2020 draft budget presentation art and education 2019

2020 DRAFT BUDGET PRESENTATION Art and Education 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2020 DRAFT BUDGET PRESENTATION Art and Education 2019 Accomplishments Childrens, Ballet, Day Camp and Preschool have all had a strong 1 st half of 2019. Enrollment for Preschool for the 2019-2020 school year is equal to what it

  1. 2020 DRAFT BUDGET PRESENTATION Art and Education

  2. 2019 Accomplishments • Children’s, Ballet, Day Camp and Preschool have all had a strong 1 st half of 2019. • Enrollment for Preschool for the 2019-2020 school year is equal to what it was at the end of last school year. • Our Gymnastics contract with Active Athletics was consistently strong this year. 2

  3. 2019 Challenges • Continued competition with additional studios for dance, art and pottery, and music as well as tumbling gyms • Competing internal programs  Backcountry  STEM  Art  Sports • Increase in Preschools in the area, which compete with us for not only students but teachers as well. • Additional licensing regulations that increase staffing and reduce room capacity for Preschool and Day Camp. 3 • Continued software difficulties with the childcare module.

  4. Industry & Competitor Outlook • Competitive Preschool programs continue to multiply in the surrounding Elementary schools and private Preschools in the Highlands Ranch/Lone Tree area. • Contractors can offer the same programs for less to the community at churches and libraries because the space is free. • We struggle to get participation from outside of Highlands Ranch, which is our only way to grow our programs, because competitors offer the same classes for a smaller/no non-member rate difference. 4

  5. Participation Data • Strong Preschool enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year. • Summer Preschool Enrichment saw a decrease this summer because 5-year old's were moved to the Day Camp program. • Subsequently, Day Camp saw an increase in participation with the younger age group, but a significant decrease in participation from older participants. • Cooking camps and classes are trending higher in 2019 • Children’s programs are trending higher in 2019 • Contracted Art and STEM Camps are trending lower in 2019 5

  6. Revenue Generating Ideas  We have seen an increase in participation at the WR preschool, so we’re working on finding collaborative programs to further bridge the gap between Children’s and Preschool.  We’re finding solutions with combinations of classes to accommodate waitlisted Pre-K children at WR.  We’re looking into making the Owl room at WR sufficient from a licensing standpoint, to accommodate 2 year old's, which would alleviate the 18 kid deep waitlist at ER and add additional revenue.  We’re exploring more fundraising opportunities for the Preschool. Cost Savings Ideas  Combining SR Day Camp and WR Day Camp to save on operation expenses resulting in higher net revenue. 6

  7. 2020 Budget Summary Ballet:  Increased participation in spring but light enrollment in summer Children’s/Tumbling:  Increased participation in summer classes, camps and gymnastics  Possible elimination of the Tumbling program at WR Day Camp:  Increase in revenue due to moving 5-year old's  Loss in participation for older kids due to market share with Backcountry, other internal camps and the area base camps Age, maximum and fee changes   Difficulty with Custom Booking (Childcare) Module 7

  8. 2020 Budget Summary Preschool:  Increased school year enrollment at both sites – WR overall and ER Toddler  Decrease in Summer Enrichment participation Art and Education:  Strong 2019 class and camp participation 8

  9. 2020 Budget Summary Overall Department 2019 Budget Revised Forecast 2020 Budget Net Income: $432,900 $473,841 $461,094 Considerations:  We will likely eliminate Tumbling beginning in January  We are experiencing lower participation in summer months for Ballet and contracted programs in Art and Education. 9

  10. Questions? 10


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