25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review Sergey Chernikov Adviser to the Rector of Samara State Aerospace University, Relations with International and Intergovernmental Organizations Former Programme Officer in UNOOSA 25th United Nations/International Astronautical Federation Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits: "Integrated Space Technologies and Applications for a Better Society" 23 – 25 September 2016 Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review 1991: UN/IAF/Canada Workshop on Space Technologies for Development 2- 5 October, Montreal, Canada Workshop’s objec:ve: “… to allow par:cipants from different countries to exchange informa:on on the applica:ons of space technologies for economic and social development in developing countries and to discuss the needs of those countries and how those needs could be met, through both indigenous development and interna:onal coopera:on.” Par:cipa:on: - 26 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 15 funded par:cipants 2 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review Technical sessions of the 1 st UN/IAF Workshop: 1) Planning Agricultural Development 2) Rural Services – Water and Transport 3) Communica:ons and Educa:on 4) Space Applica:ons for Health and Safety Systems 5) Industrial and Commercial Opportuni:es for Developing Countries 6) Communica:ons for Commercial Transporta:on Some main conclusions and recommendaCons by Working Groups: - Par:cipants of the future UN/IAF workshops should include policy- and decision makers. - Topics of the future UN/IAF workshops should include natural disasters and emergency preparedness and educa:on for remote and rural areas. - Future UN/IAF workshop programmes should include presenta:ons and case studies by developing countries on goal-oriented and cost effec:ve applica:ons of space technology. - Training is needed for teachers at both secondary school and university levels. - The establishment of regional training centres in developing countries would enable neighboring countries to share costs while providing training with locally available equipment and infrastructure. - UN/IAF workshops should be conCnued in the future. 3 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review 2) UN/IAF/COSPAR/AIAA Symposium on Space Technology in the Developing Countries – Making it Happen , 28 – 30 August 1992, Washington D.C., USA - 127 par:cipants from 39 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 36 funded par:cipants 3) UN/IAF Workshop on Organizing Space AcCviCes in Developing Countries: Resources and Mechanisms , 15 – 17 October 1993, Graz, Austria - 35 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 40 funded par:cipants 4) UN/IAF Symposium on Benefits of Space Technology for Developing World: From Economic Growth to Environmental ProtecCon , 6 – 9 October 1994, Jerusalem, Israel - 27 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons 5) UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Health Care and Environmental Monitoring in Developing Countries , 28 September – 1 October 1995, Oslo, Norway - 77 par:cipants from 38 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons 6) UN/IAF Workshop on EducaCon and Awareness: Space Technology and ApplicaCons in the Developing World , 3 – 6 October 1996, Beijing, China - 93 par:cipants from 31 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 31 funded par:cipants 4 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review 7) UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology as a Cost-EffecCve Tool to Improve Infrastructures in Developing Countries , 2 – 5 October 1997, Turin, Italy - 120 par:cipants from 35 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 30 funded par:cipants 8) UN/IAF Workshop on Expanding the User Community of Space Technology ApplicaCons in Developing Countries , 24 – 27 September 1998, Melbourne, Australia - 100 par:cipants from 32 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 30 funded par:cipants 9) UN/IAF Workshop on Space: an Integral Part of Sustainable Development , 30 September – 3 October 1999, Enschede, the Netherlands - 100 par:cipants from 31 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 32 funded par:cipants 10) UN/IAF Workshop on an OperaConal Strategy for Sustainable Development Using Space , 28 – 30 September 2000, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil - 50 par:cipants from 31 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 24 funded par:cipants 11) UN/IAF Workshop on Making Space ApplicaCons OperaConal: OpportuniCes and Challenges for Sustainable Development , 27 – 29 September 2001, Albi, France - 62 par:cipants from 30 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 21 funded par:cipants 5 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review 12) UN/IAF Workshop on Space SoluCons for Global Problems: Building Partnerships with All Stakeholders in Human Security and Development , 10 – 12 October 2002, Houston, TX, USA - 110 par:cipants from 35 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 28 funded par:cipants 13) UN/IAF Workshop on EducaCon and Capacity-Building in Space Technology for the Benefit of Developing Countries, with an Emphasis on Remote Sensing , 25 – 27 September 2003, Bremen, Germany - 85 par:cipants from 43 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 35 funded par:cipants 14) UN/IAF Workshop on Capacity-Building in Space Technology for the Benefit of Developing Countries, with Emphasis on Natural Disaster Management , 2 – 3 October 2004, Vancouver, Canada - 91 par:cipants from 37 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 25 funded par:cipants 15) UN/IAF Workshop on Space EducaCon and Capacity-Building for Sustainable Development , 14 – 15 October 2005, Kitakyushu, Japan - 75 par:cipants from 40 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 27 funded par:cipants 6 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review 16) UN/IAF Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Water Resources Management , 29 – 30 September 2006, Valencia, Spain - 55 par:cipants from 39 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 27 funded par:cipants 17) UN/IAF Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Sustainable Development Towards Food Security , 21 – 23 September 2007, Hyderabad, India - 98 par:cipants from 34 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 23 funded par:cipants 18) UN/IAF Workshop on Integrated Space Technology ApplicaCons – Support to Managing PotenCally Hazardous Events , 26 – 27 September 2008, Glasgow, UK - 71 par:cipants from 35 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 22 funded par:cipants 19) UN/IAF Workshop on Integrated Space Technologies and Space-based InformaCon for Analysis and PredicCon of Climate Change , 9 – 11 October 2009, Daejeon, Republic of Korea - 82 par:cipants from 45 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 23 funded par:cipants 20) UN/IAF Workshop on GNSS ApplicaCons for Human Benefit and Development , 24 – 25 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic - 85 par:cipants from 48 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 31 funded par:cipants 7 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review 21) UN/IAF Workshop on Space for Human and Environmental Security , 30 September – 2 October 2011, Cape Town, South Africa - 104 par:cipants from 42 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 23 funded par:cipants 22) UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technologies Applied to the Needs of Humanity: Experience from Cases in the Mediterranean Areas , 28 – 30 September 2012, Naples, Italy - 101 par:cipants from 45 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 28 funded par:cipants 23) UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Economic Development , 20 – 22 September 2013, Beijing, China - 102 par:cipants from 42 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 23 funded par:cipants 24) UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, with a parCcular focus on global health and mariCme applicaCons, 26 – 28 September 2014, Toronto, Canada - 120 par:cipants from 40 countries and interna:onal organiza:ons - 22 funded par:cipants 25) UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits: "Integrated Space Technologies and ApplicaCons for a BeXer Society” , 23 – 25 September 2016, Guadalajara, México 8 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review Geographical distribuCon of the workshops 9 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
25 years of UN/IAF Workshops – A Review StaCsCcs on parCcipaCon in the workshops 10 25 th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits, 23 – 25 September 2016 , Guadalajara, México
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