27 05 2013

27/05/2013 Platform Furniture & Equipment OSC Support Poles 7 - PDF document

27/05/2013 Platform Furniture & Equipment OSC Support Poles 7 th Avenue Refurbishment Project Pedestrian Light Poles TVMs and Validators Shelters with Ad Panels Transit Information Panels Help Phones Platform Furniture & Equipment

  1. 27/05/2013 Platform Furniture & Equipment OSC Support Poles 7 th Avenue Refurbishment Project Pedestrian Light Poles TVMs and Validators Shelters with Ad Panels Transit Information Panels Help Phones Platform Furniture & Equipment Security Cameras Waste Receptacles Sand Containers Sand Containers Lunch & Learn Session h Benches Wednesday, 20 J anuary 2010 Cabinets Speakers Canopy Lights Platform Lights Laterally Mounted Double Sided Safety Signs with Yellow Line Cameras Digital Passenger Information Display (PIDs) Signs G. Forbes, P.Eng Laterally Mounted Double Sided Safety Signs Project Manager Longitudinal Mounted Double Sided Blade Station Signs Heat Source Access Design – Transit Blue The intent of the blue strip at the base of the poles is to provide a contrast and avoid a grey-on-grey appearance. The paint should be specified to provide some added protection against corrosion at the pole base. -Yellow Line Tactile Tile -Bike Racks Alternately using a dark or otherwise contrasting walking surface you would not need to paint a strip at the base of the poles. p p p -Tree Grates Tree Grates Should be included in the design guidelines. Suggest wording “interfaces between structures and the platform surface should be finished in contrasting colors, discernable to the visually impaired. 7 Ave the pedestrian zone is set by the back of the benches and the back of the shelters are then set at this line. The canopy strut member is also set at this line. Transit dark blue is universally known as “National Blue”. Paint color is RAL 5003 (Transit Blue) specified for the blue receptacles. Access Design – Transit Blue Access Design – Transit Blue Blue epoxy paint applied to the base (bottom 220 visible) of components and furniture on the platform only. Includes: • Poles OCS and pedestrian • Canopy support columns and struts • Bench posts • Waste receptacles are supplied blue • Waste receptacles are supplied blue • Help phone frame posts • Information Panel Posts • TVM and Transit Shelter posts Epoxy coating at bases of poles and columns on the platform to improve color contrasting and protect those locations from de-icing salt. 1

  2. 27/05/2013 Access Design – Transit Blue Access Design – Transit Blue OCS Support Poles OCS Support Corner Pole -Designer Poles with fins. -30 M apart. One OCS support can be from the canopy. -Five on Platform -Six on Street -Every second pole is a feeder pole. Every second pole is a feeder pole -Pole Accessories -Banner Supports -Speaker & Camera Mounts -Sign Supports -Light Fixture Supports -Pole Partitions for Traction Power & Traffic Signals -Mounts for Traffic Signals OCS Support Feeder Pole OCS Support Feeder & Corner Pole 2

  3. 27/05/2013 OCS Support Poles Pedestrian Light Poles -15 M spacing for lights. -Five Street Pedestrian Poles located between OCS poles. -Around seven Platform Poles located outside canopy and on sloped sidewalks. -Pole Accessories -Banner Supports -Speaker & Camera Mounts -Sign Supports -Light Fixture Supports Street Pedestrian Light Poles Platform Pedestrian Light Poles Pedestrian Light Poles with Speaker TVMs and Validators -Four evenly spaced at each end with TVM shelter and single sided ad panel. 3

  4. 27/05/2013 TVM and Validator with Shelter TVM with Validator with Shelter New Model Old Model Shelters TVM Shelter -Enseicom Single Source Provider -Four Transit shelters on Platforms: evenly spaced. -two unheated with bench and -two heated, no bench (taller) -Heater push button control -Four TVM Shelters with One Sided Ad Panel -Delete “No Smoking” logo – and Transit blue band on the TVM shelters TVM Shelter - Illuminated Ad Panel 4

  5. 27/05/2013 Unheated Shelter with Bench Unheated Shelter with Bench Heated Shelter 5

  6. 27/05/2013 Heated Shelter Transit Information Panels -Three evenly spaced on platform. 6

  7. 27/05/2013 Transit Information Panels Help Phones Help Phone and Frame -Two with security camera at each end. One per two LRT vehicles. -Help phones to face majority of the two LRT vehicles and camera to view full width of platform. -Modifications to Help Phones are not included in 7 Avenue Refurbishment as yet Refurbishment as yet. Help Phone and Frame Help Phone and Information Panels 7

  8. 27/05/2013 CCTV Security Cameras -Two CCTV cameras to view help phones. Cameras to view the help phone and full width of platform at help phone. -Three CCTV cameras along platform edge on yellow line facing west to view the loading zone. -Yellow line cameras; one at east end at sloped sidewalk, two on laterally Yellow line cameras; one at east end at sloped sidewalk two on laterally mounted double sided safety signs hung from canopy. -Keep equipment above 2500mm the vandal height and below 3000mm for OH&S for maintenance . CCTV Yellow Line Camera CCTV Yellow Line Cameras 8

  9. 27/05/2013 9

  10. 27/05/2013 Waste Receptacles Waste Receptacles -Two each end on street at OCS poles. -Two top of sloped sidewalks (optional) at poles. -Five under canopy at alternate supports. -One to two evenly spaced on platform or at centre outside canopy. One to two evenly spaced on platform or at centre outside canopy -Needs grounding. 10

  11. 27/05/2013 Recycle Receptacles -Two recycle receptacles at each platform near the bottom of the sloped sidewalks. -Larger black receptacles supplied by Transit and installed by the contractor. -Need grounding. Need grounding Recycle & Waste Receptacles Sand Receptacles on Platform -Currently not using on 7 Avenue -Two each end near sloped sidewalks. One to two evenly spaced on platform or at centre. Not under canopy. 11

  12. 27/05/2013 Benches -Six evenly spaced in pairs in middle portion of platform. -Lei side of shelters. 12

  13. 27/05/2013 Platform Cabinets -Signals and Communications Cabinet combined -Power Cabinet -The communications and signals cabinets are combined and to be sized as small as possible for current and future equipment. The power cabinet is to be close to power sources Locate so as not to obstruct stakeholders is to be close to power sources. Locate so as not to obstruct stakeholders front entrances. Platform Comms & Signals Cabinet Platform Power Cabinet 13

  14. 27/05/2013 PA Speakers Canopy PA Speakers & Lights -Eight to ten in alternate bays under canopy without station sign. -Three to six on platform outside canopy on poles. -As required to be clearly audible for the whole platform. Canopy Lights Canopy Lights with Station Sign -Two each bay under canopy. 14

  15. 27/05/2013 Platform Lights -On pedestrian poles and platform OCS poles outside canopy. Platform Light with Camera & Banner 15

  16. 27/05/2013 Laterally Mounted Double Sided Safety Signs with Yellow Line Cameras -Hung from canopy; one at end of canopy about centre of platform length; the other to give equal viewing distance to remainder of platform the other to give equal viewing distance to remainder of platform. -Leave adjacent supports free for site lines. 16

  17. 27/05/2013 Laterally Mounted Double Sided Safety Signs . -Two hung from canopy evenly spaced at alternate support locations. -Along the yellow line. Yellow Line Safety Signs 17

  18. 27/05/2013 Digital Passenger Information Display (PIDs) Signs -Two hung from canopy located with equal viewing distances. -One currently used and one future location. Longitudinal Mounted Double Sided Blade Station Signs -Two per LRT vehicle -Four under canopy in alternate bays without speakers -Four outside canopy evenly spaced and mounted on poles. 18

  19. 27/05/2013 Skateboard Deterrents Skateboard Deterrents 19

  20. 27/05/2013 -7 Avenue uses spiked bird deterrents -Somerset Bridlewood Station uses an electronic system under the Canopy to shock the birds to keep them from perching or nesting and some rotating devices on top of the shelters. g p -McKnight Station is using a sound system. 20

  21. 27/05/2013 Heat Tracing on all Stairs Yellow Line Tactile Tile -Layout is actually two different tiles. Platform Edge Strip Yellow Tile Platform Edge Strip Yellow Tile Platform Edge Strip Yellow Tile Platform Edge Strip Tile 21

  22. 27/05/2013 Platform Edge Strip Tile Platform Edge Strip Tile Steel Bike Rack Tree Grate Custom 1200 x 1220 square tree grate, smaller openings to meet the Barrier Free Design Guidelines. Rectangular 1200 x 1828 tree grates with small openings as recommended by Parks and meeting the Barrier Free Design Guidelines. Cost $1,100 each. Tree Grate Custom Tree Grate Provide the mould and pattern at $6,000 and two custom made tree grates at $1,200 each. 22

  23. 27/05/2013 Tree Grate 23

  24. 27/05/2013 24

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