2018 zero waste division metrics

2018 Zero Waste Division Metrics Zero Waste Commission November 25, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018 Zero Waste Division Metrics Zero Waste Commission November 25, 2019 1 Agenda 2018 Tonnage & Tonnage Trends City Facilities Curbside Collection Landfill (State Disposal Reporting) Waste Generation by Sector (Who

  1. 2018 Zero Waste Division Metrics Zero Waste Commission November 25, 2019 1

  2. Agenda • 2018 Tonnage & Tonnage Trends • City Facilities • Curbside Collection • Landfill (State Disposal Reporting) • Waste Generation by Sector (Who Generates Trash in Berkeley) • Waste Composition (What’s in the Trash) • Q&A 2

  3. City of Berkeley Solid Waste & Recycling Transfer Station 2018 Total Inbound Tonnage: ~142,544 Tons • Refuse: 78,509 Tons • 818 Tons Salvaged for Reuse • 195 Tons Scrap Metal Recycled • Compost: 32,952 Tons • C&D Recycling: 14,863 Tons • Recycling Center: 15,807 Tons 3

  4. City of Berkeley Transfer Station 2018 Miscellaneous Accepted Recyclables: ~413 Tons • E-waste: 96 tons • Refrigerated Appliances: 108 tons • Mattresses: 190 tons • Tires: ~19 tons • Propane Tanks: .39 tons Refrigerated E-waste: 3,065 units Appliances: 1,423 units 39 Propane Tanks Tires (auto): 1,367 units Mattresses: 9,986 units Tires (truck): 153 units 4

  5. Berkeley Recycling Center Inbound Tonnage: 15,807 Tons Recycling Center Inbound Tonnage by Sector Total Fiber vs Containers 60%/40% Fiber: 45% Public Containers: 40% Dropoff/Buyback ZW Division Fiber: 70% Other: 15 % Tons: 3,025 Commercial Tons: Containers: 30% 19% 4,371 28% Ecology Center Residential Tons: 8,411 53% Fiber: 62% Containers: 38% 5

  6. 2018 Berkeley Solid Waste & Recycling Transfer Station Inbound Tonnage By Material Type Berkeley Recycling: 15,807 Tons (Buyback and Curbside Collection) 12% Transfer Station Misc Recycling: 413 Tons 11% C&D Recycling: 14,863 Tons 55% Refuse: 78,509 Tons 23% Compost: 32,952 Tons Note: Tonnage includes all inbound material dropped off at the Transfer Station and Recycling Center, including from other Jurisdictions. Does not include Berkeley origin material hauled to other facilities 6

  7. Berkeley Tonnage Trends – The Four Heavies Materials Delivered to Berkeley Transfer Station & Berkeley Recycling 160000 140000 32,183 29,668 120000 36,685 29,417 29,257 15,984 33,583 100000 35,123 15,709 22,850 16,302 15,754 15,289 15,014 14,604 80000 5,707 14,149 18,535 29,028 21,133 15,254 60000 40000 79,836 76,164 75,577 62,596 53,265 52,656 51,827 20000 0 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Total Tons: 117,181 Total Tons: 122,584 Total Tons: 132,830 Total Tons: 126,142 Total Tons: 127,590 Total Tons: 135,968 Total Tons: 150,853 Organics 35,123 33,583 36,685 29,257 29,417 29,668 32,183 Recycling - CCC 14,149 14,604 15,289 15,754 16,302 15,709 15,984 Recycling - C&D 15,254 21,133 29,028 18,535 5,707 15,014 22,850 Landfill 52,656 53,265 51,827 62,596 76,164 75,577 79,836 Landfill Recycling - C&D Recycling - CCC Organics 7

  8. Berkeley Transfer Station 2018 Tonnage By Jurisdiction Of Origin C&D Landfill Compost Jurisdiction of Origin Recycling Tons Tons Tons Albany 652 99 343 Berkeley 67,100 31,051 11,384 El Cerrito 638 157 222 Oakland 6,198 953 1,658 Richmond 1,629 203 402 ~37 Other Cities 2,292 489 854 Total All Jurisdictions 78,509 32,952 14,863 Percentage Berkeley Origin 85% 94% 77% 8

  9. Curbside Collection By Service Provider 9

  10. 2018 Residential Curbside Collection 2018 Total Tonnage Collected: 35,396 Diversion: 65% Tonnage By Material Type Ecology ZW Center Division Recycling Refuse Collection 8,411 Collection 12,674 14,311 ZW ~ 23,000+ residential accounts Division • Compost ZW Division collects residential refuse & compost Collection • Ecology Center collects residential recycling Recycle Compost Refuse Note: Residential refuse includes Bulky Item Collection ~285 tons/year 10

  11. Residential Curbside Collection Trends Residential 40,000 35,000 8,900 8,411 8,900 30,000 8,201 8,333 7,934 25,000 20,000 14,311 14,166 14,551 13,192 13,353 12,808 15,000 10,000 12,630 12,512 12,674 12,242 12,031 11,916 5,000 - CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 CY 2017 CY 2018 Diversion: 63% 63% 65% 65% 66% 65% Refuse Compost Recycling Note: Residential refuse includes Bulky Item Collection ~285 tons/year 11

  12. 2018 Commercial Curbside Collection 2018 Total Tonnage: ~41,142 Total Refuse: Diversion: 36% ~26,174 Tons Tonnage By Material Type Total Compost: 7,717 Tons 3,300 4,371 2,880 Total Recycling: ~7,251 Tons 7,717 22,874 Recycle ZW Division Recycle Franchise Compost ZW Division Refuse ZW Division Refuse Franchise The Zero Waste Division Services ~ 4,000+ commercial & MFD accounts Non-exclusive Franchise Haulers service roll-off containers 12

  13. Commercial Curbside Collection Trends Note: Commercial COB tonnage includes larger MFDs. 13 Data does not include non-exclusive franchise hauler tonnage. Estimated franchise collection: Refuse: 3,300 tons; Recycling: 2,880 tons.

  14. 2018 Residential vs Commercial Curbside Collection Commercial & Large MFD Residential Total Annual Curbside Collection: 41,142 Tons Total Annual Curbside Collection: 34,962 Tons Diversion Rate: 36% Diversion Rate: 65% Refuse: 26,174 Tons Refuse (ZW Division): 12,674 Tons (ZW Division: 22,874; Franchise Haulers: ~3,300) Compost (ZW Division): 14,311 Tons Compost (ZW Division): 7,717 Tons Recycling (Ecology Center): 8,411 Tons Recycling: 7,251 Tons (ZW Division: 4,371 Tons; Franchise Haulers: ~2,880) 14

  15. State Disposal Reporting Berkeley Origin Landfill Tonnage 140,000 122,369 120,700 119,997 118,780.00 117,372.00 115,716.00 120,000 114,821.00 114,046.00 112,621.00 107,178.00 106,498.00 106,110.00 98,042 100,000 93,896 92,234 89,788 88,185 80,000 73,316 71,968 69,304 68,874 68,221 Tons 65,990 60,659 60,000 40,000 20,000 7,288 6,290 4,541 4,535 3,684 3,898 2,869 2,625 1,395 750 338 206 - 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Disposal To Landfill ADC Population 15

  16. State Disposal Reporting – Berkeley’s Per Capita Disposal Pounds per Person per Day (PPD) 6 5.1 5 4.5 4.2 4.2 4.1 3.7 4 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.1 Pounds 2.9 3 2 1 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 PPD 5.1 4.5 3.7 3.2 3.3 3.5 2.9 3.2 3.1 4.2 4.1 4.2 Annual Pounds Landfilled Per Person Per Day 16

  17. Waste Generation by Sector (Who Generates Trash in Berkeley) 2018 Total Berkeley Origin Landfilled Tons: 93,896 Self-haul to Out-of-Jurisdiction Facilities 28,438 Tons Commercial Curbside Collection 30% 22,875 24% Self Haul to Out of Jurisdiction Facilities Includes: ~3,700 Tons UC Berkeley ~3,300 Tons Non-exclusive Franchise Haulers Residential Curbside Collection 12,674 Self-haul to Transfer Station 14% 29,910 32% Self Haul to Transfer Station Includes: 971 Tons Berkeley Recycling MRF Residuals ~3,000 Tons COB PW/Streets/Parks 17

  18. Waste Composition – City of Berkeley (What’s In Our Trash) 2008 City of Berkeley Waste Composition Hazard Waste Special Paper 2.8% 1.2% 16.9% Inerts 18.4% Plastic 9.9% Glass 3.2% Metal 4.3% Yard Waste 4.5% Organic 38.8% Note: Waste Characterization Conducted by ACWMA (StopWaste.org) 18

  19. Waste Composition – Alameda County (What’s In Our Trash) 2017-18 Alameda County Waste Characterization Study Single Family Residential Waste Composition Commercial Waste Composition by Major Material Classifiction 19

  20. Questions? Heidi Obermeit, Recycling Program Manager Public Works Department, Zero Waste Division 510-981-6357 hobermeit@cityofberkeley.info 20


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