5 th Meeting of the International Comparison Program (ICP) Governing Board December 13, 2019 Washington, DC
Global Release Event ICP Global Office, World Bank
Communication Strategy: Pre-release Activities Output Audience Message Vehicle ICP Website; What will be released, All when and how? ICP Data Blog + Why is the ICP ICP important to + ICP Newsletter Stakeholders stakeholders? Announcement + WB Intranet; WB internal + Why is the ICP of forthcoming audience important to the WB? + WB Data Day 2020 ICP Results + Why is the ICP + WB/Stakeholders’ important for Websites; External development? audience + WB/Stakeholders’ + Why should we trust Social Media ICP data? 3
Communication Strategy: Release Activities (1) Output Audience Message Vehicle ICP Website; WB Databank; How can ICP results be WB Development Data accessed? ICP Data Hub; and All How can underlying World Development Metadata ICP data be Indicators; accessed? ICP Github portal; WB Data Help Desk 4
Communication Strategy: Release Activities (2) Output Audience Message Vehicle What are the main socio- Press Release(s); economic findings from the ICP results? ICP 2017 Report; How are the ICP results ICP website; All produced and what has Let's Talk Dev Blog; changed since last time? FAQs; What are the correct uses Global & Regional ICP Main and limitations of the ICP Release Events Findings, results? Methodology ICP + ICP Newsletter and Stakeholders Guidance + WB Intranet; WB + What does this mean for internal + ICP Data Blog; WB outputs? audience + User Meetings + WB/Stakeholders Websites; External audience + WB/Stakeholders Social Media 5
Communication Strategy: Post-release Activities Output Audience Message Vehicle Dashboard Portal with Visuals; Why are PPPs crucial for analysis and essential to Visual Compendium of many development PPP Uses and indicators? Applications; World Development Indicators Data Stories; ICP How have the secondary Analytical All indicators been revised WB Data Briefs; Products as a result of new PPP ICP Data Blog; data? ICP Newsletter; WB/Stakeholders Social What can users expect Media; from the permanent ICP PPP e-Learning Courses; program? World Data Forum 2020 6
Global release event: Venue, Timing & Audience Venue Launch event at World Bank HQ, Washington DC Timing Week of April 27th 2020 (tentative) Audience All (external and internal audience as well as media) 7
Global release event: Potential Speakers Keynote speeches/panels � World Bank Chief Economist � Chair of ICP Technical Advisory Group � Co-Chairs of the ICP Governing Board � Heads/Chief Economists of global/regional/donor agencies � Major Users 8
Global release: Topics � Launch the report “Purchasing Power Parities and the Real Size of World Economies: Results from the 2017 International Comparison Program” � Main results and key findings � Key uses and applications of ICP results and data � PPPs and monitoring progress towards the SDGs � ICP impact on building statistical capacity in countries � The future of the ICP – innovations and capacity-building to adapt to a changing world 9
Regional Release Plans Regional Implementing Agencies
Feedback from the Board
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