2019 Accomplishments • Children’s, Ballet, Day Camp and Preschool have all had a strong 1 st half of 2019. • Enrollment for Preschool for the 2019-2020 school year is equal to what it was at the end of last school year. • Our Gymnastics contract with Active Athletics was consistently strong this year. 2
2019 Challenges • Continued competition with additional studios for dance, art and pottery, and music as well as tumbling gyms • Competing internal programs Backcountry STEM Art Sports • Increase in Preschools in the area, which compete with us for not only students but teachers as well. • Additional licensing regulations that increase staffing and reduce room capacity for Preschool and Day Camp. 3 • Continued software difficulties with the childcare module.
Industry & Competitor Outlook • Competitive Preschool programs continue to multiply in the surrounding Elementary schools and private Preschools in the Highlands Ranch/Lone Tree area. • Contractors can offer the same programs for less to the community at churches and libraries because the space is free. • We struggle to get participation from outside of Highlands Ranch, which is our only way to grow our programs, because competitors offer the same classes for a smaller/no non-member rate difference. 4
Participation Data • Strong Preschool enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year. • Summer Preschool Enrichment saw a decrease this summer because 5-year old's were moved to the Day Camp program. • Subsequently, Day Camp saw an increase in participation with the younger age group, but a significant decrease in participation from older participants. • Cooking camps and classes are trending higher in 2019 • Children’s programs are trending higher in 2019 • Contracted Art and STEM Camps are trending lower in 2019 5
Revenue Generating Ideas We have seen an increase in participation at the WR preschool, so we’re working on finding collaborative programs to further bridge the gap between Children’s and Preschool. We’re finding solutions with combinations of classes to accommodate waitlisted Pre-K children at WR. We’re looking into making the Owl room at WR sufficient from a licensing standpoint, to accommodate 2 year old's, which would alleviate the 18 kid deep waitlist at ER and add additional revenue. We’re exploring more fundraising opportunities for the Preschool. Cost Savings Ideas Combining SR Day Camp and WR Day Camp to save on operation expenses resulting in higher net revenue. 6
2020 Budget Summary Ballet: Increased participation in spring but light enrollment in summer Children’s/Tumbling: Increased participation in summer classes, camps and gymnastics Possible elimination of the Tumbling program at WR Day Camp: Increase in revenue due to moving 5-year old's Loss in participation for older kids due to market share with Backcountry, other internal camps and the area base camps Age, maximum and fee changes Difficulty with Custom Booking (Childcare) Module 7
2020 Budget Summary Preschool: Increased school year enrollment at both sites – WR overall and ER Toddler Decrease in Summer Enrichment participation Art and Education: Strong 2019 class and camp participation 8
2020 Budget Summary Overall Department 2019 Budget Revised Forecast 2020 Budget Net Income: $432,900 $473,841 $461,094 Considerations: We will likely eliminate Tumbling beginning in January We are experiencing lower participation in summer months for Ballet and contracted programs in Art and Education. 9
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