5g for remote areas

5G for Remote Areas Age nda 1. 5G Brasil Structure 2. Scenarios - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

5G for Remote Areas Age nda 1. 5G Brasil Structure 2. Scenarios 3. Vertical Markets 4. Technological Trends 5. 5G at Inatel 6. Conclusions 5G Br azil Pr oje c t Private autonomous project under Teleb ebras asil umbrella A

  1. 5G for Remote Areas

  2. Age nda 1. 5G Brasil Structure 2. Scenarios 3. Vertical Markets 4. Technological Trends 5. 5G at Inatel 6. Conclusions

  3. 5G Br azil Pr oje c t • Private autonomous project under Teleb ebras asil umbrella  A private association with 65 members (institutions)  Main Goal: to represent the interests of the telecommunications sector in Brazil and to promote its development.

  4. 5G Br azil Pr oje c t • Private project with:  20 associates (institutions), including industries, universities, research centers, telecom operators and industries associations.  120 members, including engineers, researchers, professors, medium-level and high-level executives.

  5. 5G Br azil Pr oje c t – Main Goal • To promote the development of 5G ecosystem in Brazil through:  Enabling and establishing the communication between the ICT sector and all spheres of government and regulatory agency in Brazil;  Looking for financial support for the promotion and use of 5G technology;  Promoting national and international cooperation agreements for 5G technology development and adoption;

  6. 5G Br azil Pr oje c t – Main Goal • To promote the development of 5G ecosystem in Brazil through:  Establishing and maintaining open interaction with non- ICT organizations, also called vertical sectors;  Sharing information regarding 5G technology among Members and Associates in line with compliance and legal limits.  Representing the common interest of the members, when requested, in national and international forums related to 5G

  7. 5G Br asil - Assoc iate s 115 members

  8. 5G Br asil – T he matic Commissions • Research and Use Cases • Pre-Standards • Backhaul Infrastructure • Future Frequencies Bands • Verticals Regulatory Actions and Market Actions

  9. Sc e nar ios for 5G - Common Vision

  10. 5G Br asil – What is Missing?

  11. 5G Br asil – What is Missing? % of disconnected people: Source: ITU More than 4 billion disconnected people

  12. Soc ial and E c onomic Aspe c ts • Digital divide affects developed and developing countries • The increase in broadband Internet access significantly influences the GDP (gross domestic product) of a country • To separate people from information and communication technologies and services is no longer acceptable in contemporary society. • 5G can offer a huge opportunity to solve this problem

  13. What is Missing in 5G? 5G for Re mote Ar e as!  We also need Smart Santa Luzia (BA)  We also need e-health applications in Amazon area  We also need IoT applications in rural areas

  14. 5G Br asil – Pe c uliar itie s of Br azil • 60% of municipalities in rural areas  65% in the north region  68.9% in the northeast region

  15. PIB – Agr ibusine ss - % PIB - Agribusiness 24.0% 23.0% 22.0% 21.0% 20.0% 19.0% 18.0% 17.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

  16. Br azilian T r ade Balanc e – US$ billions Trade Balance 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 -20.00 -40.00 -60.00 -80.00 -100.00 Total Agribusiness Other sectors

  17. 5G Br asil – Oppor tunitie s in Br azil Demand for Broadband Access

  18. Connectivity Problems > 15 km is a problem Farms with huge dimension are a problem – ex.: 50 km x 50 km

  19. Connectivity Problems Portugal 92.212 km 2 Municipality of Altamira 159.533 km 2

  20. Challe nge s • How to make the remote areas scenario economically viable? • How to make the remote areas scenario attractive to operators? • Using new technologies, as Cognitive Radio. • Using new approaches to Spectrum Allocation. • Using economic incentives.

  21. Sc e nar ios for 5G – Vision of 5G Br asil

  22. 5G Br asil – Re quir e me nts for 5G

  23. 5G Br asil – Pr ior ity Sc e nar ios • Remote Areas • Enhanced Broadband • IoT • Low Latency

  24. Ve r tic al Mar ke ts

  25. 5G Br asil – Pr ior ity Ve r tic als • Agribusiness • Base Industries and Advanced Manufacturing • Logistics • Health Care • Public Safety • Education

  26. F our te e n T e c hnologic al T r e nds for 5G • Millimeter waves • Coordinated • Heterogeneuos Multipoint Networks • D2D Communications • Ultra Dense Networks • New Waveforms • SDN and NFV • Non-orthogonal • Cloud RAN Multiple Access • Radio over Fiber in the • Cognitive Radio Backhaul • Multi-RAT • Massive MIMO • Full-Duplex

  27. T e c hnologic al T r e nds for Re mote Ar e as • Millimeter waves is not possible  Sub 1-GHz is necessary • Ultra dense networks is not applicable  A super cell is necessary – 50 km radius • Cognitive Radio  Some important aspects: dynamic spectrum access; fragmented spectrum allocation; TV white space exploitation; interference mitigation.  Can enable a new regulatory model  Can economically make the scenario viable

  28. T e c hnologic al T r e nds for Re mote Ar e as • New Waveforms  Low OOB (Out-of-Band) emission is a big issue for cognitive radio  Flexible waveforms are important to cognitive radio  GFDM is a very good option for this scenario • D2D  Can help to enable some low latency applications in remote areas

  29. 5G at Inatel

  30. T r ansc e ptor 5G

  31. First Public Demo at MCTIC in Brasília - 31/08/17

  32. 5G-RANGE: Remote Area Access Network for the 5th Generation 5G-RANGE receives funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020/2017-2019) under grant agreement n ° 777137 and from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil through Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) under the 4 th EU-BR Coordinated Call Information and Communication Technologies.

  33. Evolution R Road admap ap (2019-2021) 2021) Prototypes for Control Plane and Architecture Resource Allocation all scenarios 5G Antennas Massive MIMO Network MAC and PHY COmP Applications

  34. Conc lusions • There are huge social problems in the world • Keeping people disconnected increases these problems and is no longer acceptable • The increase in broadband Internet access significantly influences the economy • Agribusiness is very important for several countries, like Brazil • 5G can offer a huge opportunity to address these questions, if the Remote Area Scenario is placed in focus

  35. Prof. José Marcos C. Brito General Secretary – 5G Brasil Project Post-Graduation & Research Pro-Director - Inatel brito@inatel.br


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