9/8/2013 Key issues in water management I WRM and I WRM and Global Perspective Ground Water Ground Water Management: Management: Concepts, science, Concepts, science, uncertainties, uncertainties, policy and practice policy and practice W at er cycle The world’s f reshwater resources are under Mashf iqus Salehin Mashf iqus Salehin increasing pressure. I WFM, BUET I WFM, BUET Wat er is vit al f or human survival, healt h and dignit y and •Resour ces ar e scar ce a f undament al resource f or human development . •Demands ar e out st r ipping supplies Why I WRM? - Key issues in water management Why I WRM? - Key issues in water management Populat ion under •P olicy and inst it ut ional issues ar e complicat ed wat er st ress •Cur r ent appr oach is sect or al and f r agment ed Wat er wit hdrawals have Water governance crisis increased more t han t wice as Sect oral approaches t o wat er f ast as populat ion growt h resources management have Current ly 1/ 3 r d of world' s dominat ed in t he past and are populat ion live in count ries t hat st ill prevailing. This leads t o experience medium t o high f ragment ed and uncoordinat ed wat er st ress. development and management of t he resource. The impact of pollut ion I ncreased competition. . . Det eriorat ing wat er qualit y I ncreased compet it ion f or inf luences wat er usabilit y d/ s, t he f init e resource is t hreat ens human healt h and aggravat ed by inef f icient t he f unct ioning of aquat ic governance. ecosyst ems, t hus reducing ef f ect ive availabilit y. 1
9/8/2013 Key issues in water management Where Are We Headed? • Decreasing per-capit a availabilit y • Degrading wat er qualit y • I ncreasing compet it ion/ conf lict wit hin sect ors and wit hin societ y – Agricult ure versus f isheries; agricult ure versus wat er supply – Haves versus have not s – Upst ream versus downst ream – Nat ional versus int ernat ional • I ncreasing compet it ion/ conf lict wit h t he environment Supply Supply Supply • Quantity ( Natural Scarcity, • Quantity ( Natural Scarcity, • Quantity ( Natural Scarcity, Groundwater Depletion) Groundwater Depletion) Groundwater Depletion) Demand Demand Demand • Quality Degradation • Quality Degradation • Quality Degradation • Increasing in all sectors • Increasing in all sectors • Increasing in all sectors • Cost of Options • Cost of Options • Cost of Options • Inefficient use • Inefficient use • Inefficient use IWRM IWRM IWRM IWRM Challenges and I ssues in Wat er Resour ces Water Resources Management I ssues management in Bangladesh Ever expanding wat er needs I nequalit y of t emporal and spat ial I nequalit y of t emporal and (a) Bangladesh [Source: WARPO, 2001] of a growing economy and dist ribut ion of precipit at ion spat ial dist ribut ion of f low 250 populat ion 200 Po pulation (m illions) 150 Maint aining f ood securit y f or Sy lhet 30 20 t his huge populat ion put s 100 Rajshahi 30 10 0 20 F M A M J J A S O N D 10 t remendous challenge Dhak a 50 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D 30 20 (addit ional f ood grain demand of 10 0 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Comilla 30 9.5 million t ons in 2025) 20 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 10 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Khulna Barisal C hittagong Wit h t he ant icipat ed populat ion 30 30 30 20 20 More and more agricult ural 20 10 10 10 0 0 growt h, t he increased st ress will J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D land is being t aken up f or urban enhance t he already exist ing and ot her uses. conf lict s bet ween dif f erent users and dif f erent regions, e.g., bet ween domest ic and agricult ural uses, agricult ure and indust ry, agricult ure and f isheries, upst ream and 8 downst ream, et c. 2
9/8/2013 Water Resources Management I ssues Water Resources Management I ssues - FLOODS wide spread river f loods over f loodplains, Management of risk due t o nat ural hazards -- t he great est challenge f lash f loods in hilly st reams, t idal f lood and occasional cyclonic st orm-surge f lood Lower riparian country Surrounded by mountains 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 7 1 7 1 7 21 21 21 14 14 14 20 20 20 18 18 18 19 19 19 23 23 23 22 22 22 24 24 24 13 13 13 LEGEND LEGEND 12 12 12 57 57 Cross-boundary rivers Cross-boundary rivers 11 11 11 9 9 9 10 10 10 25 25 25 8 8 8 2 6 2 6 2 6 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 33 33 33 34 34 34 3 5 3 5 3 5 36 36 36 32 32 32 Brahmaputra River Brahmaputra River 37 37 37 NE NE 7 7 7 NW NW 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 6 6 6 Meghna River Meghna River 5 5 5 G G a a NC NC 42 42 42 n g n g e e s s 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 R R i i 46 46 46 e v v e 43 43 43 r r P P Dhaka Dhaka 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 5 4 5 4 5 a a d d m m 48 48 48 a a R R i i 49 49 49 v v e e SW SW r r 50 50 50 54 54 54 3 3 3 5 1 5 1 5 1 52 52 52 Lower Meghna River Lower Meghna River SE SE 53 53 53 SC SC EH EH 2 2 2 RE RE 1 1 1 Hydrological regions Hydrological regions H ig h R is k NW: North-West NW: North-West 56 56 56 5 5 5 5 5 5 R is k NC: North-Central NC: North-Central NE: North-East NE: North-East W in d R is k SW: South-West SW: South-West SC: South-Central SC: South-Central N O D A T A SE: South-East SE: South-East 57 57 57 EH: Eastern Hills EH: Eastern Hills RE: Rivers and Estuary RE: Rivers and Estuary Water Resources Management I ssues - EROSI ON Water Resources Management I ssues - DROUGHT wide spread river f loods over f loodplains, wide spread river f loods over f loodplains, f lash f loods in hilly st reams, t idal f lood and f lash f loods in hilly st reams, t idal f lood and occasional cyclonic st orm-surge f lood occasional cyclonic st orm-surge f lood huge sediment loads; river erosion along huge sediment loads; river erosion along about 75 rivers about 75 rivers moderat e t o severe drought s spreading over 10 dist rict s Dry season f rom November t o May brings wat er short ages. Ext ensive irrigat ion are impact ing on hand-t ubewells. H ig h R is k R is k W in d R is k N O D A T A 3
9/8/2013 Wat . Res. Mgt . I ssues - low dry season wat er availabilit y Wat . Res. Mgt . I ssues – DEGRADI NG WATER QUALI TY wide spread river f loods over f loodplains, wide spread river f loods over f loodplains, f lash f loods in hilly st reams, t idal f lood and f lash f loods in hilly st reams, t idal f lood and occasional cyclonic st orm-surge f lood occasional cyclonic st orm-surge f lood huge sediment loads; river erosion along huge sediment loads; river erosion along about 75 rivers about 75 rivers moderat e t o severe drought s spreading moderat e t o severe drought s spreading over 10 dist rict s over 10 dist rict s Dry season f rom November t o May brings Dry season f rom November t o May brings wat er short ages. Ext ensive are impact ing wat er short ages. Ext ensive irrigat ion are on hand-t ubewells. impact ing on hand-t ubewells. very low dry season wat er availabilit y in very low dry season wat er availabilit y in SW region due t o Farakka diversion SW region due t o Farakka diversion increased salinit y int rusion, t hreat ened increased salinit y int rusion, t hreat ened agricult ure &. ecosyst em (Sundarbans) agricult ure &. ecosyst em (Sundarbans) degrading wat er qualit y Previous water management approaches Previous water management approaches P P r evious appr oach r evious appr oach -- I ncrease Aman product ion (combat disast ers!) -- I ncrease Aman product ion (combat disast ers!) -- I ncrease production through massive irrigation 4
9/8/2013 Past experiences with of Flood Control Previous water management approaches P r evious appr oach Saf et y against f loods (+ve) -- I ncrease Aman production (combat disasters!) Enhanced human act ivit ies in prot ect ed areas (+ve) -- I ncrease production through massive irrigation I ncreased agricult ural product ion Did not f ully t ake account of t he pot ent ial impact s on f isheries, navigat ion, f orest s, domest ic and indust rial wat er supply, bio- diversit y and salinit y management . Compromise wit h benef icial ef f ect s of normal, annual f loods Lack of consult at ion across sect oral and inst it ut ional boundaries Social equit y was largely ignored Lack of people’s part icipat ion in proj ect design & implement at ion I mpacts of f ragmented approach Why is I WRM usef ul? Many dif f erent uses of wat er resources are int erdependent ; Hydr aulic impact s management of t he wat er resource must t ake t his int o account I WRM - a signif icant st ep in addressing t he short comings of Tr ansf er of f lood r isk t radit ional approaches; Embankment f ailur e f loods Mor e coor dinat ed decision-making I mpact s of FC pr oj ect s on f isher ies - across sect ors .....and scales I mpact s of FC pr oj ect s on Navigat ion (e.g. count r y boat s) Det er ior at ion of r iver mor phology and wat er ways due t o coast al polder s AGRI CULTURE and FI SHERI ES DOMESTI C WATER SUPPLY and URBANI ZATI ON TRANSPORTATI ON and FLOOD MANAGEMENT 5
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