WELCOME This program is going to change your perception of what success means to you while teaching you how to build $5,000/month in passive income through real estate investing. 2
OVER THE NEXT 90 DAYS, WE WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING MODULE 7 MODULE 1 Getting Deals Drafting your Vision and Building MODULE 8 Your Power Team Talking to a Potential Investor or MODULE 2 Joint Venture Partner Identifying the Gap MODULE 9 MODULE 3 Drafting your Story into a Identifying your Obstacles Presentation MODULE 4 MODULE 10 Mastering your Money Mindset Positioning yourself to Attract MODULE 5 Joint Venture Partners Joint Ventures MODULE 11 MODULE 6 Getting Online How to make Big Money with Small MODULE 12 Apartments Systematizing the Process 3
Vision/PowerTeam 4
MY VISION FOR 90 DAYS TO 5K Throughout our 90 days together, you are going to learn the 5-step system for adding 4-40 doors to your real estate portfolio. You will learn how to achieve this over the next 12 months without investing your own money. 6
Edna Keep http://multiplewaystowealth.com 7
Have you ever been to a bank looking for and really needing a loan? When you really need money, key word being need , what are your chances of actually getting it? Usually, not very good. Edna Keep http://multiplewaystowealth.com
When we approach potential investors for money , we go in with confidence, credibility and integrity – Why? Because people like to deal with confident, credible people who have integrity. 9
MY VISION FOR 90 DAYS TO 5K This 90 day course is designed to increase your confidence, give you credibility and train you to present yourself with integrity. Confidence will be increased through transforming any fears you might have into focused relaxed knowledgeable thinking that puts you into action. Your credibility will come from your ability to present your deal with complete confidence because you know exactly what you are talking about. 10
MY VISION FOR 90 DAYS TO 5K I define integrity as ‘Doing what you say you will do’ . Integrity is a muscle that we can strengthen starting today. How? Well at the end of the presentation I am going to give you some homework and you are going to do it and send it back to me so I can help you fine tune it and get very clear on what your vision is. After all you joined the program to grow and I am going to push you to do just that. Sound good? Okay, let’s get started! Edna Keep http://multiplewaystowealth.com 11
MY VISION FOR 90 DAYS TO 5K Why listen to me? We bought our first investment property in 2007 using the equity from our personal home. Our 5 year goal was to own 50 doors. We had been taught that if we found a good house that cash flowed at $100 per month that we should buy it. So with 50 doors at $100/door, we would have 5K per month in passive income. By September, 2008 (just 18 months after getting started), we reached our goal. Today, we own 388 doors worth $42 million dollars. 13
MY VISION FOR 90 DAYS TO 5K All of our properties (minus the first two) were purchased using other people’s money - which as I explained on the webinar is the KEY to growing quickly. With less than 30 investors, we have raised about $5 million. Mortgage pay down alone is 298K/year (almost 25K/mo). The two things to note here: You don’t need 100 Investors – to get to $5,000 per month and you would need to raise about $1 million to buy, for example, 2- 18 units. Now on top of that you have mortgage pay down (assuming you own 60% of the buildings of another $51,600/year or $4,300/month). How many here save $4,300 per month now for retirement? We are living proof that vast success in a short amount of time can be done. Edna Keep http://multiplewaystowealth.com 14
Mortgage pay down alone is 298K/year (almost 25K/mo). The two things to note here: You don’t need 100 Investors – to get to $5,000 per month and you would need to raise about $1 million to buy, for example, 2- 18 units. Now on top of that you have mortgage pay down (assuming you own 60% of the buildings of another $51,600/year or $4,300/month). How many here save $4,300 per month now for retirement? We are living proof that vast success in a short amount of time can be done. Edna Keep http://multiplewaystowealth.com 15
MY VISION FOR 90 DAYS TO 5K How this program came to be: People started asking me how we achieved our success. I realized I had skills that not many real estate investors had and that is the ability to raise capital for deals. Now, you, my friends, are going to learn what I know - I will share mistakes we’ve made and what we would do differently if we were starting out today. But first we need to cover some essentials – some business building strategies that are necessary to put you in the right frame of mind to ensure that you can take what you learned and implement it. 16
MY VISION FOR 90 DAYS TO 5K The very first thing we need to discover is your vision – the vision you have for your life and your lifestyle. This is absolutely necessary because as Cheshire the cat told Alice in Wonderland, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” And I don’t want that for you. I want you to design your life and your path so that once you arrive, you want the life you have. You feel happy, wealthy and wise. Because as Jim Rohn said, “Work harder on yourself than your job. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune.” 17
18 Edna Keep http://multiplewaystowealth.com
WHAT IS VISION? Vision is an aspirational description of what you would like to achieve or accomplish in the future. It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action. WHY IS VISION IMPORTANT Vision assists you in creating an internal goal for yourself by visualizing the type of person you want to be. This internal visualization will assist you in creating success. 19
THE STRATEGIC ARCHITECHTURE OF ANY BUSINESS IS VISION • The majority of successful businesses started out with an authentic vision. • Creating an authentic vision is like uncovering the soul of your business. • If you are just starting out in business, having a clear vision is more important than having a plan. • Your financial plan simply describes the finish line but your vision is the vehicle you will use, how you will navigate the course and what you will do once you arrive. • Your vision will tell you what is distinctive and compelling about your business, specifically: • The kind of team you want to build • The culture that will be needed to achieve your unique premise • Your ability to create a vision requires you to assess yourself. 20
VISION VS . REASON • A reason is a list of WHYS for taking on a new challenge. • A vision is how you see yourself succeeding at that challenge. It is internal and will drive you to do the things you know you should be doing. The vision always dominates over the reason because the vision is what drives you. 23
THE PURPOSE OF YOUR VISION • An effective vision provides an inspiring portrait of what it will look like and feel like to achieve your goals. • Having a vision forces you to know the ambitions for your business. 25
THE VISIONARY • Someone who not only has ideas but a vision of where these ideas can lead. • Demonstrates a Commitment to: • Core values, radiating a sense of energy, strong will and personal integrity. • Communicating an inspirational picture into the future then integrating innovative ideas while showing people how to achieve it. • Building strong relationships with strong people • Taking bold actions • Knows how to pitch the investor by selling the vision with such conviction that people want to be part of it. 27
INVESTOR OR ENTREPRENEUR? • Most investors make the mistake of not treating their real estate investments like a business. This mindset shift is instrumental in achieving success. • The definition of investor is: ‘An individual who commits money to investment products with the expectation of financial gain’. • Though an investor only commits money, a real estate entrepreneur commits time, energy, efforts and personal resources. So from now on that is your new title ‘Real Estate Entrepreneur’. Put that on your business cards and your website. 29
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