5 to gt ols and networks 01 statk couhtw it1ng v iouinr

5. To:>ols and Networks 01' STATK COUHTW:It1NG V'IOUINr - PDF document

. US.D~ ~ ~"Violent ~ ARTMI<Nr UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-09834 Doc No. C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016 7/20/2016 RELEASE IN ] PART 85 U.S. 000ARTMEH1' 01' STATE CO\:tn"ERING VIOL.E.Nf EXTRDlllllSM SUMMrr

  1. . • US.D~ ~ ~"Violent ~ ARTMI<Nr UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-09834 Doc No. C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016 7/20/2016 RELEASE IN ] PART 85 U.S. 000ARTMEH1' 01' STATE CO\:tn"ERING VIOL.E.Nf EXTRDlllllSM SUMMrr COORDIHA"nnN C&U.. 1. Defining Violent Extremism? 2. White House CVE Summit Action Agenda 3. Summit Process & Outcomes 4. P.reventing and Countering Violent Extremism Approach· • 5. To:>ols and Networks 01' STATK COUHTW:It1NG V'IOUINr EX'ntllMISM SUMMIT COOIODINA'nON Clll.L Dcf!nltlpns: .tSQ: violence m· )t i vated by an extremist ldeolosv and committed or willin&ly supported by noiHtate actors to further politkal coals e>rtrem!sm refers to advocating. encaa l n& i n, prepuln& or otherwi se suppo rtlnc ldeo! oa l cal ly motivated or Justified viol ence to fl!rther social, e conomic and po liti cal objectives.• •counter \"oolent Elctremlsm Is 1 rea lm of policy, programs, and Interventions de s igned to pr event Individu als from enpcln& in viol ence assoc i ated with radical political, social, cultural, and re! lci ous ideolo& i es and cr oups . • Q&.; "violent extremism Is any movement. thlt promotes violent means to 1dv ance its l de ol osv , political coals, or r elicoous • 1 Interpretation.• · • .... l ndlvidu.1ls who support or commit ideolo&ically-motivated violen ce to further politi cal &0~1$ . t .t!.C;K; •Elctremlst violence IS violence committed by non-stJte actors In the name of a pohtlcill, ethnic, or ! deoiOJICI ! cause and I ncludes recruitln& as well as faci!itatin& violence." WI; "Violent extremism can be ddined as the use of and facilitati on of violence ta r ceted on clvlll ans as a means of rectlfyln& &r!evaoces, ru! or perce111ed , which form the bas is of lncreaslnsly stronc exdus ive croup Ide ntities." 1 UNCLASSIFIED U. S. Department of State Case No . F-2015-09834 Doc No. C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016

  2. Extr~m!sm UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No . F-2015-09834 Doc No . C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016 7/20/2016 U. S. 01U'AJn1o4ENT Of' STATE COUNI"QIING VIOU:NT EllTREMISM SUMMrr COOIIDINATION CKU. 1. Promotinc LOcal Research and lnformation -Sharin& on the Drivers of Violent Extremism 2. Strencthenin& Civil Society: The Role of Women and Youth in Preventincand Counterin& Violent Extremism 3. Strenctheni n& Community-Pollee and Community-Security Force Relations as in&redients for Counterin& and Preventlnc V'10lent Extremism · 4. Promotln& the Counter-narrative and Weakeninc the l.e&itimac:y of Violent Extremist Messaginc 5. Promotinc Educational Approaches to Build Resilience to Violent Extremism 6. Enhancln& Access to Mainstream Rellclous Know1edce 7. Preventin& radicalizati on to violence In prisons and rehabllltatinc and reintecratln& violent extremists 8. ldentifyinc Political and Economic Opportunities for Communities Vulnerable to Radicalization and Recruitment to Violent Extremism Asslst.tnce and Stabilizati on Efforts to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism 9. Development () U.S . 0Ef'AJn1o4£NT OF STATE COUNTUliHQ VIOI...KHY EllTRDUSM SUMMrr COOIU>IHA110H CG.L M tddlt EutfNprtb A(nq Cfy'l=Sodety Summn Dat.s: Earl'( September location: T80 SoutbiC.tatral A,J!• CNO $octotv Summa 01te1: June 325 Et.gngm!c pmrs pt Rguodtabtc locotlon: lrtonbu~ Turlcay Dates: brty Sept.mbt:r Loatlon: Aspen lnstitUIO, Wuhonatoll, DC 'nterN'Jen.a ' Bctc•rsh 'Anfrmrg Do tes · Wetk of 21 S.pt . l.oelt.on· New York, NY Alctril · Jb•m•t lc Summb on Dt=qdgllztt!qn July 22·23 Slrpoc Clt! IJ Network Lay ncb Event fT«atptlwl Location: Al&iers Dat.s. Wtek of 21 Stpt . !.oat- . No,.. Yort, NY &m ar Po!nta1)f:'Ans.ct Mt•tlnc lot. July GlqMt yPuth m &pp /M•ri;ctpl tst trmwtNr' loclt l an : no WHkoiSopt . 21 \.oc.atfan. NewYort,. NY .M&lr.dliDil Deus: leta July/ Earl'( Auaust CV£ Lttdtr( M11t lna . Loc.atlon: Nouakchott Dotes: Soptefnber on Morwlns of UN Genor>l .US.mbly LOUit l on : Nt.., Yori: . NY Experts Ql alocu!! en Cpmmunftv..Suurtty forSt Rtlatloos Dous: July/Au&ust nD l..ocolihon : Wuhln.f\On. DC ; Matti 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-09834 Doc No. C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016

  3. l ~ · : ~ ~ ~(but ~ ~st · ~ non ld~logy ~ Ne~works UNCLf\SSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-09834 Doc No . . C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016 7/20/2016 .. {') U.S. OEI'AJOnii:NT OF STAn: COUNn!RIHG VIOI.EHT EXTREMISM SUMMrr COORDINAnON CEU. L....., The Relationship between Atrocities and Violent Extremism VIOLENT fXTREMISM U.S. GOVEBNMEtlT OEFINmONS Y.a lr ?[ Exfrm~tm CSO d•fines lrloknt f:lffn'mum o.s -vtoM~ motrwtH by on utrimJst and tommltf:H or w illin gly svpportd by actors to furthrr po litical toell .• [Not~ : There b not one standerd definttbn of violent oxtromlsm (or tamulsm) omo111 tho U.S .I n to rq e ncy .) Pros lllonbol SllldyDiro<fiV..JO ( PSlHO } dlflnu otrocltl<s OJ · 1o~cole ond dd 'b•rore oaodcr on cMimru who tf'l}ay ln~motfomJlaw pror.ctfofllfrom dlrw<t ottDck.• Tl!eiCfurthtr do/lnes otrocltla •• ·to-J<Gio , dellbffOte woulD mulbng Itt or 500 d.orlu or J ,OOO wlroon hormrd du rin g a s&ntD ln nl of pnfod ttm . ... A!To<itln ore typlcolly com by states , but con be corried out by notto stote octcrs. .. VIolent f.xlftmllm) : North Ko"'• · ' Burund i, South Sudan not Vloltnt f.xlftm i UI {but not Atrodty) : Hi<bo O oh V Iolent btrtm l om w Atrodty : Nlceno (Boko Horom) , lroq ond Syno {IS I L) , So moho {AI Sh obub ) CSQ lntomo t •woridnc• doflnftlon {') U.S. DEI'Ain1oi£HT Of' STAft COUHT&RIHG VIOI.EHT EXTREMISM SUMMrr COORDINAT10N CllU.. L...,.; Tools- Networks - Deliverables 1. Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) 2. Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund 3. Hedaya 4. International Institute for Justice and Rol 5. Youth & Civil Society / Researchers Formers }> Strong Cities }> Private Sector }> 6. Idea Expo s; Tech Camps; University Partnerhips 3 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-09834 Doc No . C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016

  4. ~_, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No . F-2015-09834 Doc No. C06099113 Date: 09/30/2016 7/20/2016 . ~"'-, U.S . D.,;.ARTMEHT OF STATE • ( ) COUNTDI JNO V JOU:In ElrniEM- SUMMtr COOiio J MATJON Cltl..L . CVE Summit Resources www . cvesumm it. org 85 I 4 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-09834 Doc No . CQ6099113 Date: 09/30/2016


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