A Comprehensive Transformation to Admission & Advising Access binder materials, and take the Embark career assessment: www.cccc.edu/bellwether
Let’s Embar Embark www.cccc.edu/bellwether
During today’s presentation… • Introduction to Central Carolina Community College • The Critical Issues • Rationale • Addressing the Need • Indicators of Effectiveness • Lessons Learned • Next Steps • Opportunity for Scalability
Welcome elcome to to our our Family…. S erves over 16,000 students North Carolina Community College in Chatham, Harnett, and Lee System – 58 colleges counties Comprehensive – Literacy Education, Short-Term Workforce Education and Training, Customized Industry Training, Academic Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates, University Transfer (Comprehensive Articulation Agreements with Public and Independent)
Welcome elcome to to our our Family…. Our Student Body…. Ann Annual He Headcount 63% Female 6,600+ Curriculum 57% White, 20% Black, 9,700+ Continuing Ed. 17% Hispanic 62% Under 24 years of age Path thways 44% First-Generation 140 Degrees, Diplomas, 39% dual-enrollment and Certificates 64% receive some form of financial aid
Welcome elcome to to our our Family…. We need to close the educational attainment gap in North Carolina to enhance economic mobility. That starts with an ambitious goal: ensuring that by 2030, 2 million North Carolinians have a high-quality postsecondary degree or credential.
The he Critical Critical Issue Issue
The he Cr Critical itical Issue Issue 2015-2019 Strategic Plan Goal oal 1: : Learning First – Learning is everyone's responsibility. All faculty and staff are educators committed to engaging students as full partners in the learning process. Obj bjectiv ive 1.5: 1.5: Advising — Improve the college's capacity for consistent, accurate, timely, learning-centered, and holistic advising experiences.
The he Cr Critical itical Issue Issue Onl nly one one out out of of four our students gr graduate. We e ha had to o do do be better.
The he Cr Critical itical Issue Issue Qualit Quality y Enhan Enhancement cement Plan ( Plan (QEP QEP) ) Pr Process ocess QE QEP Cor Core Plan anning Tea eam di discovered: • 64% 64% of students reporting they received NO NO prior career counseling/exploration. • Onl nly 69 69% of employees were satisfied with the advising process in 2015-16. • Non-completers reported disp disparate dif differences in satisfaction with varying advising services, ranging fr from 64 64% to 98%.
The he Cr Critical itical Issue Issue Nor orth th Car Carolina olina Roadma oadmap p to to Excellen cellence ce Project oject — 2015 2015 The Asp spen Ins Insti titu tute engaged in a project designed to advance student success practice and leadership across the North Carolina Community College System. An Aspen Team conducted deep div dive sit site vis visit its for 8 selected colleges. CC CCCC was as cho chosen as as one one of of tho hose sit sites.
The he Cr Critical itical Issue Issue Nor orth th Car Carolina olina Roadma oadmap p to to Excellen cellence ce - 2015 2015 In Aspen's Feedback Report for Central Carolina Community College , recommendations were directly related to advis visin ing : 1) Address advising by defining a di divis visio ion of f labor or and clar arify ifyin ing role les . 2) Improve onb nboar ardin ing . es to encourage thou houghtful l and nd early ly ide dentif ific icatio ion 3) Create st struc uctur ures of f a pr prog ogram ma majo jor and transfer institution within the first semester….increasing the likelihood of completing the baccalaureate within the equivalent of two years of full-time study at the transfer institution
The he Cr Critical itical Issue Issue Nor orth th Car Carolina olina Roadma oadmap p to to Excellen cellence ce - 2015 2015 During the exit interview, one of the Aspen reviewers stated [paraphrasing], “CCCC has ALL the pieces in place. BUT, you need to clarify roles and create a more structured process that informs student decision-making to intentionally support students along their path.” Source: Achieving the Dream
The he Cr Critical itical Issue Issue A Commo A Common n Theme heme Emer merged ged We could boo boost gr graduation rates through processes that helped be better in inform student dec decis isio ion-making. In n 2 2 ye year ars In n 4 4 ye year ars Percent graduated 24% 37% Graduation rate for 0 30% 39% major changes Graduation rate for 1 27% 38% major changes Grad aduatio ion rate for or 2 2 9% 9% 34% major chan majo hanges
Ra Rationale tionale
Rationa Ra tionale le Based Bas ed on on the the Liter Literatur ture Making Infor ormed d Prog ogram Sel Selection ons Creating an Academic Plan Co Cons nsistent wi with th Goal oals Awareness and and Use se of Career Services and Faculty Advising Resource Awareness Faculty Training for Advising Continuous Mea easurable Progress s Toward Academic Goals
Ra Rationa tionale le RIASEC : Proven tool designed to measure six personality traits, defined by John Holland.
Ra Rationa tionale le 2016 Pilot of the RIASEC assessment during New Student Orientation. • Over 300 students completed the assessment. A sample of 110 students advised by Admissions Counselors informed by RIASEC scores • Adjustments were made to fine-tune tying RIASEC scores to distinct academic programs. • Of the students who found incongruence between their initial program choice and their RIASEC score, ALL ALL BUT ONE E ch changed to o a a pr program mor ore con onsi sistent with ith the heir RIAS RIASEC res esults. s. • More than 94% of the students felt the RIASEC was a useful tool and would recommend it for future students.
Ra Rationa tionale le Dr Dr. Da Davis Jen Jenkins, Sen Senior Res esearch Sch Schola lar Com Community Col Colle lege Research Ce Center Se See cccc ccc.edu/ u/bellw lweth ther for for vid ideo. o.
Ad Addr dress essing ing the the Need Need
Ad Addr dres essing sing th the Ne e Need ed The Rig he Right ht Str tructur ucture Aspen recommended , “Create structures to encourage thoughtful and early identification of a program major and transfer institutions…” Quality Enhancement Plan chosen as My Academic Pathway (MAP) to transform the advising and admission processes. Restructured to create a Dean of University Transfer & Advising.
Ad Addr dres essing sing th the Ne e Need ed • Goal 1: Enable each student to select an appropriate academic program (Goal oals) • Goal 2: Consistently enhance each student’s pathway to goal completion (Progress) • Goal 3: Facilitate timely completion of each student’s academic goals (Suc Success)
Ad Addr dres essing sing th the Ne e Need ed • Focus on better advising consistent with CCCC’s emerging focus • Recognition of student needs at specific points in the admission and acclimation processes
Ad Addr dres essing sing th the Ne e Need ed RIASEC-based Embark Career Assessment paired with the Career Decision Inventory Tiered supplemental career advising
Addr Ad dres essing sing th the Ne e Need ed Student Success Questionnaire (Intake Survey) Automatically emailed to students 5 days after the admissions application is completed Enhanced Program Information Resources 54 54
Addr Ad dres essing sing th the Ne e Need ed First-year success course (ACA) required early in program sequence ACA content realigned to more closely focus on career exploration, advising, academic planning, and college resources One ACA course allows students to explore transfer and non- transfer options
Addr Ad dres essing sing th the Ne e Need ed Development of advising mission and advising outcomes Potential advising interventions piloted Contextualized initial and ongoing advisor trainin g Development of advisor support resources
In Indica dicator tors s of of Ef Effec ectiv tiven eness ess 97% Student satisfaction with advising
In Indica dicator tors s of of Ef Effec ectiv tiven eness ess 91% (2018-19) Employee satisfaction with Advising 69% (2015-16)
In Indica dicator tors s of of Ef Effec ectiv tiven eness ess 86% Retention of students who received supplemental career advising
In Indica dicator tors s of of Ef Effec ectiv tiven eness ess Dramatic Increase in Graduation Rates IPEDS 150% Graduation Rate: Increased from 20% to 39% IPEDS 100% Graduation Rate: Increased from 16% to 26%
Indica In dicator tors s of of Ef Effec ectiv tiven eness ess Rem emember r ho how w stud tudents and and facu aculty described desc d the the stud tudent exp xperience?
In Indica dicator tors s of of E Effec ecti tiven eness ess Visu Visual rep epresentation of the ideal CCCC student experience with enhanced supports in place.
Lessons Lessons Lear Learned ned Holistic Student Support WORKS!
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