9 20 2018


9/20/2018 T AKING Q UICK A CTION TO R ES VE C OMPLAINTS OF D IS OL CRIMINATION Eric Magee Allison, Bass & Magee, LLP 2018 Far West Texas County Judges & Commissioners Association Annual Conference September 12, 2018

  1. 9/20/2018 T AKING Q UICK A CTION TO R ES VE C OMPLAINTS OF D IS OL CRIMINATION Eric Magee Allison, Bass & Magee, LLP  2018 Far West Texas County Judges & Commissioners Association Annual Conference  September 12, 2018  Terlingua, Texas Charge of Discrimination 9/ 20/ 201 2 8 Charge of Discrimination 9/ 20/ 201 3 8 1

  2. 9/20/2018 How did we get here? 9/20/2018 4 Protections for Justified Terminations  Be Consist ent  Maintain all Personnel, Employment & Payroll Records  S et Expect at ions Early  Write IT ALL Down  Proper Training and Established Policy  Do Employee Evaluations 2

  3. 9/20/2018 The Law  Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964  It is illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, color, religion, nation origin, or sex  The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination. Other Important S tatutes: • • The Pregnancy Discrimination Act • The Equal Pay Act of 1963 • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 • Tit le 1 of t he Americans wit h Disabilit ies Act of 1967 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • The Genet ic Informat ion Nondiscriminat ion Act of 2008 • Types of Discrimination Age • • Disabilit y • Equal Pay / Compensat ion Harassment • • Pregnancy Race/ Color • • Religion • Ret aliat ion S ex • • S exual Harassment Also – Nat ional Origin and Genet ic Informat ion • Early Warning S igns  What did you see?  What did you hear? 3

  4. 9/20/2018 Now you Know  What are your responsibilities as the employer?  Listen to the accuser with respect and compassion  Notify Human Resources  Encourage Employee to Contact Human Resources  Follow all established procedures within the County  KEEP IT CONFIDENTIAL  Consider getting help:  Attorney  Third Part y Invest igat or S TEPS TO R ES VE C OMPLAINT OL  Listener to the accuser  Keep an open mind  Do not make assumption about the truthfulness of the complaint;  Do not reach unfounded conclusions;  Do not decide not to investigate  Impact on quality of their work  Treat seriously – less likely to escalate the issue to TWC/ EEOC and/ or Court S TEPS TO R ES VE C OMPLAINT OL  Conduct a thorough Investigation  Don’ t delay  Taking it S erious; less likely for furt her harassment ; loss of evidence  Writ e IT ALL Down  Dist inguish fact from opinion  Get t he Det ails  Recognize whet her complaint involves Discriminat ion  Gat her S upport ing Evidence (emails, t ime cards, schedules, not es… .)  Look for Corroborat ion and/ or Cont radict ion  Int erview t he people involved 4

  5. 9/20/2018 S TEPS TO R ES VE C OMPLAINT OL  Don’ t S hoot the Messenger – DON’ T RETALIATE  Obvious Forms of Retaliation  S ubtle Forms  Changing Work Hours  Changing Job Responsibilit ies  Changing Work Area  Isolat ion – left out of meet ings or ot her office funct ions 9/ 20/ 201 13 8 S TEPS TO R ES VE C OMPLAINT OL  Take appropriate action  Counseling/ furt her trainings  Warning/ Reprimand  S uspension  Termination  Take it Quickly  Document it  Notify the Complainant 9/20/2018 14 What’s the Harm?  Depending on type and severity of the case:  Job Placement  Back Pay and Benefits  Attorneys Fees, Experts Witness Fees & Court Costs  Out-of-Pocket Expenses • Costs Associated with a j ob search • Medical Expenses • Emotional Harm (mental anguish, loss of enj oyment of life)  Punitive Damages 9/ 20/ 201 15 8 5

  6. 9/20/2018 9/ 20/ 201 16 8 For More Information:  Allison, Bass & Magee, LLP 402 West 12 th S  treet  Austin, Texas 78701  512/ 482-0701 6


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