a critical review of qualitative research outcomes in

A critical review of qualitative research outcomes in executive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

7 th International 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Putting Research at the heart of practice 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich

  1. 7 th International 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Putting Research at the heart of practice 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London A critical review of qualitative research outcomes in executive coaching and mentoring What do we know from qualitative research in coaching and mentoring about client attributes that may be important to effectiveness? The Jazz of Research Ethics (e.g. Aristotle; Denzin 1995; Mays & 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Pope, 1997; Savin-Baden & Major, 2010; Niekerk & Savin-Baden, 2010)

  2. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice AGENDA 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Introduction to the presentation – What are your expectations? The Anchoring Paradigm – What’s the context? Coaching science – What‘s the contribution? Problematisation – What do we get wrong? Research design– Which step leads to which result? Conclusions – What do know now & What do I intend to do next? Open group dialogue 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London

  3. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice A. The Anchoring Paradigm – What‘s my space? 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London ‚The road to Dodoville needs paving with more than good assumptions‘ (Lowman, 2005) 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Scientific Anchoring Paradigm, Tuende Erdoes, 2017

  4. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice B. Combining Lenses – Building theory (Okhuysen & Bonardi, 2011) 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London At best, the researcher builds an integration of the tacit and explicit into a trustworthy and defensible account (Polanyi, 1962, 1967). 14-15 June 2017 Combining Lenses – Building Theory, Tuende Erdoes, 2017 Greenwich University, London

  5. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Coaching science – What‘s my contribution? 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London 1.) Conceptual contribution This review proposes an approach to research synthesis as interpretation and translation of evidence. This perspective represents an understanding of research synthesis that is different to the ones emerging from the basic paradigmatic and positivist positions inherent in organizational research. 2.) Methodological contribution This review illustrates the research process of building theory via meta-synthesizing through CIS and QRS of a multiplicity of studies. Going beyond conventional or systematic literature reviews (e.g., Rousseau et al., 2008; Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart, 2003), it seeks to synthesize the key independent variables and underlying relationships across a multiplicity of published qualitative studies to arrive at a refined, extended, or even new theory. 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London

  6. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Motivation for this literature research – Why do that? 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London A taken-for-granted assumption MEETS a genuine doubt What do we not understand? What would go wrong if we failed to look into the research outcome conducted in the domain of qualitative research in relation to the research question? For whom is coaching most suited? If personality does not matter, how come that Alphas are not coachable? Or, are they? And if so, how? What is this lack of apparent consistency about? Conger (1998; quoted in Sztucinski, 2002) asserts that although qualitative studies are underutilized, they must play a central role in leadership research since they serve to illuminate in radically new ways phenomenon as complex as leadership. Since the current research on executive coaching is scarce, particularly from the executive’s perspective, my purpose was to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. Therefore, a qualitative framework was ideal for this research, since it allowed me to probe and understand the meanings that are constructed and attached to the coaching process by the executive. I want to create an evaluation model that provides a better opportunity for the systematic selection of relevant criteria. 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London

  7. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Problematisation – What do we get wrong? 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Personality does not directly predict outcome in coaching – Debate in science It might: rather than describing personality through assessment models we should rather ask the question: ‚Why people behave the way they do‘ (McDowell, 2016, Hampson, 2012) Literature review findings support Hampson’s (2012) purported view that personality processes are bound up with emotion . What I find is that emotion is not being sufficiently studied. Trigger was professional wisdom: I noticed that Alpha type personalities are (not) coachable: personality matters. I cannot change behaviour unless client’s attitude changes and unless his basic needs are met (emotional stability, safety is ensured). I need an idiosynchratic approach to each client. Can we use random measurement methods to understand idiosnychratic mechanisms? What is the force of generalizability about in a field that is barely generalizable and quantifiable? 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London

  8. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Qualitative Literature Synthesis – What‘s the fit? 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London To address themes for which ‚little or no previous theory exists ........ or else they represent new phenomena in the world.‘ (Edmondson & McManus, 2007: 1161-2) For developing theoretical ideas through the active mobilisation and problematisation of existing frameworks (Alvesson & Kärreman, 2007:1265) Some phenomena can only be explored and understood through a qualitatie approach; e.g. research question:‚to what extent do client attributes influence coaching outcomes‘ can be best answered via qualitative synthesis 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London

  9. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice What are the steps in the QRS? 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Formulating the reseasrch question Deciding what will count as data Searching for studies Selecting the sample of original studies (inclusion & exclusion criteria, sampling process, ensuring quality/plausibility, quality checklist) Treating data (analysis: first-order themes; synthesis: developing second-order themes; interpretation: developing third-order themes) Establishing plausibility (locating realities: what seems to be true given the context and the studies included in the investigation; what do stakeholders consider as ‚reality‘) Presenting the synthesis 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London

  10. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Step 1 – Initial sampling 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London o Database search strategies (Shaw, et al., 2004) o Cochrane review 123 o Handbook o ABRI – Web of Science o Other methods for locating papers (Barroso, et al., 2003) o Inclusion & Exclusion criteria & Sampling steps Patton (2002) o Issues I encountered Table 1: Title and abstract screening 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London

  11. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Evidence - Deciding what will count as data 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London What is the level of formulation (is it well-founded, how rigorous) of science base and how relevant is it for practice (socially robust?) o Combinging Lenses Mentoring & Training 14-15 June 2017 Adopted from Grant, 2017, Hodgkinson, 2001; Dixon-Woods, et al., 2006); see slide about Hierarchy of Evidence Greenwich University, London

  12. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Step 2 – Final sampling 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Goal: maximise relevance and theoretical contribution of included papers o Further criteria as ontolog. & epistemol. starting points that 105 coloured the methods and enthusiasm with which I was engaging with evidence (Nutley & Smith, 2000) o Visibility crucial for ensuring an accurate audit trail (Houghton et al. 2013) o Saturation level 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Table 2: Detailed descriptive analysis

  13. 7 th International Coaching & Mentoring Research Conference Putting Research at the heart of practice Step 3 – Clustering & Quality Criteria (Lincoln & Cuba, 1985) 14 - 15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London Thematic Analysis (Thomas & Harden, 2008) Table 3: Hierarchy of evidence – Credibility of studies 14-15 June 2017 Greenwich University, London


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