2020 2021 proposed budget

2020-2021 Proposed Budget Hicksville Public Schools Marianne - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2020-2021 Proposed Budget Hicksville Public Schools Marianne Litzman Superintendent of Schools Marcy Tannenbaum Assistant Superintendent for Business May 20, 2020 HOW DO WE MANAGE UNCERTAINTY IN THE BUDGET? Budgets are estimates of

  1. 2020-2021 Proposed Budget Hicksville Public Schools Marianne Litzman Superintendent of Schools Marcy Tannenbaum Assistant Superintendent for Business May 20, 2020

  2. HOW DO WE MANAGE UNCERTAINTY IN THE BUDGET? • Budgets are estimates of expenses 12-18 months in the future. Budgets are developed to withstand a certain amount of uncertainty • The COVID Pandemic has created unprecedented uncertainty, yet we must be prepared to manage this uncertainty the best of our ability

  3. HOW DO WE MANAGE UNCERTAINTY IN THE BUDGET? • Financially, the short-term goal is to have liquidity, flexibility and cash on hand. The long-term goal is to remain solvent. • The NYS budget deficit will affect State Aid for all districts. The enacted State budget has 3 measurement periods: • April 1-30 • May 1-June 30 • July 1-December 31 • If State revenues are less than anticipated, or spending is higher than forecasted, the Dept. of Budget can cut State Aid • We anticipate a reduction in 2020-2021 State Aid revenue that can range from $2.5 million to $4 million

  4. HOW DO WE MANAGE UNCERTAINTY IN THE BUDGET? • To manage this potential shortfall, the District has taken the following measures: • Proactively decrease State Aid revenue by $1 million • Offset this decrease by increasing revenue from the Appropriated Reserves • Use $1 million from the Reserve for Teachers Retirement System (TRS) as an additional source of revenue

  5. HOW DO WE MANAGE UNCERTAINTY IN THE BUDGET? • Use surplus in the 2019-2020 budget to increase the unappropriated, undesignated fund balance (emergency ‘rainy day’ fund) up to an additional $3 million. • We will be over the statutory limit in this account for a limited time. • We will have the flexibility we need to withstand a cut in state aid. • If we do not need the revenue, we will transfer the surplus back to the reserves at 6/30/2021

  6. ANALYSIS OF STATE AID 2019-2020 ADOPTED 2020-2021 ADOPTED $ VARIANCE % VARIANCE FOUNDATION AID $12,429,951 $11,362,994 -$1,066,957 -8.58% BOCES $1,483,909 $1,579,676 $95,767 6.45% HIGH COST EXCESS COST $790,018 $639,791 -$150,227 -19.02% PRIVATE EXCESS COST $656,547 $689,768 $33,221 5.06% HARDWARE & TECHNOLOGY $48,445 $47,125 -$1,320 -2.72% SOFTWARE LIBRARY TEXTBOOK $474,757 $474,256 -$501 -0.11% TRANSPORTATION $2,110,697 $2,261,996 $151,299 7.17% BUILDING $669,721 $948,515 $278,794 41.63% HIGH TAX $938,243 $938,243 $0 0.00% PANDEMIC ADJUSTMENT -$592,431 -$592,431 SUBTOTAL $19,602,288 $18,349,933 -$1,252,355 -6.39% FEDERAL CARES RESTORATION ACT $592,431 $592,431 TOTAL $19,602,288 $18,942,364 -$659,924 -3.37%

  7. REVENUE BUDGET 2020 - 20201 Budget Budget $ % 2019-20 2020-21 CHANGE CHANGE Tax Levy $ 104,465,608 105,981,278 $ 1,515,670 1.45% PILOTS $ 7,594,547 $ 6,784,050 ($ 810,497) (10.67%) Charges for Services $ 1,279,000 $ 1,200,503 ($ 78,497) (6.14%) Use of $ and Property $ 1,077,087 $ 1,113,170 $ 36,083 3.35% Sale of Prop/Comp for Loss $ 86,500 $ 105,000 $18,500 21.39% Miscellaneous $ 735,212 $ 275,500 ($ 459,712) (62.53%) State Aid $ 19,602,288 $ 18,942,364 ($ 659,924) (3.37%) Federal Aid $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 0 00.00% Fund Balance Appropriated $ 1,700,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 0 00.00% Appropriated Reserves $2,800,000 $ 3,800,000 $ 1,000,000 35.71% Includes Gregory Museum $ 139,540,242 $ 140,101,865 $ 561,623 0.40 %

  8. Budget within Tax Levy Limit Max Allowable Tax Levy $ 105,981,278 Less: Gregory Museum - $ 60,000 Max District Levy $ 105,921,278 Estimated Revenues $ 28,620,587 (without Levy, Reserves, Fund Balance) Applied Fund Balance $ 1,700,000 Applied Reserves $ 3,800,000 Maximum Budget $ 140,041,865 * * Without Gregory Museum

  9. 2020-2021 Revenue Summary State and Federal Appropriated Aid Reserves 13.66% 2.71% Applied Fund Balance 1.21% Local Sources Property Tax 6.77% 75.65%

  10. Programs, Initiatives, Services & Personnel in the Proposed 2020-2021 Budget

  11. Programs & Initiatives in the 2020-2021 Budget  New Courses, Initiatives and Textbooks in the Proposed Budget  HS Latinos in Action (LIA)  HS Music and Lyrics  HS World Mythology and Legends  HS Pen & Brush: Literary Graphic Novels  HS Intermediate Sign Language I and II  HS Second Section of In-District Certified Nursing Assistant Program in partnership with Nassau BOCES  HS In-District Police Science in partnership with Nassau BOCES  HS Additional Vocational Education Opportunities at Barry Technical Educational Center

  12. Programs & Initiatives in the 2020-2021 Budget  MS State-of-the-Art Texas Instruments Nspire Scientific Calculators for 8 th Grade Algebra 1 Students  MS Continued Double Acceleration Program in Math & Science  Elementary Olweus District-Wide Anti-Bullying Program  Elementary K-5 Science Program – Additional Unit of Study  Continuation of the district Bilingual Program to third grade at OCR  Expansion of the FLES (Foreign Language in the Elementary School) Program in All 7 Elementary Schools to include Grade 5 Spanish  New Textbooks:  Birds of a Different Feather?  American Sign Language Dictionary  Continued Professional Development Opportunities

  13. Programs & Initiatives in the 2020-2021 Budget  Continuation of Pre-K classes at Dutch Lane Elementary, Burns Avenue Elementary and Woodland Elementary School  Continuation of Parent Center

  14. Points of Pride  97% of 2019 graduates received Regents diploma  93% of 2019 graduates college bound  63 students designated by the College Board as AP Scholars, 45 as AP Scholars with Distinction and 34 as AP Scholars with Honor  1 student selected as a Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist  99 HS and 145 MS students inducted into the National Honor Society  Two students recognized as Finalists in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program  1 student accepted to 4 Ivy League Schools: Harvard, Columbia Brown and Cornell

  15. Points of Pride  3 students participated in the Puerto Rican Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute  Robotics Team First Place Finish at the Half Hollow Hills Invitational Robotics Competition  1 Finalist for the International LI Science and Engineering Fair  16 MS medal recipients for the regional Science Olympiad Competition  Hicksville selected as a 2020 Best Community for Music Education  48 Art students were selected for the Art Supervisors Association All- County Art Exhibit  1 student accepted into the New York All-State Jazz Ensemble performance in Albany  11 Art students received “Long Island's Best” awards, including one student receiving overall “Best In Show”

  16. Points of Pride  52 Post Season Awards earned (Fall and Winter)  4 NYS Athletic Qualifiers in 3 different sports  14 Scholar-Athlete teams (Fall and Winter)  5 All-County Athletes (Fall and Winter)  1 Nassau County Winner of the Voice of Democracy Audio Essay Contest  2 HS students earned Best Delegate at the Model UN Tournament  1 HS student selected for the 2020 League of Women Voters Inside Albany Conference  2 HS students selected by The American Legion to participate in 2020 Boys State

  17. Staffing & Support Services in the 2020-2021 Budget  .7 FTE Elementary Foreign Language (FLES) teacher  Increased student support from two additional social workers  Grade 3 Bilingual at OCR  ICT class at Lee Avenue  Non-Integrated class at Fork Lane  6:1:2 class at Woodland


  19. Proposed 2020-2021 Maintenance Projects Middle School Locker repair / repaint $12,500 High School Locker repair / repaint $12,500 Woodland Elementary School Repoint chimney $25,000 District-Wide Refinish gym floors $25,000 District-wide painting $70,000 Venetian blind replacement as needed $20,000 Playground repair parts as needed $10,000 Total $175,000

  20. What is a Capital Reserve Fund? • A Capital Reserve is like a “savings account” separate from the operating budget. It’s used to finance various projects • Expenditures for specific purposes are authorized by the voters • The money can only be used for the reasons explained in the establishment of the fund • Projects done through a Capital Reserve do not increase the tax levy and are done at no additional cost to the tax payer because the money is surplus from prior years that has been put in the bank

  21. A Capital Reserve Fund • Any expenditure from the capital reserve must be approved by the voters in a separate referendum • Using money from the capital reserve keeps the budget to budget increase lower • The 2017-2018 Capital Reserve previously approved by the voters has surplus funds

  22. 2017-2018 AMENDED PROPOSITION The 2020-2021 ballot will ask the community to vote on a separate referendum amending the Scope of Work in the 2017-2018 Capital Reserve to include two additional projects totaling $1,300,000. These two projects will be funded with surplus already in the reserve: Replacement of the High School roof The purchase of pool tile for the pool These projects will be funded and completed at no additional cost to the taxpayer.

  23. 2020-2021 Proposed Budget 2019-2020 * $139,480,242 2020-2021 * $140,041,865 $ Increase $ 561,623 % Increase 0.40 % * * Excludes $60,000 Gregory Museum

  24. Tax Levy Levy to Levy 2020-21 $105,981,278 2019-20 $104,465,608 Levy-to-Levy Increase $ 1,515,670 1.45%

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