2019 thir ird quarter fin inancial report

2019 Thir ird Quarter Fin inancial Report (E (Electoral Area - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2019 Thir ird Quarter Fin inancial Report (E (Electoral Area Services) November 6, 2019 Ele lectoral Area Services Q3 Update How is the Strathcona Regional District doing? Compared to budget/financial plan Compared to prior year

  1. 2019 Thir ird Quarter Fin inancial Report (E (Electoral Area Services) November 6, 2019

  2. Ele lectoral Area Services – Q3 Update How is the Strathcona Regional District doing? • Compared to budget/financial plan • Compared to prior year Regular financial reporting to management and Board/Committees provides: • Transparency and accountability of the SRD’s financial activity • Regular updates to the Board members and public about SRD project statuses • Early warning of any potential budget concerns or future budget amendments

  3. Ele lectoral Area Services – Q3 Update Report Legend ELECTORAL AREA SERVICES ELECTORAL AREA SERVICES (continued) ELECTORAL AREA SERVICES (continued) Electoral Areas Area B Area D 130 - Electoral Area Services - Administration 126 - Area B Grants in Aid 123 - Area D Grants in Aid 131 - Electoral Area Services - Election Services 157 - Area B Feasibility Studies 133 - Oyster River Dike 135 - Gas Tax (CWF) Projects 250 - South Cortes Island Fire Local Service Area 154 - Area D Feasibility Studies 340 - Liquid Waste Management 374 - Electoral Area B Refuse Disposal Grounds SA 210 - Campbell River Fire Protection Specified Area 500 - Planning 376 - Cortes Island Refuse Collection 285 - Building Inspection 501 - Planning - Geographic Information Systems 535 - House Numbering Area B 290 - Area D Animal Control 502 - Planning - Bylaw Services 617 - Community Parks Electoral Area B 295 - Noise Control Extended Service 630 - Vancouver Island Regional Library 697 - Heritage Conservation - Electoral Area 'B' 297 - Soil Deposit & Removal Control Extended Service 298 - Unsightly Premises Extended Service Area A Area C 318 - Craig Road Water 120 - Area A Grants In Aid 127 - Area C Grants in Aid 319 - Electoral Area D Water 151 - Area A Feasibility Studies 132 - Wharves 533 - House Numbering Area D 245 - Sayward Valley Fire Protection Local Service Area 158 - Area C Feasibility Studies 614 - Community Parks Electoral Area D 271 - Area A Kyuquot/Nootka Emergency Program 255 - North Quadra Island Assistance Response 750 - Electoral Area D Street Lighting 364 - Area A Kyuquot/Nootka Solid Waste Disposal 331 - Quathiaski Cove Sewer 785 - Transit - Area D 368 - Sayward Valley Refuse Disposal Service Unit 332 - Quathiaski Cove Sewer Extension #1 790 - Oyster River Bank Protection Local Service Area 370 - Solid Waste Local Service - Sayward Valley 536 - House Numbering Area C 534 - House Numbering Area A Sayward-Bloedel 555 - Area C Economic Development 554 - Area A Economic Development 618 - Community Parks Electoral Area C 677 - Kyuquot Community Hall 685 - Quadra Island Community Hall Subsidy LSA 680 - Sayward Valley Recreation & Community Hall LSA 698 - Heritage Conservation - Electoral Area 'C' 770 - Electoral Area C Street Lighting

  4. Ele lectoral Area Services – Q3 Update Operating Budget Summary (Appendix A) OPERATING 2019 Q3 YTD 2019 R EMAINING % B UDGET YTD BUDGET A CTIVITY B UDGET B UDGET ELECTORAL AREA SERVICES R EVENUES $(2,825,746) $(2,631,314) $194,432 107.4% E XPENSES 2,132,774 2,631,314 498,540 81.1% ELECTORAL AREA A R EVENUES (292,219) (293,821) (1,602) 99.5% E XPENSES 173,272 293,821 120,549 59.0% ELECTORAL AREA B R EVENUES (602,941) (613,835) (10,894) 98.2% E XPENSES 481,041 613,835 132,794 78.4% ELECTORAL AREA C R EVENUES (596,768) (838,525) (241,757) 71.2% E XPENSES 465,128 838,525 373,397 55.5% ELECTORAL AREA D R EVENUES (3,261,935) (3,421,247) 20,688 100.6% E XPENSES 2,405,419 3,241,247 835,828 74.2% TOTAL R EVENUES $(7,579,608) (7,618,742) (39,133) 99.5% E XPENSES 5,657,635 7,618,742 1,961,108 74.3% (S URPLUS )/D EFICIT $(1,921,973) $- $1,921,975 -

  5. Ele lectoral Area Services – Q3 Update Operating Proje ject Summary (Appendix B) OPERATING 2019 Q3 YTD 2019 R EMAINING % B UDGET PROJECTS A CTIVITY B UDGET YTD BUDGET E LECTORAL A REA S ERVICES $13,548 $70,000 $56,452 19.4% E LECTORAL A REA A - 8,500 8,500 0.0% E LECTORAL A REA D - 30,000 30,000 0.0% TOTAL $13,548 $108,500 $94,952 12.5%

  6. Ele lectoral Area Services – Q3 Update Capit ital l Proje ject Summary (Appendix C) CAPITAL 2019 Q3 YTD 2019 R EMAINING % B UDGET PROJECTS A CTIVITY B UDGET YTD BUDGET E LECTORAL A REA S ERVICES $26,275 $200,000 $173,725 13.1% E LECTORAL A REA A 31,823 35,000 3,177 90.9% E LECTORAL A REA B 7,444 130,923 123,479 5.7% E LECTORAL A REA C 756,433 1,938,035 1,181,602 39.0% E LECTORAL A REA D 462,479 1,420,154 957,675 32.6% TOTAL $1,284,453 $3,724,112 $2,439,659 34.5%

  7. Summary ry Overall, third quarter review of actual to budget activity for Electoral Area services identifies that: ➢ The operating budgets are trending on budget and comparable to the prior year ➢ Most capital plan projects are underway by third quarter, with some projects being carried into 2020 No concerns or issues to report to the Electoral Area Services Committee at this time.

  8. Questions & Feedback?


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