5/2/2018 II Youth Coaching Conference Kocsi = = Coa Coach National Youth Sport Institute Singapore Effective Youth Coaching: The Path to Success Sergio Lara-Bercial Senior Research Fellow LBU & ICCE s.lara-bercial@leedsbeckett.ac.uk @SergioLaraUK A coach will ill posi sitively im impa pact more liv lives in in a So what’s year tha than most pe peopl ple up doc? oc? do in a lifetime… 1
5/2/2018 Hou Houston we ha have a a pr problem! Th The Traditio ional Vie View of of You outh Spo Sport rt Negative Consequences… – Th The Tale alent Pyramid – A handful • Mass ss Drop-Out t make it… • Overtraining • Inj njuries A few • Burn urnout continue… • Teen Dop oping Ever • You oung Athletes are Higher Demands ‘ Commoditi tisised ’… Some start… Th The Fut Future of of You outh Spo Sport The Part Th rticipation Cub Cube All keep Across Time - Th The Part rticipation Cu Cube – playing… Across Sports Across Motives Some A change handful sport… make it… A few All keep continue playing… … Some Some change start… sport… 2
5/2/2018 Ch Child ildren are not t Different species?? Mini ini- Adults… Coa oaches sk skil ills Right Ri t Coa oach, Ri Right t mus must sui suit the he Too ools, Ri Right Time, job… Right Ri t Parti ticipant/ / Athlete Wha hat do do coac oaches real ally do do? Not just Kids Entertainers with a whistle… nor Army Sergeants… 3
5/2/2018 Coa oaches Need a Coa oaches are Big Too oolbox Environmental Architects ts Mission Impossible? Let’s talk about the impossible, because we already know too much about what’s possible… (Silvio Rodriguez, Cuban Singer-Poet) The he Goal: oal: To o supp support the he @iCo CoachKidsEU de development of of www.icoachkids.eu spec specia ialist youth outh spor sport coac oaches s in in the he Eur European Union nion 4
5/2/2018 So what’s Effectiv ive Youth Co Coachin ing doc? do 1. B 1. Be e Ch Chil ild-Ce Centr tred ed Make the game fit the Take the child, not the ‘adult Always have child fit the glasses’ off. the best game. interest of the children at heart. Have you How well do asked them you know Make the sport fit the kids, what they them? not the kids fit the sport… want? 2. B 2. Be e Ho Holi list stic ic Develop Coach the their Whole Positive Child Coac oach ch chil ildren, Self Children First, not only sport… Athletes Second Sport Sport is is jus just the he Engage them veh ehic icle also Psycho- Socially 5
5/2/2018 3. 3. B Be e In Incl clus usiv ive Appreciation for the Club Pay equal Remove attention Barriers to all Cater for all levels of Ability and Motivation Run differentiated sessions 4. 4. C Cre reat ate e FU FUN N and nd S Saf afe e En Envi viro ronm nmen ents ts Safety First: Build the Physical and relationship Children want to Emotional have fun and to learn, but they need to feel safe Don’t let FUN can mean learning get different in the way of Leave no child behind… things FUN Bot Bottle-Flipping for or Sweets! Air ir Pin ing Pon ong 6
5/2/2018 5. Prioritise Children’s Lo Love ve f for or S Spo port rt Make the Make sure whole they come family active back Only a few will be elite athletes, but ALL should fall in love with it. Help them understand the benefits 6. 6. D Dev evel elop op F Fou ounda dati tion onal al 7. E 7. Enga ngage ge Par Parent ents in in a a Mo Moto tor r & & Ga Game me S Skil ills ls Posi Po siti tive e & C Cons nstruc ucti tive ve Wa Way Parents … and to It leads to know their Talk to increased lifelong child better them! At a young age, performance Parents are not participation than you your sport is just a the enemy, but vehicle to develop our biggest foundational skills resource Foundational FMS & FGS Dare to Parents have Skills = Better can be a lot of Educate great skills Sport – Specific fun them! Skills Par arent & & Pla layer r Days How do I have to tell you… I am his father, not the enemy!!! 7
5/2/2018 8. 8. P Pla lan n de deve velo lopme ment ntal ally ly A history of time ap appr prop opri riat ate e pr progr gram amme mes Work Have a backwards to vision and mid- and a dream! Not ‘peaking by short-term Friday’, but long - goals term thinking Be age/stage Connect appropriate & everything to realistic the plan 9. 9. U Use se d dif iffe fere rent t me meth thod ods s 10 10. . Us Use e co comp mpet etiti tion on i in n a a to e to enh nhan ance ce l lea earni ning ng deve de velo lopm pmen enta tal l way ay Different It can be a Different It has to be methods = great methods appropriate Different motivator work better Outcomes Learning is and FUN Competition is for age-stage at different complex and it stages neither good takes time nor bad in itself Short Term Competition as Teach kids to Repetition vs vs Long Term means to Isolated Skill compete, not Variability Learning learning not vs Skill in to win Context end in itself. @iCoachKidsEU Gather the honey without @SergioLaraUK harming the flower… Mission Impossible? Adapted verse 49 of Dhammapada 8
5/2/2018 II Youth Coaching Conference Kocsi = = Coa Coach National Youth Sport Institute Singapore Thank You – Terima Kasih Questions? Sergio Lara-Bercial Senior Research Fellow LBU & ICCE s.lara-bercial@leedsbeckett.ac.uk @SergioLaraUK 9
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