2cn clab talk cultura redes e pol tica

2CN-CLab Talk Cultura, Redes e Poltica Manuel Gama & Fernanda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2CN-CLab Talk Cultura, Redes e Poltica Manuel Gama & Fernanda Pinheiro CULTURAL NETWORKS RESEARCH PROJECT Transnational Cultural Cooperation Networks Portugal European, Lusophone and Ibero-American FCT Research Project (2015-2021)

  1. 2CN-CLab Talk Cultura, Redes e Política Manuel Gama & Fernanda Pinheiro

  2. CULTURAL NETWORKS RESEARCH PROJECT Transnational Cultural Cooperation Networks Portugal European, Lusophone and Ibero-American

  3. FCT Research Project (2015-2021) “Transnational Cultural Cooperation Networks: Portugal European, Lusophone and Ibero- American” is a postdoctoral research project supported by FCT (SFRH/BPD/101985/2014). The project intends to increase qualified practices of networking on culture sector through the diagnosis of critical success factors of the communication process in the networks and between networks.

  4. Aims A1 – Study the main international models of transnational cultural networks A2 – Map the existing cultural networks in Portugal A3 – Analyze the internal and external relationships established in the identified portuguese cultural networks A4 – Analyze the communicative process and strategy of the identified portuguese cultural networks A5 – Identify and present the conditions to establish a powering environment in order to promote cultural networks in a national and transnational contexts

  5. Tasks T1 – Good international practices of transnational cultural cooperation networks T2 – Portuguese cultural networks T3 – Portuguese cultural cooperation networks density and expressivity T4 – Cultural cooperation networks dynamics and transnationality

  6. Culture (Conta Satélite da Cultura, INE 2016) Domains Functions Architecture Creation • • Archive Diffusion/Marketing • • • Audiovisual and Multimedia • Education Books and Publishing Management/Regulation • • • Cultural Heritage • Preservation/Conservation Interdisciplinary Production/Divulgation • • Library • • Performing Arts Publicity • • Visual Arts

  7. Situation Point International mapping of cultural organizations [since July, 2015] • Cultural Cooperation Networks - Creative Laboratory (2CN-CLab) • International Congress [Portugal, November, 2016] • Networks validation process [since January, 2017] • Survey Cultural Sector [Portugal, May/September, 2017] • Cultural sector professionals contribution videos [since June, 2017] • E-Book [September, 2017] •

  8. International mapping of cultural organizations Observatories; 191 National Networks; 592 Transnational Networks; 236

  9. Survey Cultural Sector (Portugal) MAIN CULTURAL DOMAIN Professionals Organizations Architecture Archive Audiovisual and… Books and Publishing Cultural Heritage Interdisciplinary Library Performing Arts Publicity Visual Arts 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

  10. 2CN-CLab 2CN-CLab aims to promote critical and constructive discussion on cultural cooperation networks and, thereby, to sensibilize and empower the stakeholders to participate in this kind of organizations.

  11. 2CN-CLab | 2016 – Year 0 15 Actions in Portugal and Spain • 75 Speakers from 6 countries • 444 Participants • 90.2% of Speakers and Participants evaluated with • Excellent or Good the 2CN- CLab’s Relevance Themes

  12. 2CN-CLab | 2016 Excellent Good Sufficient Insufficient Bad Very Bad Overall Satisfaction 43,6% 48,0% Organization 45,8% 47,6% Logistics 39,9% 49,4% Disclosure 26,7% 41,3% Thematic Relevance 56,4% 33,8% Methodology 44,5% 47,5% Quality of Speakers 61,2% 34,8% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

  13. 2CN-CLab | 2016

  14. 2CN-CLab | 2017 – Year 1 • 16 Actions in Brazil, Portugal and Spain 2CN-CLab Talks “Culture, Networks and Policy” • 2CN-CLab Meeting “Culture, Cooperation and Networks” • • 540 Speakers and Participants • 90.1% of Speakers and Participants evaluated with Excellent or Good the 2CN- CLab’s Relevance Themes

  15. 2CN-CLab | 2017 Student Professor Researcher Setor Cultural Professional Other 88% 72% 64% 61% 54% 6% 3% 2% 2% 1% 0% Meetings Talks Brazil Talks Portugal Talk Spain 2CN-CLab 2017

  16. 2CN-CLab | 2017

  17. 2CN-CLab | 2018 – Year 2 2CN-CLab Talks “Culture, Networks and Policy” • 2CN-CLab Working Days • 2CN-CLab Meetings “Culture, Cooperation and Networks” • 2CN-CLab Training “Cultural Networks: Cooperation and Internationalization” •

  18. 2CN-CLab | 2018 First Semester in Portugal 2CN-CLab Talks “Culture, Networks and Policy: What we talk about when • we talk about Cultural Networks ?” Braga, Leiria, Porto, Viana do Castelo • 2CN-CLab Working Days “ Iberoamerican Cultural Charter” • Loulé, Vila Nova de Famalicão •

  19. Cultural Networks – Research Project www.culturalcooperationnetworks.wordpress.com 2CN-CLab www.2cnclab.wordpress.com 2cn.clab@gmail.com

  20. Cultural Networks – Research Project www.culturalcooperationnetworks.wordpress.com 2CN-CLab www.2cnclab.wordpress.com 2cn.clab@gmail.com

  21. 2CN-CLab Talk Cultura, Redes e Política Manuel Gama & Fernanda Pinheiro


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