
7 Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 - PDF document

Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 ReceptionClass 7 Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Isthisstill7? 7 Theyareequal. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19,

  1. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 ReceptionClass 7

  2. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Isthisstill7? 7 Theyareequal.

  3. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... 6 Partner A: Represent the number 6. Partner B: Check if there are 6 cubes. swap Sam says he counted correctly and has two equal ten frames. Is he correct? If he's not, what can he do to make them equal?

  4. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class1

  5. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class1 5 8 3

  6. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... 9+6= Howwouldyoufindtheanswer, useyourtenframe(s)andpart partwholemodel. 7 15 ? Howmanymoretomake10? Howmanytomake15?

  7. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 ClassTwo BarModel Ibought5greenapplesand4redapples. Howmanyapplesaltogether? applesaltogether whole 9 greenapples redapples 5 4 part part

  8. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 ClassTwo 76=52+24 23+____=48 76 48 ? 23 52 24 23­____=15 76­52=______ 23 76 15 ? 52 ? ____­5=20 28=_____­20 ? ? 20 5 20 28

  9. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... 3.26­10=_____ 1.52+23=____ 4.24+6=_____ 2.13+____=21 2.16=_____­10 1.____­5=20

  10. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class3 It'stheteachersvsparentsnetballmatch. MissSideerealisessheonlyhas8bibsbutshe needs24altogether. Howmanydoessheneedtobuynow? 24 ? 8

  11. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... Thetotalnumberofpointsinthematchwas32. If12pointswerescoredinthesecondhalf,how manypointswerescoredinthefirsthalf? Forhalftime,theparentsboughtorangesandbottlesof watertosharewiththeplayers.Theorangescost£4.50, thebottlesofwatercost£13.70.Howmuchchangedid theparentsgetfrom£25?

  12. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class4 It'stimefortheGreat BritishBakeOffTechnical Challengeandsome quantitiesaremissing fromtherecipe. Example:Youneedtwiceasmuchsugar ascocoapowderinthechocolatecake. Altogether,youhave150g. Cocoapowder Sugar Toptip:Usepost­it notes,astheycan representanyvalue. Howmanyequal partsaretherealtogether?

  13. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... Try:Youneed3timesasmuchbutteras sugar.Youneed120galtogether.Howmany gramsofsugarandbutterdoyouhave? Sugar Butter Challenge:Altogetheryouneed49teaspoons ofdryingredients.Weneed6timesmore flourthansugar.Howmanyteaspoonsdo weneedofflourandsugar? Sugar Flour Howmanyequal partsaretherealtogether?

  14. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class5 Findingpercentagesofanumberusingthebarmodel. 1  2  0 1  2  0

  15. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... Find5%of£120 Find13%of£120 120 12 1%

  16. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class6 I have a bag of sweets. For every blue sweet I have, I have 3 green sweets. If I have 27 green sweets, how many blue sweets do I have?

  17. Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... I have a bag of sweets. For every 2 blue sweets I have, I have 3 green sweets. If I have 18 green sweets, how many blue sweets do I have? Look at the bar model below. Can you think of a problem which this bar model could be answering?


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