26-28 October, 2011 Oporto, Portugal Peter Szegedi, PDO szegedi@terena org szegedi@terena.org www.terena.org 5th TF-Media 5th TF-Media Survey results and their usage
How relevant the results are Num ber of NRENs interested in m edia services? services? (out of 43 responses in total) 31 28 Compendium 2010 4 22 22 and TF-Meda survey 9 9 Compendium 2010 18 18 TF-Media survey 2011 31 TF-Media survey coverage on TF-Media survey covers 71% of interested NRENs NRENs interested in any kind of (that TERENA knows of) (that TERENA knows of) media related services. Good! di l t d i G d! 29% University responses are not According to TF- Meda survey representative! 2011 71% N t Not coverred by d b the survey
TF-Media survey responses TF-Media survey total responses by type of organisation ( 1 2 5 responses from 3 0 countries) 1% 2% 1% University or higher education institution 4% NREN 30% 30% Commercial 62% Academic service provider or consortium I s your organization served by an NREN? Library, museum or some relevant institution 36% Yes Other: Secondary medical school 64% No No W hat organisations answ erd the survey in your country? 8% 11% In 81% of the answers both the NREN and NREN and universities ni e sities universities are filled in the survey from the 81% Only NREN given country.
The m ain question Are you producing/ publishing any ( m ulti) m edia content, e.g. using/ doing lecture recordings, capturing video conferences, digitizing printed m aterial, harvesting m ultim edia content etc? m ultim edia content etc? 8% 10% Yes, we are 82% Currently not, but planning to Not at all 1% I f yes, w hat organization are you y , g y I f planning, w hat organization are p g, g I f planning, is your you affiliated/ w orking w ith? affiliated/ w orking w ith? 0% 4% university served by an 1% University or higher 0% NREN? education institution 8% 50% 50% University or higher NREN Y 26% 50% education institution 42% Commercial 68% 68% NREN Academic service provider or consortium Commercial Library, museum or some relevant institution
NREN vs. Universities I s your NREN offering any m edia 4% I s your university offering any related service? m edia related service? 16% 8% 13% Yes, we are Yes, we are 71% Currently not, but 88% Currently not, but planning to planning to Not at all Not at all I f yes, w ho provides the lecture I f yes, w ho provides the lecture recording/ m edia m anagem ent system recording/ m edia m anagem ent system to your NREN? to your university? Our institution (the Our institution (the NREN does it) NREN does it) university does it) i it d it) 4% 18% 26% Third party Our NREN organization, 51% 9% consortium 74% Third party Other, mixed 7% 7% % organization, consortium 4% Other, mixed No answer
W hat you can do w ith the results › TF-Media survey: 1 A 1. Available for analysis on your own il bl f l i http: / / mam.uninett.no/ limesurvey/ admin/ admin.php 2 Selected results for propmotion will soon 2. Selected results for propmotion will soon be available - raw data - excel graphs g p - press quality graphic Slide 6
Selected results - NRENs I s your NREN providing any m edia related service? service? 16% 13% Yes, we are 71% Currently not, but planning to Not at all Slide 7
Selected results - Maturity How long ago did you start w ith lecture recording/ m edia m anagem ent? 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Less than a 1 year 2 years 3-5 years Longer than 5 year years Slide 8
Selected results - Users Offline Supported platform s and devices How content is m ade available to users (downloada Android ble/ podcast devices devices s) s) 11% 7% Apple iOS devices Windows 13% Online only 31% (streaming) Both ways 34% Linux 59% 20% 20% M MacOS OS 27% I s access to content restricted and to w hat I s access to content restricted, and to w hat extent No restricted access 14% Private user National R&E National R&E group community 38% 10% Organisation 21% Department 17% 17% Slide 9
Selected results - System s How many hours of lectures/events are recorded on average per month? Calculation Result C Count 60 60 Sum 10461 Standard deviation 670.06 that is 53.6% of the that is 53.6% of the available recording Average 174.35h capacity in average I ntetntion to share developm ents and softw are codes Closed source code 11% Open source code 48% Code re-use is possible 41% Slide 10
Selected results - Com m unity Why are you interested in TF ‐ Media? ” Improves the quality of vocational education” p q y f ”All media things of interest” "Get insight into perspective wider than national” ”Global citizenship” ” M di i ” Media is my life” lif ” ”Share information and knowledge” ” Opportunity to create a common infrastructure and best practices ” ”I think it could be useful to my job” f y j Top5 things of interest 1) L 1) Lecture recording practices t di ti 2) Media management platform deployment 3) Content distribution/sharing 4) Service development using existing components ) p g g p 5) Standardization, service workflow Slide 11
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