9 18 2013

9/18/2013 MS MST iPad Minis West We Chromebooks STEM ST - PDF document

9/18/2013 MS MST iPad Minis West We Chromebooks STEM ST Toshiba Laptop Highlights of our Year 9/23/13 Erin Grove, 2 nd Grade Teacher In my class, weve already begun using Google Drive for sharing files back and forth, such as

  1. 9/18/2013 MS MST iPad Minis West We Chromebooks STEM ST Toshiba Laptop Highlights of our Year 9/23/13 –Erin Grove, 2 nd Grade Teacher In my class, we’ve already begun using Google Drive for sharing files back and forth, such as pictures, morning work, and classwork. My students love the hands-on learning from apps such as “Hundreds Chart” and “Popplet” which help them apply concepts and organize their thinking. It’s amazing to see how quickly they pick it all up and how eager they are to apply the learning everywhere else as well. The iPads are giving students confidence and motivating them to do well, and I can’t wait to see where these devices take us next! 1

  2. 9/18/2013 Three hour te tech i inte tegration r requirement Strands Str Differentiated Instruction Project-Based Learning Ar Areas eas of of Study Study Year two of the application Video Presentations Presentation Tools -- Teacher iPads – 1, 1,150 (Two year total) Collaboration -- Student iPad Bundles (4) - 262 262 Global Community The One iPad Classroom -- Student Laptop Bundles (4) - 30 300 BYOD – Bring Your Own Device Software Tutorials Atomic Courses ASCD - Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Learning for credit CTE 1 Blackboard World Student Parent Course & CoSN - Consortium for School Networking Student Online Online ISTE - International Society for Technology in Education Blackboard Learning 2 Tech Learn Classes Opportunities Learning Forward - Professional Development Edline Online TCEA - Texas Computer Education Association GT 3 21 Courses TLA – Texas Library Association Things 4 Other Teachers Opportunities Department Offerings Google Guides & Camp Gr Grad ades 1 1 - 12 Algebra - Al - PreA reAP & & GenEd At MST Magnet, we believe that the 1-1 iPad • Summer 2 mmer 2013 13 Anatomy An initiative will increase student engagement, allow AP En AP English h Lit • 18 classr 18 classroo oom m teache achers rs multiple opportunities for differentiated instruction, As Astronomy and increase digital literacy skills, ensuring students AVID ID ( (9, 12) , 12) • Fo Four d day camp are prepared for the 21 st century workplace. Biolog ogy ( (Honor ors) - -Angela Vaughan, MST Principal Chemistry - Che - PreAP & Ge GenEd • Googl Google Apps suppor Apps support on on campu campus Geo Geometry • Dist District ct traine trainers rs Hi Hist story Ph Physics Physiology Ph Prec Precalculus Sci Science - - Gen enEd & & ESL ESL Spa Spanish Apple A Apple Acad adem emy T Traini aining ng-S -Summer 20 2013 How to Manage the iPad Mini • Creating Courses with iTunes U • Teacher MacBooks Creating eBooks with iBooks Author • Sharing with Google Drive • Building the MST Apps Library • 2

  3. 9/18/2013 West Google Campus Studen udent Emai Email Grad Grades 2-12 2-12 --Chris Yon, Instructional Technology Specialist On the first day over 90% of teachers and students were using their Chromebooks in 2011-2013 TAC Web 2.0 Subcommittee class. Projects ranged from gathering data via Google forms, working on Google Docs, Student email needed grades 2-12 visiting teacher web sites, bookmarking sites to be used in the future, twitter feeds, etc. It was wonderful to see this – and on the first day! Nothing but good remarks from Researched the different options parents, students and teachers about the Chromebooks. Warranty or mechanical Google Apps for Education problems = zero. Boot up time = nonexistent. Can’t wait for the rest of the year! -- Our own domain This same scene; room to room, period to period… -- We control access -- Filtering controls -- Bad word list -- Email in or out of district RD Annual – 3 RD nnual – November ber 8, 8, 20 2013 November 2, 2013 9:00am - 12:00pm Professional Development Center Library Media Services provides students and staff with access to 712,369 physical items. During the 2012-2013 school year, over one million items were circulated. 3

  4. 9/18/2013 Library Media Services provides students and staff with 24/7 access to a variety of vetted digital information sources. K-6 Internet safety During the 2012-2013 school year, RISD accrued over a half million online curriculum (Year 2) resource sessions. Internet safety course for parents on library web site This was one of the most informative and useful Launching fall 2013 professional developments that I have attended in a long time. Provides select ebooks/eaudiobooks to students and staff on their own devices Excellent, Excellent, Excellent! Bring Richard back to the district as often as possible. Everyone needs to hear Elementary, junior high, and high school collections this information. One book, one user (as opposed to simultaneous One of the most useful sessions I've attended access) from the district, hands down. 2013 - 2014 Elementary Classroom • Devices October 18 18, 2013 13 Android Tablets • An An an annual, al, coll llabor aborati ative e e event ho hosted b by Richar Richardson ISD on ISD Lib Library Me Media a Windows Tablets Servic Ser ices & & Plano Plano ISD ISD Learn Learning ng Media Ser Media Servic ices f for all r all sc scho hool libra librarians • in the N in e North T Texas a area ea Single Sign-on • Featur ured spea eaker Lee Ra ee Raini inie, Dire Director of t of the Pe e Pew R Research Cent Center’s Interne rnet an and Am American Li Life fe Project oject Continue with Community Internet Access Averag erages 400 400 att attend ndees 4

  5. 9/18/2013 MediaCas MediaCast -- Easy access on any device -- YouTube type environment Camt Camtasia Rela lay -- Installs on any device -- District-owned server iT iTunes unesU -- Create robust online courses -- Endless learning and collaboration 5


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