April 20, 2020 2021-2025 MARYLAND STATE PLAN FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Writing Group Kickoff Webinar
Maryland State Plan for Higher Education The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), in consultation with the governing boards and agencies concerned with postsecondary education in Maryland, is required to develop and update every four years the State Plan for Higher Education, that shall identify: 1. The present and future needs for postsecondary education and research throughout the State; 2. The present and future capabilities of the different institutions and segments of postsecondary education in the State; and 3. The long – range and short – range objectives and priorities for postsecondary education and methods and guidelines for achieving and maintaining them. Education Article §11 – 105: http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2020RS/Statu te_Google/ged/11-105.pdf
Writing Exercise What is the most important goal for higher education today?
2017-2021 State Plan: 3 Primary Goals STUDENT ACCESS STUDENT SUCCESS INNOVATION www.tinyurl.com/studentsuccesswithlessdebt
2017-2021 State Plan Goal Strategies Recommended Actions
2017-2021 State Plan Student Access Goal Ensuring equitable access to affordable and quality postsecondary education for all. Cultivate greater Expand efforts to financial literacy for cultivate student Continue to improve students and families to readiness, financial college readiness Strategies encourage financial literacy, and financial among K-12, particularly planning and to prepare aid for individuals high school students. for postsecondary outside traditional k-12 education. channels. Recommended Actions
2017-2021 State Plan Student Access Goal Ensuring equitable access to affordable and quality postsecondary education for all. Cultivate greater Expand efforts to financial literacy for cultivate student Continue to improve students and families to readiness, financial college readiness Strategies encourage financial literacy, and financial among K-12, particularly planning and to prepare aid for individuals high school students. for postsecondary outside traditional k-12 education. channels. Develop transition Develop statewide courses in Work with local Work with LEAs to metrics for college alignment with Align academic school systems to Recommended evaluate the readiness that also remedial or programs with CTE improve middle effectiveness of Actions consider the developmental programs for college programs college readiness longevity of the coursework at smooth transition. that award assessments. measure. partnering degrees. institutions.
2017-2021 State Plan Student Access Goal Ensuring equitable access to affordable and quality postsecondary education for all. Cultivate greater Expand efforts to financial literacy for cultivate student Continue to improve students and families to readiness, financial college readiness Strategies encourage financial literacy, and financial among K-12, particularly planning and to prepare aid for individuals high school students. for postsecondary outside traditional k-12 education. channels. Recommended Actions
2017-2021 State Plan Student Access Goal Ensuring equitable access to affordable and quality postsecondary education for all. Cultivate greater Expand efforts to financial literacy for cultivate student Continue to improve students and families to readiness, financial college readiness Strategies encourage financial literacy, and financial among K-12, particularly planning and to prepare aid for individuals high school students. for postsecondary outside traditional k-12 education. channels. Expand and Expand financial Create and Educate students empower existing competencies to improve on about the definition Explore financial aid Recommended partnerships to go beyond a basic relationships with of full-time status in policies that can improve financial understanding of local professional the context of Actions improve time to literacy initiatives, student loans, school counselors financially planning completion. programs, and/or grants, and and college access their postsecondary curriculums. scholarships. professionals. career.
2017-2021 State Plan Student Access Goal Ensuring equitable access to affordable and quality postsecondary education for all. Cultivate greater Expand efforts to financial literacy for cultivate student Continue to improve students and families to readiness, financial college readiness Strategies encourage financial literacy, and financial among K-12, particularly planning and to prepare aid for individuals high school students. for postsecondary outside traditional k-12 education. channels. Recommended Actions
2017-2021 State Plan Student Access Goal Ensuring equitable access to affordable and quality postsecondary education for all. Cultivate greater Expand efforts to financial literacy for cultivate student Continue to improve students and families to readiness, financial college readiness Strategies encourage financial literacy, and financial among K-12, particularly planning and to prepare aid for individuals high school students. for postsecondary outside traditional k-12 education. channels. Expand outreach Develop initiatives Support veterans Expand to communicate to identify and by ensuring with non- Work with GED Develop targeted partnerships with address obstacles appropriate local services to traditional programs to campaigns and Recommended that students face services are improve students and offer create a pipeline programs to in preventing available and Actions information alternative for students support first- them from accessible, such sharing to pathways to completing their generation continued as counseling and prospective access a GED. students. enrollment and health care students. postsecondary completion. service providers. education.
2017-2021 State Plan Student Success Goal Promote and implement practices and policies that will ensure student success Ensure that statutes, regulations, policies, and Improve the student Enhance career advising and experience by providing Continue to ensure equal practices that support planning services and educational opportunities for students and encourage better options and services Strategies integrate them explicitly into that are designed to all Marylanders by supporting their success are designed to academic advising and facilitate prompt completion all postsecondary institutions. serve the respective needs of planning. both traditional and of degree requirements. nontraditional students. Recommended Actions
2017-2021 State Plan Student Success Goal Promote and implement practices and policies that will ensure student success Ensure that statutes, regulations, policies, and Improve the student Enhance career advising and experience by providing Continue to ensure equal practices that support planning services and educational opportunities for students and encourage better options and services Strategies integrate them explicitly into that are designed to all Marylanders by supporting their success are designed to academic advising and facilitate prompt completion all postsecondary institutions. serve the respective needs of planning. both traditional and of degree requirements. nontraditional students. Enhance diversity Continue to ensure by fostering Support the unique that all policies and collaborations Recommended missions of practices reflect the between Historically Historically Black dedication and Actions Black Colleges and commitment to Colleges and Universities and equal education Universities. traditionally white opportunities. institutions.
2017-2021 State Plan Student Success Goal Promote and implement practices and policies that will ensure student success Ensure that statutes, regulations, policies, and Improve the student Enhance career advising and experience by providing Continue to ensure equal practices that support planning services and educational opportunities for students and encourage better options and services Strategies integrate them explicitly into that are designed to all Marylanders by supporting their success are designed to academic advising and facilitate prompt completion all postsecondary institutions. serve the respective needs of planning. both traditional and of degree requirements. nontraditional students. Systematically Review and Ensure review policies Review and consider current academic and Improve policies and practices to consider current policies and campus regarding Review financial Recommended ensure they are policies and practices practices academic aid policies to student-focused practices around support all Actions program review improve access and are around structured students, that meet the for all students. implemented remediation schedules and including non- State’s needs with the goal of coursework academic traditional student success planning. students.
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