7 11 and 12 multiplication tables diving into mastery

7, 11 and 12 Multiplication Tables Diving into Mastery Guidance for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

7, 11 and 12 Multiplication Tables Diving into Mastery Guidance for Educators Diving Deeper Deepest Aim This week we are really focusing on securing the 7, 11 and 12 multiplication tables . It is really important to be able to recall these

  1. 7, 11 and 12 Multiplication Tables

  2. Diving into Mastery Guidance for Educators Diving Deeper Deepest

  3. Aim • This week we are really focusing on securing the 7, 11 and 12 multiplication tables . It is really important to be able to recall these facts to help you with mental calculations and to help you with things like long multiplication. • We would like everyone to practise their TTRockstars each day this week, but if you have any other ways to help you remember your tables, then please use these methods too. • If you are already really secure with your 7, 11 and 12 multiplication facts (you can recall any calculation from 1x7 to 12x7 and 1x12 to 12x12 in about 2 seconds when asked in a random order) then there are a two investigations for you to complete. • Have fun!

  4. 7 Times Table and Division Facts Diving Give the missing number in each of these sets of multiplication calculations: 4 x 7 = 28 9 x 7 = 63 40 x 7 = 280 90 x 7 = 630 400 x 7 = 2800 900 x 7 = 6300 Use the answers to the multiplication calculations above to help you answer these division calculations: 28 ÷ 7 = 4 63 ÷ 7 = 9 280 ÷ 7 = 40 630 ÷ 7 = 90 2800 ÷ 7 = 400 6300 ÷ 7 = 900

  5. 7 Times Table and Division Facts Deeper 2 × 700 70 × 20 Jacob is asked to insert =, < or > in > 12 × 70 120 × 70 each of the boxes in order to make < 70 × 70 700 × 7 these number statements correct. < 60 × 70 6 × 70 = Look carefully at each of Jacob’s number statements and explain if they are correct or not. Answers: 2 × 700 = 70 × 20 12 × 70 < 120 × 70 70 × 70 = 700 × 7 60 × 70 > 70 × 6

  6. 7 Times Table and Division Facts Deepest Look carefully at this puzzle and insert the missing numbers that will complete each section of the circle correctly. Clue: How are the numbers in each part of the puzzle related to each other? In each section of the puzzle, 70 7 the two numbers on the outside edge are multiplied together to make the number closest to the 840 3500 centre of the puzzle. 50 120 70 560 7 4900 70 80

  7. 7 Times Table and Division Facts Dive in by completing your own activity!

  8. 7 Times Table and Division Facts If you are confident with your times tables, have a go at completing the challenge. Challenge Activity

  9. 11 and 12 Times Table Diving Complete the sentences and calculation to match the picture. 6 lots of 10 beads = 60 6 lots of 2 beads = 12 72 6 lots of 12 beads = 6 × 10 + 6 × 2 = 6 × 12 = 72

  10. 11 and 12 Times Table Diving Complete the table. Draw It Describe It Calculate It 90 Possible answers: 9 lots of 10 = 9 × 11 = 99 9 9 lots of 1 = 9 × 10 + 9 × 1 = 99 99 9 lots of 11 =

  11. 11 and 12 Times Table Diving Complete these calculations. 84 7 × 12 = = 12 × 11 121 55 ÷ = 5 11 12 = 24 ÷ 2

  12. 11 and 12 Times Table Diving Freya bought 12 lollipops that cost 48p altogether. How much did one lollipop cost? 48p ÷ 12 = 4p

  13. 11 and 12 Times Table Deeper Solve the calculations. Which is the odd one out and why? 1 × 11 = 11 12 × 1 = 12 is the odd one out because it is the only calculation with the 88 ÷ 8 = 11 answer 12. The answer to the other calculations is 11. 132 ÷ 12 = 11 12 ÷ 1 = 12

  14. 11 and 12 Times Table Deeper Read the statement below. Is it always, sometimes or never true? Explain your reasoning. All multiples in the 12 times table are even. This is always true. The multiples for the 12 times table are always even because 12 is an even number. It doesn’t matter how many twelves there are - the total will always be even.

  15. 11 and 12 Times Table Deepest The sweet shop sells gummy bears and chocolates. There are 11 gummy bears in each bag and 12 chocolates in each box. Claire buys 47 sweets altogether. How many bags of gummy bears and how many boxes of chocolates did she buy? 1 bag of lollies = 1 × 11 = 11 lollies 3 bags of chocolates = 3 × 12 = 36 chocolates 36 + 11 = 47

  16. 11 and 12 Times Table Dive in by completing your own activity! If you are confident with your tables, have a go at the challenge on the next page.

  17. 11 and 12 Times Table If you are confident with your times tables, have a go at completing the challenge. Challenge Activity


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