9 611 graduates

9,611 GRADUATES through Fall 2019 Enrollments 2018-19: 2,163 Key - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bache helo lor r of Science i in Organizatio ional L Leade ders rship hip Associa iate i in Arts in Enterpris rprise D Develo lopm pment Associa iate i in Science in Enterpris rprise D Develo lopm pment

  1. • Bache helo lor r of Science i in Organizatio ional L Leade ders rship hip • Associa iate i in Arts in Enterpris rprise D Develo lopm pment • Associa iate i in Science in Enterpris rprise D Develo lopm pment Available at 7 universities and 14 community colleges and technical branches across the state. The Reach Higher initiative provides adult degree completion programs in flexible, non-traditional formats. 9,611 GRADUATES through Fall 2019 Enrollments 2018-19: 2,163

  2. Key to Program: S upport for S tudents  Dedicat ed Coordinat or at t heir Home Inst it ut ion  Assist ance wit h financial aid applicat ion and regist rat ion at home inst it ut ion or sist er inst it ut ions for needed courses  Emergency Funding  Old Debt Forgiveness  Direct ion t o ot her services on campus or and in t he local communit y

  3. Program Feedback Survey  92.1% worked full-time during the program.  55.3% indicated that the degree resulted in higher pay and/or work promotion .  97.3% stated that they would recommend Reach Higher to a colleague, friend, or family member.  65% believed that the Reach Higher program was the only way in which they could have continued their education.  89.5% felt that the Reach Higher faculty cared about adult students and their success in the program.  94.8% believed they received an excellent education.

  4. Participating Partners

  5. Partners with Scholarships

  6. Participating Institutions

  7. ShowWhatYouKnowOK.org

  8. Reach Higher Ambassadors

  9. Questions and Discussion RHDirectComplete@osrhe.edu RHFlexFinish@ osrhe.edu


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