80 bunch scheme in the lhc

80 bunch scheme in the LHC R. Tom as and X. Buffat Thanks to F. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

80 bunch scheme in the LHC R. Tom as and X. Buffat Thanks to F. Antoniou, G. Arduini, H. Bartosik, O. Br uning, H. Damerau, S. Gilardoni, M. Giovannozzi, B. Goddard, V. Kain, R. de Maria, Y. Papaphilippou, G. Papotti, T. Pieloni, G.

  1. 80 bunch scheme in the LHC R. Tom´ as and X. Buffat Thanks to F. Antoniou, G. Arduini, H. Bartosik, O. Br¨ uning, H. Damerau, S. Gilardoni, M. Giovannozzi, B. Goddard, V. Kain, R. de Maria, Y. Papaphilippou, G. Papotti, T. Pieloni, G. Rumolo, E. Shaposhnikova and J. Uythoven March 12, 2015

  2. Turn-around time Since Chamonix 2014 HL-LHC beams need a 7.2s longer SPS ramp (E. Shaposhnikova): G. Arduini et al – 23’ � 28’ @ inj. — 183’ Maybe 80 bunch scheme helps with turn-around-time

  3. 80 bunch scheme and 4 PS batch trains 8 non-colliding bunches (min?) Train gap 950ns (min 900ns) P ✐ P � ✒ P First train in the LHC � P P P � P ✱ ✁ ✱ ✁ ✱ ✁ ✱ ✱ ✁ ✱ ✁ ✱ ✁ ✱ Abort gap 110 slots ✁ Full LHC ✱ ❍❍❍❍ ✁ ✱ ❍ ❥ (120 9 × 4 × 80=2880 if 3 nc bunches)

  4. Comparing to nominal (colliding bunches) # IP1&5 IP2 IP8 Abort Non- #SPS gap Coll. inj 72 2736 2452 2524 120 12 12 72 + 2808 2276 2232 120 12 11 80 2800 2727 2694 110 8 12 80 + 2880 2380 2366 110 8 10 If 3 non-colliding bunches OK, abort gap=120 OK. Else train gap can be shorter by 2 slots (950 → 900ns) Saving 2 SPS injections shortens turn-around-time (183’ → 178’) and decreases IBS emittance growth by ≈ 1% in first trains.

  5. Comparing to nominal (luminosity) # IP1&5 IP2 IP8 Abort Non- #SPS extra ≈ 0.5% from TAT not included gap Coll. inj 72 2736 2452 2524 120 12 12 72 + +2.6% -7.2% -11% 120 12 11 80 +2.3% +11% +6.7% 110 8 12 80 + +5.2% -3% -6.2% 110 8 10 ✲ With 80 everybody wins Does IP2 want it? 80 + is optimized for IP1&5 Is 80 + OK for LHCB? → Need input

  6. How to find the optimum? 3 PS batch types: 72, 80, 81 SPS trains made of 1,2,3 or 4 PS batches (120 different SPS trains) with ≈ 10 possible train gaps (900-1150ns) and between 10 and 15 SPS injections This gives about 10 40 possible LHC filling schemes (symmetries are used to find good combinations)

  7. Long ranges in Nominal ✛ Non-colliding bunches

  8. Long ranges in 80 + ✛ Non-colliding bunches No differences other than fewer non-colliding bunches is better

  9. 80 bunches/4 trains merits and issues Merits: ⋆ 5.2% more luminosity in IP1&5 (same pile-up) ⋆ with room for compromises with other IPs ⋆ Possibly faster turn-around ⋆ Potential to be a scrubbing beam Issues: ⋆ SPS to LHC transfer with 4 × 80=320 bunches instead of 4 × 72=288 ⋆ Injection protection devices (TDI, TCDI, etc) need to “survive” the extra charge ⋆ ≈ 10% larger heat load due to e-cloud

  10. Pushed 8b+4e Merits: ⋆ 7 PSB bunches can provide 56 × 4 × 9 =2016 bunches in the LHC ⋆ Considerably lower e-cloud than 25 ns baseline ⋆ Larger lumi than 50 ns or plain 8b+4e ⋆ Smaller β ∗ and smaller crossing angle thanks to fewer long ranges. Issues: ⋆ Lower luminosity than baseline ⋆ with 10% more peak pile-up

  11. Pushed 8b+4e Nominal T. Pieloni 8b+4e C. Tambasco 30% fewer LRs Lower number of long range encounters allows for smaller crossing angle and smaller β ∗ ( β ∗ = 10cm, θ = 530 µ m (9 σ ) with crab cavities in the following )

  12. Pushed 8b+4e: Performance I (preliminary) more IBS 2.4 3 3 ✄ 2.2 ✄ 2.8 2.8 2 ppb [10 11 ] ε x [10 -6 m] ✄ ε y [10 -6 m] ✄ ✎ 1.8 2.6 2.6 1.6 2.4 2.4 1.4 1.2 2.2 2.2 1 2 2 0.8 0.6 1.8 1.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 US2 Time [h] Time [h] Time [h] 8b4e 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 σ z [dm] β x [m] β y [m] 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 lower β ∗ 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [h] Time [h] Time [h]

  13. Pushed 8b+4e: Performance II (preliminary) ✗✔ lower leveled lumi same pile-up more peak pile-up 5.5 1.5 1.4 ✄ ✄ ✄ ✎ L [10 34 cm -2 s -1 ] ✄ 5 ✖✕ 1.4 1.3 µ peak [mm -1 ] ✄ 4.5 µ [100] 1.3 1.2 ✄ ✎ ✄ 4 1.2 1.1 3.5 1.1 1 3 2.5 1 0.9 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 larger ✗✔ US2 Time [h] tuneshift Time [h] Time [h] 8b4e lower performance -22% ❈ 3 ✖✕ ❈ 3.5 3.5 L int [100fb -1 y -1 ] 2.5 ❈ ❈ ❲ ξ x [0.01] ξ y [0.01] 2 3 3 1.5 2.5 2.5 1 2 2 0.5 0 1.5 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [h] Time [h] Time [h]

  14. Conclusions ⋆ 80 bunch scheme is promissing for performance and flexibility: up to 5.2% in lumi, turn-around-time, scrubbing beam, 80bunch/3batches, etc ⋆ Experimentally not yet demonstrated ⋆ and full LHC potential not yet explored ⋆ Need to know: minimum number of non-colliding bunches, figure of merit for luminosities in the IPs and abort gap margin. ⋆ Risk of protection devices to be assessed.


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