2500 sqm exhibition space more than 20 countries in the

2500 sqm exhibition space More than 20 countries in the world - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The International Exhibition for Mining and Exploration, Mineral & Coal Processing and Metallurgical Technologies is one of the most representative thematic exhibitions in Kazakhstan. Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. under the

  1. The International Exhibition for Mining and Exploration, Mineral & Coal Processing and Metallurgical Technologies is one of the most representative thematic exhibitions in Kazakhstan. Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and JSC “Arcelor Mittal Temirtau”, LLP “Kazakhmys Corporation”, Akimat of the Karaganda Region, JSC National Mining Company Tau-Ken Samruk, Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use of MINT RK, Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The exhibition is held with support of the the end of June in Karaganda City since 2006. and Metallurgical Technologies is annually held at The International Exhibition for Mining and Exploration, Mineral & Coal Processing 2500 sqm exhibition space More than 20 countries in the world from more than Every year more than 150 exhibitors 15000 visitors since 2006 More than of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises. is the Republican Association The official partner of the exhibition TNT Productions, Inc. is the International Exhibition Organizer The organizer of the exhibition www.tntexpo.com www.tntexpo.kz STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT

  2. 1995 Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The exhibition is held within the framework of celebration of the 50 anniversary of the Kazakhstan Magnitka (the first smelting of the first Kazakhstan iron). Two expositions: «Mining Week Kazakhstan’2012», Karaganda. 2011 7-th exhibition For the first time the exhibition is held under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and 2012 2010 8-th exhibition Second control of statistical data by the Russian official auditor of exhibition statistics “RussCom IT Systems” Ltd. International mining and metallurgical conference “The 50th anniversary of the Kazakhstan Magnitka” and exhibition of achievements of the native industry “Development of mining, metallurgical and coal branches”, Temirtau. 6-th exhibition statistics“RussCom IT Systems” Ltd. 2006 1-st exhibition MinTech, Almaty. 2009 5-th anniversary exhibition The exhibition-name is changed into "Mining Week Kazakhstan" with MINTEK + METALTEK. Official partner of the exhibition becomes the Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises. 2-nd edition by the Russian official auditor of exhibition The exhibition-name is changed into "MinTek Kazakhstan” and the new place now is Karaganda City. During the exhibition the scientific and practical conference «Deposits conservation is the important factor for stable development of the region» was held. 2008 4-th exhibition We started to let our statistical data control ЕXHIBITION THEMES

  3. Divisions of the exhibition MetalTek Exploration and geological surveying technologies Excursions for participants to nearby objects Seminars and round tables for visitors and specialists Covering program Research, education & training Smelting & refining technologies Coal cleaning and burning technologies Coal processing technologies Mineral processing technologies Mining consulting and technical services Power generation equipment Communication and management technologies Pumps, compressors & other components Ventilation & safety technologies Crushing and material handling equipment Surface mining equipment & technologies Metallurgical equipment & technologies CNC & computer technologies Rolling mills & related technologies Thermo processing technologies Foundry equipment & technologies Molds and mold making technologies Sheet metal and related technologies Welding machinery & metal cutting technologies Pipe & tube technologies Underground mining technologies Measuring & control technologies Plant equipment & related technologies Process controls & related technologies Environmental & pollution control technologies Divisions of the exhibition MinTek Mining equipment & technology PRESENTATION OF THE EXHIBITION

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