2020 21 royalton hartland csd budget presentation 1

2020-21 Royalton-Hartland CSD Budget Presentation #1 Operations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2020-21 Royalton-Hartland CSD Budget Presentation #1 Operations & Maintenance, Transportation, Debt and Revenue PRESENTED BY: ANDY LANG BUDGET TIMELINE January 23, 2020 First Budget Draft Overview Board of Education Work Session

  1. 2020-21 Royalton-Hartland CSD Budget Presentation #1 Operations & Maintenance, Transportation, Debt and Revenue PRESENTED BY: ANDY LANG

  2. BUDGET TIMELINE January 23, 2020 First Budget Draft Overview Board of Education Work Session February 13, 2020 Budget Presentation: Operations/Maintenance/Transportation/Debt/Revenue Board of Education Meeting March 12, 2020 Budget Presentation: Special Education/Instructional/BOCES Programs Board of Education Meeting March 26, 2020 Budget Presentation: Benefits/Budget Overview Board of Education Work Session April 23, 2020 Board of Proposed 2020—2021 Budget approved by Board of Education Education Meeting Deadline to complete and approve budget. April 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Budget Hearing at 6:30 p.m./Regular Board meeting at 7:00 p.m.—HS LMC Annual Meeting/Board Election/Budget Vote May 19, 2020 Polls open: 12:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m in the HS Auxiliary Gym July 1, 2020 Implementation of 2020—2021 Budget

  3. ESTIMATED REVENUE 2020-21 REVENUE SOURCE 2019-20 2020-21 % DIFF $ DIFF State Aid $13,948,689 $14,506,637 4.0% $557,948 Real Property Taxes $10,453,732 $10,683,714 2.2% $229,982 Interest And Penalties on Property Taxes $10,000 $10,000 0.0% $0 Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOTs) $27,000 $27,000 0.0% $0 Tuition, Admission, Other Student Fees $40,600 $40,600 0.0% $0 Interest & Earnings $10,000 $15,000 50.0% $5,000 Rental Of Real Property/Services provided to BOCES $79,203 $79,203 0.0% $0 Refund Of Prior Years Exp, BOCES $180,000 $180,000 0.0% $0 Miscellaneous $33,500 $33,500 0.0% $0 TOTAL REVENUES $24,782,724$25,575,654 3.2% $792,930 Appropriated Fund Balance $1,124,697 $1,895,617 68.5% $770,920 Workers Compensation Reserve $30,000 $100,000 233.3% $70,000 Reserve for Retirement $300,000 $300,000 0.0% $0 Total Appropriation Fund Balance & Reserves $1,454,697 $2,295,617 57.8% $840,920 TOTAL REVENUES, APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE & RESERVES $26,237,421$27,871,271 6.2% $1,633,850

  4. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TAX LEVY INCREASE 2019-20 Tax Levy $10,453,732 Multiply by the Tax Base Growth Factor 1.0044 Add: 2019-20 PILOTS $31,091 Subtract: Taxes Levied for Exclusions $0 Adjusted 2019-20 Tax Levy $10,530,819 Multiply by the Allowable Levy Growth Factor 1.0181 Subtract: 2020-21 PILOTS Receivable $25,016 Add: Carryover from Prior Year $668 2020-21 Tax Levy Limit Before Exclusions $10,697,079 Add: Taxes Levied for Exclusions (Below) $0 Maximum Allowable Tax Levy $10,697,079 Maximum Allowable Net Levy Increase $243,347 Maximum Allowable % Levy Increase 2.33%

  5. APPROPRIATIONS – OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 2019-20 2020-21 % (BUDGET) (PROPOSED) CHANGE $CHANGE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES A1620.160 - SALARIES: OPERATIONS $295,300 $320,450 8.52% $25,150 A1620.200 - EQUIPMENT: OPERATIONS $41,100 $15,000 -63.50% -$26,100 A1620.400 - CONTRACTUAL: OPERATIONS $609,000 $529,000 -13.14% -$80,000 A1620.450 - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS $84,500 $84,500 0.00% $0 A1620.490 - BOCES SERVICES: OPERATIONS $24,000 $24,000 0.00% $0 A1621.160 - SALARIES: MAINTENANCE $610,000 $640,935 5.07% $30,935 A1621.200 - EQUIPMENT: MAINTENANCE $15,000 $5,000 -66.67% -$10,000 A1621.400 - CONTRACTUAL: MAINTENANCE $237,000 $233,000 -1.69% -$4,000 A1621.450 - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: MAINTENANCE $207,000 $197,000 -4.83% -$10,000 TOTAL $2,122,900 $2,048,885 -3.49% -$74,015

  6. APPROPRIATIONS – TRANSPORTATION 2019-20 2020-21 TRANSPORTATION (BUDGET) (PROPOSED) % CHANGE $CHANGE A5540.400 - CONTRACTUAL * $1,946,047 $2,728,583 40.21% $782,536 A5540.450 - FUEL $251,900 $232,000 -7.90% -$19,900 TOTAL $2,197,947 $2,960,583 34.70% $762,636 * Included in the 2020-21 budget is the first year of a five year contract for student transportation. The cumulative five year cost is estimated to be $6,322,811 for transportation of students from home to school, $7,513,331 for transportation of students to out of District placements and $309,529 for transportation of students to athletic competitions and field trips.

  7. APPROPRIATIONS – DEBT SERVICE 2019-20 2020-21 % DEBT SERVICE (BUDGET) (PROPOSED) CHANGE $CHANGE A9711.600 - PRINCIPAL: SERIAL BONDS $215,000 $220,000 2.33% $5,000 A9711.700 - INTEREST: SERIAL BONDS $78,019 $73,719 -5.51% -$4,300 TOTAL $293,019 $293,719 0.24% $700 Debt Schedule - 2014 $3.75M Bond Issuance Fiscal Year Principal Interest TOTAL Remaining Principal N/A N/A N/A $3,750,000.00 Beginning 2014-15 $200,000.00 $95,508.46 $295,508.46 $3,550,000.00 $200,000.00 $94,518.76 $294,518.76 $3,350,000.00 2015-16 2016-17 $205,000.00 $90,518.76 $295,518.76 $3,145,000.00 $210,000.00 $86,418.76 $296,418.76 $2,935,000.00 2017-18 $210,000.00 $82,218.76 $292,218.76 $2,725,000.00 2018-19 2019-20 $215,000.00 $78,018.76 $293,018.76 $2,510,000.00 $220,000.00 $73,718.76 $293,718.76 $2,290,000.00 2020-21 $225,000.00 $69,318.76 $294,318.76 $2,065,000.00 2021-22 2022-23 $230,000.00 $62,568.76 $292,568.76 $1,835,000.00 $240,000.00 $55,668.76 $295,668.76 $1,595,000.00 2023-24 Bond is callable on or after 6/15/2022 2024-25 $245,000.00 $48,468.76 $293,468.76 $1,350,000.00 $250,000.00 $41,118.76 $291,118.76 $1,100,000.00 2025-26 $260,000.00 $33,618.76 $293,618.76 $840,000.00 2026-27 2027-28 $235,000.00 $25,818.76 $260,818.76 $605,000.00 $235,000.00 $18,768.76 $253,768.76 $370,000.00 2028-29 $245,000.00 $11,718.76 $256,718.76 $125,000.00 2029-30 2030-31 $125,000.00 $4,062.50 $129,062.50 $0.00 N/A $3,750,000.00 $972,052.36 $4,722,052.36 N/A

  8. DRAFT #1 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2019-20 2020-21 (Budgeted) (Proposed) $ Change % Change % of Total Administrative $2,708,478 $2,619,531 -$88,947 -3.3% 9% Capital $2,836,845 $2,791,298 -$45,547 -1.6% 10% Program $20,692,098 $22,460,442 $1,768,344 8.5% 81% Total $26,237,421 $27,871,271 $1,633,850 6.2% 100% % of Total Budget Administrative 9% Capital 10% Program 81% Administrative Capital Program

  9. DRAFT#1 SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 (Budgeted) 2020-21 (Estimated) % DIFF $ DIFF TOTAL REVENUE $24,782,724 $25,575,654 3.2% $792,930 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $1,124,697 $1,895,617 68.5% $770,920 WORKERS COMPENSATION RESERVE $30,000 $100,000 233.3% $70,000 $300,000 $300,000 0% $0 RESERVE FOR RETIREMENT TOTAL REVENUES, APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE & RESERVES $26,237,421 $27,871,271 6.2% $1,633,850 APPROPRIATIONS $26,237,421 $27,871,271 6.2% $1,633,850 $0 $0 APPROPRIATIONS/REVENUE GAP

  10. THANK YOU! QUESTIONS? January 23, 2020 First Budget Draft Overview Board of Education Work Session February 13, 2020 Budget Presentation: Operations/Maintenance/Transportation/Debt/Revenue Board of Education Meeting March 12, 2020 Budget Presentation: Special Education/Instructional/BOCES Programs Board of Education Meeting March 26, 2020 Board of Education Work Session Budget Presentation: Benefits/Budget Overview April 23, 2020 Board of Proposed 2020—2021 Budget approved by Board of Education Education Meeting Deadline to complete and approve budget. April 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Budget Hearing at 6:30 p.m./Regular Board meeting at 7:00 p.m.—HS LMC Annual Meeting/Board Election/Budget Vote May 19, 2020 Polls open: 12:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m in the HS Auxiliary Gym July 1, 2020 Implementation of 2020—2021 Budget


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