Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 ReceptionClass 7
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Isthisstill7? 7 Theyareequal.
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... 6 Partner A: Represent the number 6. Partner B: Check if there are 6 cubes. swap Sam says he counted correctly and has two equal ten frames. Is he correct? If he's not, what can he do to make them equal?
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class1
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class1 5 8 3
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... 9+6= Howwouldyoufindtheanswer, useyourtenframe(s)andpart partwholemodel. 7 15 ? Howmanymoretomake10? Howmanytomake15?
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 ClassTwo BarModel Ibought5greenapplesand4redapples. Howmanyapplesaltogether? applesaltogether whole 9 greenapples redapples 5 4 part part
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 ClassTwo 76=52+24 23+____=48 76 48 ? 23 52 24 23____=15 7652=______ 23 76 15 ? 52 ? ____5=20 28=_____20 ? ? 20 5 20 28
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... 3.2610=_____ 1.52+23=____ 4.24+6=_____ 2.13+____=21 2.16=_____10 1.____5=20
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class3 It'stheteachersvsparentsnetballmatch. MissSideerealisessheonlyhas8bibsbutshe needs24altogether. Howmanydoessheneedtobuynow? 24 ? 8
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... Thetotalnumberofpointsinthematchwas32. If12pointswerescoredinthesecondhalf,how manypointswerescoredinthefirsthalf? Forhalftime,theparentsboughtorangesandbottlesof watertosharewiththeplayers.Theorangescost£4.50, thebottlesofwatercost£13.70.Howmuchchangedid theparentsgetfrom£25?
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class4 It'stimefortheGreat BritishBakeOffTechnical Challengeandsome quantitiesaremissing fromtherecipe. Example:Youneedtwiceasmuchsugar ascocoapowderinthechocolatecake. Altogether,youhave150g. Cocoapowder Sugar Toptip:Usepostit notes,astheycan representanyvalue. Howmanyequal partsaretherealtogether?
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... Try:Youneed3timesasmuchbutteras sugar.Youneed120galtogether.Howmany gramsofsugarandbutterdoyouhave? Sugar Butter Challenge:Altogetheryouneed49teaspoons ofdryingredients.Weneed6timesmore flourthansugar.Howmanyteaspoonsdo weneedofflourandsugar? Sugar Flour Howmanyequal partsaretherealtogether?
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class5 Findingpercentagesofanumberusingthebarmodel. 1 2 0 1 2 0
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... Find5%of£120 Find13%of£120 120 12 1%
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Class6 I have a bag of sweets. For every blue sweet I have, I have 3 green sweets. If I have 27 green sweets, how many blue sweets do I have?
Teacher Presentation and Challenges.notebook June 19, 2017 Nowit'syourturn... I have a bag of sweets. For every 2 blue sweets I have, I have 3 green sweets. If I have 18 green sweets, how many blue sweets do I have? Look at the bar model below. Can you think of a problem which this bar model could be answering?
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