A B rie f In tro d u c tio n to th e H is to ry o f C o m p u tin g - 3 ANU Faculty of Engineering and IT Department of Computer Science COMP1200 Perspectives on Computing 2002-05 Chris Johnson
In tro to h isto ry o f co m p u tin g – 4 .3 M oore’s Law: driver of 3 rd and 4 th generations Programming languages- the generations video The Programmers Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 2 Programmers
2 . M o o re ’s L a w The density of transistors on a chip (i.e. the number per unit area) doubles every 18 months 1964: Gordon Moore (Intel) observed the fact and fitted the “law” to the figures up to that date literally “exponential growth” is it still true 40 years later? 1.5 or 2 year doubling Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 3 what does doubling every 1.5 or 2 years Programmers
2 . M o o re ’s L a w - evidence Number of transistors on one 1 2,500 chip 2 30,000 Intel 80x86 family processors 3 100,000 4 300,000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1990 1,000,000 8 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 data from Intel 6 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 transistors 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 7 2 7 8 8 3 8 6 9 0 Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 4 Programmers
2 . M o o re ’s L a w 1 2,500 2 30,000 log scale 3 100,000 4 300,000 1990 1,000,000 1,000,000 data from Intel 2500 <- - - - Linear scale - - - - -> Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 5 Programmers
2 . M o o re ’s L a w what are all those extra transistors used for in processors? in memory (RAM) chips? Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 6 Programmers
3 . 3 rd & 4 th g e n e ra tio n : vo n N e u m a n n a rch ite ctu re w ith virtu a l m e m o ry a n d ca ch e Memory I/O Secondary controllers Virtual storage memory use for online file fast cache memory storage pipelines Online registers ALU file storage Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 7 Programmers
3 . M o o re ’s L a w p a tte rn o f g ro w th also applies to speed of the transistors approximately and hence to the speed of processors ber of transistors on one chip approximately num and hence to the size of each memory chip the complexity of processor chips Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 8 Programmers
3 . 4 th g e n e ra tio n ( m ) y n um b e rin g Integrated circuits mark the start of 3 rd generation - but no hardware change marks the start of the 4 th a change in packaging and utilisation: desktop personal computers e.g. Apple II 1979, Apple Macintosh 1984 IBM PC personal computer 1981 personal productivity tools: spreadsheets, word processing programs (and Pow erpoint Pow erpoint ) GUI – W IMP interface W indows–Icons–Menus-Pointer Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 9 Programmers invented 1975 Xerox PARC
4 . T h e P ro g ra m m e rs what did programmers do with these changing generations of computers as they became so much more powerful (bigger storage, faster processing) who were they? what program ming languages and systems? what applications did they create? Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 10 Programmers
R e a d in g a n d re v ie w q u e s tio n s Brookshear section 6.1 – Q1, 2, 4 section 6.2 – Q3, Q4 section 6.3 – Q1, Q4, Q5 review questions chapter 6: 1, 3, 10, 13, 12. Brookshear Appendix D High Level Program ming Language examples Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 11 Programmers
le c tu re p re s e n ta tio n re p la c e d b y v id e o fro m th is p o in t The Programmers video 30 minutes Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 12 Programmers
n o te s a s s u b s titu te fo r v id e o ... The notes in the following slides were not presented in class but are a supplement and substitute for the video Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 13 Programmers
4 . P ro g ra m m in g la n g u a g e s don’t forget the software! the history of computing includes software just as much as hardware software is applications operating systems and environments utilities: compilers, editors... all created by human effort as collections of related programs Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 14 using programming languages Programmers
4. The G enerations of program m ing languages “Generations” of languages relate to the degree of problem- or human- orientation vs machine orientation. These “generations” are not the same dates as the generations of computer architecture . [from Brookshear Figure 6.1] Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 15 Programmers
4 . L a n g u a g e g e n e ra tio n s 1 ,2 ,3 machine languages 1. assembly languages 2. high level languages 3. FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, LISP the biggest differences are in execution control structures, (program control, flow control) data control Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 16 modularity Programmers
4 . G e n e ra tio n s o f p ro g ra m m in g la n g u a g e s -& co m p u te rs programming languages computer architectures machine lang 1945 2. valves 1945 2. assembly lang 1951 3. high level lang 1954 4. 60s transistors 1959 3. Integrated 1964 many high 4. level 4GLs 70s Circuits 5. languages of AI based 80s PCs 1981 6. 5. different types network-aware 90s 7. Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 17 Programmers
5 . H ig h le v e l la n g u a g e s : th e e v o lu tio n o f ty p e s o f la n g u a g e Eiffel Simula-67 [Brookshear Figure 6.2] plus Simula 67 & Eiffel Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 18 Programmers
5. H igh level languages: a fam ily tree FORTRAN APL Modula Ada COBOL Pascal C ALGOL LISP [from Eric Levenez] Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 19 Programmers
5 . H isto ry o f h ig h le ve l P L s: th e e le m e n ts o f h ig h le ve l P L s program execution control } jumps, conditions, loops, subroutine calls Object-Oriented data control languages definition: naming and types S im ula 67 storage life structure C ++ manipulation (arithmetic) S m alltalk program modularity E iffel 1985 abstraction Java 1995 subroutines nesting C # classes & inheritance Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 20 Programmers
5 . A sp e cts o f h ig h le ve l p ro g ra m m in g la n g u a g e s (1 ) program (execution) control how the point of execution moves through the parts of the program examples in Java : if-statement, loop, function call data control names of variables have a limited lifetime during execution names have restricted visibility (scope) in parts of the program Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 21 examples in Java: Programmers
5 . d a ta co n tro l a n d p ro g ra m co n tro l - a n E iffe l p ro g ra m ry like ve Ja va class BDM creation doit -- read a given number of ints, find min and max data control: feature the scope of doit is count, max, min local count, max, min: INTEGER do io.read_integer; count := io.last_integer -- omit prompts io.read_integer; max := io.last_integer; min := max data control: the scope of i from i:=1 until i=count loop io.read_integer; if max < io.last_integer then max := io.last_integer end if min > io.last_integer then min := io.last_integer end i:=i+1 Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 22 end Programmers io.put_string("The largest number was: "); io.put_integer(max) io.put_string(" and the smallest was: "); io.put_integer(min)
5 . d a ta co n tro l a n d p ro g ra m co n tro l: m a ch in e la n g u a g e (g e n 1 ) add two numbers - see Brookshear p. 226 156C 166D 5056 306E C000 Extending this "language" from a sequence of numbers to include comments makes life easier for the original programmer - and for the next programmer to read it. ;add Price (6C) and ShippingCost (6D), Total to 6E 156C ;load 6C to R5 166D ;load 6D to R6 5056 ;add them, result to R0 306E ;store R0 to 6E C000 ;stop here Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 23 Programmers
5 . d a ta co n tro l a n d p ro g ra m co n tro l: a sse m b ly la n g u a g e (g e n 2 ) ; data storage address definitions (these generate no instructions) .DEF Price 6C .DEF Shipping 6D .DEF TotalCost 6E ; The actual instructions of the program ; correspond exactly to the machine instructions above ; Add Price and Shipping to calculate TotalCost LD R5, Price LD R6, Shipping ADD R0, R5, R6 ST R0, TotalCost HLT Intro to history of computing (3):Moore's Law and The 24 [adapted from Brookshear p.226 ] Programmers
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