with two driving directions, the stigmergy looks like the figure below ● where parameters m m 1 1 and m m 2 2 are chosen so that the temperature distribution be an hint for the roboticle motion .
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