a dialogue with the northern virginia district november 7

A DIALOGUE WITH THE NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT November 7, 2019 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A DIALOGUE WITH THE NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT November 7, 2019 1 Jeff Southard, Esq . VTCA Executive Vice President 2 Helen Cuervo, P.E. Northern Virginia District Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation 3 CONSTRUCTION 11/7/2019


  2. Jeff Southard, Esq . VTCA Executive Vice President 2

  3. Helen Cuervo, P.E. Northern Virginia District Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation 3

  4. CONSTRUCTION 11/7/2019 Bill Cuttler, P.E., District Construction Engineer

  5. Safety Message: Pedestrian Safety 5

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  11. Construction Quality FY20 (as of 9/23/2019) Improvement Program District 94.6% Target 91% State TBD Environmental Commitments District 92% (12/13) Target TBD State TBD 11

  12. VDOT Construction FY20 (as of 9/23/2019) On-Budget District 87% Minimum Target 85% State 92% Number of District 31 Projects 12

  13. VDOT Construction FY20 (as of 11/1/2019) On-Time District 94% Minimum Target 77% State 96% Number of District Projects 32 13

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  17. Northern Virginia Construction On-Time Performance 17

  18. “Bumpy roads lead to beautiful places, and this is a beautiful place.” – Dave Martinez 18

  19. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Nicholas J. Roper, P.E. District Project Development Engineer November 7, 2019

  20. Project Development Dashboard a/o 1 Nov NOVA Overall VDOT Dashboard for Project Development On-Time Performance – 56% On-Budget LAP Dashboard Performance – 73% Projects scheduled for award in FY20 20

  21. FY20 Late Activities for On-Time Development VDOT & Locally Administered – 66 projects 2 nd Baseline Initial Baseline • During the initial Dashboard phase of project development scoping was completed late more than 50% of the time • Even though the baseline was reset after scoping was completed projects are not staying on schedule for on-time advertisement  starting & completing right of way on time is the most influential cause 21

  22. FY21-25 Late Activities for On-Time Development VDOT & Locally Administered – 149 projects 2 nd Baseline Initial Baseline • Projects not yet on the Dashboard • 28% of projects are or were late for the completion of scoping • Pattern looks the same • Advertisement and Award not shown because they are not scheduled 22

  23. In Development | VDOT Administered Richmond Highway Corridor I-95 Southbound Auxiliary Route 286 Widening & Popes Improvements  $372M Lane  $32M Head Interchange  $290M Patriot Park Interchange • NVTA & SMART SCALE funds • $156 million RW/U; 203 parcels • Concession Fee, State, & Federal Funds • Public Hearing in 2019-20 • Federal, state, county, and NVTA funds • Public Hearing Dec 4, 2019 • Advertise interchange in 2022 • RW begins 2020 • Construction from spring 2021-late 2022 • Widening construction by • Construction planned to begin in 2023 phases beginning in 2023 23

  24. In Development | VDOT Administered Route 29 Widening (Union Mill Route 1 Widening & SB I-395 & Boundary Channel Drive to Buckley’s Gate)  $86M Realignment in Dumfries  $130M Interchange  $21M • 1.5 miles, relieve a.m./p.m. bottleneck • Last 4-lane segment of Rte 29 between I-66 & Fairfax City • NVTA and local funds • Funded with SMART SCALE & I-66 • Federal, state, NVTA funds • IMR prepared under Arlington County confession fee • Approximately 2 miles from • Project administration changing • Public Hearing held June 10, 2019; Brady Hill Rd to Route 234 to VDOT in spring 2020 design approved; construction • Main Street reverts to local • Design-build delivery w/ RFQ planned in 2023 traffic in fall 2020 • May begin RW in 2020 24

  25. In Development | Locally Administered Prince William Fairfax Loudoun Rte 1 Widening (Featherstone- Springfield CBC Garage  $64M Northstar Blvd  $98M St. Marys)  $85M • 6 level parking garage w/ 1000 spaces, bus bays & transit center, bike storage, community space for events • Approximately 1.7 miles from • Federal, state and local funds • SMART SCALE, NVTA, RSTP funds Shreveport Drive to Route 50 • Advertise in Dec 2019 • Will complete widening of Route 1 to 6 • local & federal ($25M TIGER) funds lanes from Neabsco Road to Occoquan • Design-Build delivery w/ RFP spring 2020 • Advertise in 2020 25

  26. In Procurement | Locally Administered Fairfax County Prince William County Widen Rte 28 from Old Centreville Interchange at Route 234 Bypass & Balls Ford Rd  Rd to PW line (2.3 mi)  $96M $145M • Financed by federal, SMART SCALE, • Financed with local funds and I-66 concession fee state and local funds • Design-Build RFP released in Sept 2019 • Design Build RFP released in Sept 2019 26

  27. Local Projects In Development | Loudoun County Fairfax County Prince William County Route 15 North of Leesburg  $210M Richmond Hwy BRT  $735M Route 28 Bypass  $300M • Local “super” transportation projects with non-VDOT funding becoming more common • Outside VDOT’s Permit or Land Development review capabilities • Future business transformation for NOVA  how to provide oversight for reviews and inspection? 27

  28. Local Projects In Development | Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion • Adds approximately 40 acres for future interments • Includes a Defense Access Road (DAR) project administered by EFL-FHWA o Realigns Columbia Pike (Rte 244) to S. Joyce Street & Pentagon o Reconfigures the interchange at Columbia Pike (Rte 244) and Washington Blvd (Rte 27) o $50 million estimate o Design-bid-build delivery w/ advertisement in mid-2020 28

  29. Coming Soon for Development | Route 1 Multi-modal Improvements VDOT Administered • Part of the Amazon HQ2 agreement • $2 million authorized in FY20- 25 SYIP for traffic & pedestrian improvements on Route 1 in Crystal City between 12 th & 23 rd Streets • Overall estimate $250 million Study Limits • VDOT plans to initiate a study in late FY20 • RFP for consultant procurement likely in late 2019/early 2020 29

  30. Coming Soon for Development | Connector Bridge at Crystal City and Reagan National Airport Locally Administered (Arlington) • Part of the Amazon HQ2 agreement • CC2DCA plan developed by the Crystal City BID • Administered by Arlington County w/ VDOT oversight during the PE phase • Development plan includes an EIS • $35 million estimate financed with CMAQ and local funds (TBD) • Arlington likely to initiate consultant procurement in mid 2020 30

  31. Environmental Performance Program • 15 months since program was inaugurated • Tangible improvement in environmental compliance throughout NOVA Non-compliant Compliant 31

  32. Drainage & Storm Water Management Assistance/Site Inspections 32

  33. BRIDGE AND PAVEMENT CONDITIONS NOVA Maintenance 11/7/2019 Lauren C. Mollerup, P.E., District Maintenance Engineer

  34. Note: Funding and Activities based on previous three fiscal year averages (FY 2016 – FY 2018); numbers are rounded to the nearest $5 million 34

  35. PAVEMENT 35

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  41. Secondary Network –Tiered Approach • Secondary Secondary Current Condition and Traffic • Over 100,000 LM % Current % % • Not meeting target (65%) AADT VMT %. Suff. Network Truck  Current sufficiency: 60% Above 54.8 5 75 59 • Top 5% of Secondary (~ 5,000 LM) 3,500  Over 75% truck traffic Above 55.2 4 70 54  Around 60% vehicle miles traveled 5,000 • Why should we differentiate between high volume Secondary and low volume Primary? 41

  42. Primary and Secondary Network –Tiered Approach Primary Current Condition and Traffic Secondary Current Condition and Traffic % % Current % % Current % % AADT AADT VMT VMT %. Suff. Network Truck %. Suff. Network Truck Above Above 85.1 68 94 95 54.8 5 75 59 3,500 3,500 Above Above 62 90 91 55.2 4 70 54 85.1 5,000 5,000 42

  43. Primary and Secondary Network –Tiered Approach Primary Current Condition and Traffic Secondary Current Condition and Traffic % % Current % % Current % % AADT AADT %. Suff. Network Truck VMT %. Suff. Network Truck VMT Above Above 85.1 68 94 95 54.8 5 75 59 3,500 3,500 Above Above 62 90 91 55.2 4 70 54 85.1 5,000 5,000 Primary Current Investment: $165M per year, FY 2020 Secondary Current Investment: $200M per year, FY2020 AADT ≥ 3,500 AADT < 3,500 Avg. Total Cost % Suff. for ≥ 3,500 % Suff. for < 3,500 Avg. Total Cost 82% $225M 75% $221M 82% 75% $150M 60% 70% $219M 65% $215M 43

  44. Summary - Pavement Investment Options Current investment: $425M per year, FY 2020 Avg. Total Cost per Year, Targets, % Sufficiency $ Millions Years 1-6 Years 7-20 IS PR SC IS PR SC IS PR SC Current Investment – Current Policy 88 171 227 111 193 203 82% 82% 65% $486 $507 ($61) ($82) Current Policy Proposed Targets *All amounts in 2019 dollars 44


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  47. Structures Inventory – by Type Concrete Girder Bridges Metal Culverts Timber Deck Bridges Concrete Culverts Steel Girder Bridges Concrete Slab Bridges 47


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