a b rie f in tro d u c tio n to th e h is to ry o f c o m

A B rie f In tro d u c tio n to th e H is to ry o f - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A B rie f In tro d u c tio n to th e H is to ry o f C o m p u tin g ANU Faculty of Engineering and IT Department of Computer Science COMP1200 Perspectives on Computing March 2002-5 Chris Johnson In tro to

  1. A B rie f In tro d u c tio n to th e H is to ry o f C o m p u tin g ANU Faculty of Engineering and IT Department of Computer Science COMP1200 Perspectives on Computing March 2002-5 Chris Johnson

  2. In tro to h isto ry o f co m p u tin g – 1 The Big Ideas in computing before and after 1. electronics The early years of electronic computing 2. 3 or 4 Generations of computing technology 3. intro to history of computing (1): Big 2 Ideas

  3. W h a t’s h isto ry g o t to d o w ith co m p u tin g ? it’s still happening we all need to know how technology has changed (and why) how fast it has changed and is changing intro to history of computing (1): Big 3 what effect this has on people (and who chooses) Ideas

  4. 1 . B ig Id e a s – b e fo re a n d a fte r e le ctro n ic co m p u tin g “Computing is no more about the study of computers than astronomy is about telescopes” [Edsger Dijkstra] “Computer Science is not equal to programming” [Andre deHon] but let’s get some background history about computers (hardware) and programming (software)– intro to history of computing (1): Big 4 Ideas what are the Big Ideas here?

  5. 1 . B ig Id e a s – b e fo re a n d a fte r e le ctro n ic co m p u tin g The Big Ideas are associated with computing machines– hardware 2 algorithms and data– software 3 access and distribution– networks 4 organising people and processes – inform ation intro to history of computing (1): Big 5 system s and software engineering Ideas

  6. 1 . B ig Id e a s – b e fo re e le ctro n ics numbers can be represented by written symbols MCMXLVII 8 3 1 algorithms exist and can be written down e.g. what’s the algorithm? multiplication to any length 8 3 1 x 4 2 1 6 6 2 3 3 2 4 (+) 3 4 9 0 2 intro to history of computing (1): Big 6 similarly: Newton’s method for square root Ideas (actually invented by the Greeks)

  7. 1 . B ig Id e a s – b e fo re e le ctro n ics Al-Khwarizmi ... Algebra Baghdad 9 th century Fibonacci arithmetic and algebra 12 th century Pisa intro to history of computing (1): Big 7 Ideas

  8. 1 . B ig Id e a s – b e fo re e le ctro n ics mechanical objects can represent numbers intro to history of computing (1): Big 8 Ideas

  9. 1 . B ig Id e a s – b e fo re e le ctro n ics mechanical processes can implement algorithms 1956 Melitta calculator 20 th century copy of Babbage’s Difference Engine (4000 parts) intro to history of computing (1): Big 9 Ideas

  10. 2 . B a b b a g e ’s D iffe re n c e E n g in e 18 th and 19 th century Europe had great need for mathematical tables intro to history of computing (1): Big 10 Ideas

  11. 2 . B a b b a g e ’s d iffe re n c e e n g in e Many functions can be approximated by polynomials The Method of Differences is a practical method of calculating intermediate values more quickly than applying the full formula from scratch at every point. Applications in - Ephermeris Tables for navigation - artillery range-charge-angle tables intro to history of computing (1): Big 11 The Difference Engine was not Ideas built in its full form until 1991

  12. 2 . d iffe re n ce s – so la r d e clin a tio n (N o rth e rn h e m isp h e re ) D E D+E/60 diffs. day of degrees minutes decimal 1st 2nd 3rd year July 24 205 20 0 20.00 July 25 206 19 47 19.78 -0.22 July 26 207 19 34 19.57 -0.21 -0.01 July 27 208 19 21 19.35 -0.22 0.01 0.00 July 28 209 19 8 19.13 -0.22 0.00 0.00 July 29 210 19 54 19.90 0.77 0.99 0.99 July 30 211 18 40 18.67 -1.23 -2.00 -2.99 July 31 212 18 25 18.42 -0.25 0.98 2.98 August 1 213 18 10 18.17 -0.25 0.00 -0.98 August 2 214 17 55 17.92 -0.25 0.00 0.00 August 3 215 17 40 17.67 -0.25 0.00 0.00 August 4 216 17 24 17.40 -0.27 -0.02 -0.02 August 5 217 17 8 17.13 -0.27 0.00 0.02 intro to history of computing (1): Big 12 Ideas

  13. 2 . c o m p u tin g b e fo re e le c tro n ic s 1890 Herman Hollerith applied Jacquard-style punched cards to represent data for the US Census, processed by purpose-built selection and calculation machines -> founded IBM Jacquard in 18 th Century had used holes punched in sequences of cards to control weaving looms for fancy patterns– the term is still used for fabric with patterns in the intro to history of computing (1): Big 13 weave Ideas

  14. 1 . m o re B ig id e a s– b e fo re e le ctro n ics algorithms can be studied as mathematical objects in themselves computability: mathematical proof that not everything can be computed in principle mathematician Godel 1930 mathematician Turing 1936 – “Turing machine” model of computation 1940s: a computer is a person who does calculations intro to history of computing (1): Big 14 calculators have separate control and data Ideas

  15. 1 . B ig Id e a s – e le ctro n ic co m p u te rs electronic valves can be used to represent and store numbers 1940s: Alan Turing and others John von Neumann 1903-1957 algorithms - represented as programs - can be kept in the same storage as their data 1945 John von Neumann gets The architecture of the the credit but others were stored program computer is involved now commonly called the von Neumann [Brookshear p. 76 ] intro to history of computing (1): Big 15 architecture Ideas

  16. 1 & 2 . B ig Id e a s -co m p u tin g w ith e le ctro n ics the stored program computer intro to history of computing (1): Big 16 Ideas

  17. 2 . B ig Id e a s - th e sto re d p ro g ra m co m p u te r Challenge: Reading Brookshear Why is the ability to 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 2.1 store the program in and memory COMP1200 online Notes for the History module. so important? W ho was Turing? von N eum ann? W hat w ere they doing w hen they “invented” electronic com puters? intro to history of computing (1): Big 17 Ideas


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