2018 election recap 86 th legislative session preview


2018 ELECTION RECAP & 86 TH LEGISLATIVE SESSION PREVIEW Kevin S tewart, Legislative Counsel Announcements Nurse Day 2019 Caring for Texas February 18 th & 19 th 2019 S ign up on TNA s website texasnurses.org Vision for

  1. 2018 ELECTION RECAP & 86 TH LEGISLATIVE SESSION PREVIEW Kevin S tewart, Legislative Counsel

  2. Announcements Nurse Day 2019 – Caring for Texas ¨ February 18 th & 19 th 2019 ¨ S ign up on TNA ’s website –texasnurses.org

  3. Vision for NLAC’s Future ü Frequent legislative ü Grow exponentially ü Wider breadth of subj ect & regulatory updates area expertise ü P AC solicitations & election updates

  4. 2018 Elections –Primaries ¨ Democrats set a nearly quarter-century record for primary turnout ¨ A handful of incumbents lost their primary races: ¤ S ens. Huffines and Estes, R eps. Faircloth, Dukes, Villalba, Arevalo, and Alonzo

  5. 2018 Elections –General ¨ Voter turnout looked more like a presidential election ¤ 2014: 4.6 million; ¤ 2016: 9 million; ¤ 2018: 8.3 million ¨ Texas had the sixth-highest increase in turnout ¨ Texas is still lags behind voter turnout nationwide

  6. 2018 Elections – General ¨ Beto vs. Cruz and Down-Ballot Voting ¨ S enate: Two seats flipped from R to D (19-12) ¨ House: Twelve seats from R to D (83-67) ¨ Notable Losses: ¤ Matt Rinaldi (ICE) ¤ Ron S immons (Bathrooms)

  7. 86 th S ession –S enate ¨ S eliger becomes the swing ¨ Patrick demotes S eliger ¨ S eliger explains demotion ¨ Patrick’s aide says S eliger can lose that committee, too ¨ S eliger says Patrick’s aide can kiss his behind ¨ S eliger loses new chair

  8. 86 th S ession –S enate HHS ¨ S chwertner

  9. 86 th S ession – S enate HHS ¨ Four returning ¨ Five new members: members: ¤ Pete Flores (F) ¤ Chair Lois Kolkhorst ¤ Nathan Johnson (F) ¤ Vice Chair Charles Perry ¤ Beverly Powell (F) ¤ Dawn Buckingham ¤ Kel S eliger ¤ Boris Miles ¤ Donna Campbell

  10. 86 th S ession –House ¨ S peaker Dennis Bonnen ¤ Brother Greg is a neurosurgeon ¤ S peaker Pro Tem under S traus ¤ S chool Finance ¤ Property Taxes

  11. 86 th S ession –House Public Health ¨ New Chair: Ms. T ¤ Democrat ¤ HD 141: North Houston ¤ 45 years in the legislature (j ust had 80 th birthday) ¤ Last served as Chair of Local & Consent

  12. 86 th S ession – Public Health ¨ Five returning ¨ S ix new Members members ¤ Chair Thompson ¤ Four Price ¤ Vice Chair John Wray ¤ J.D. S heffield ¤ S teve Allison ¤ Garnet Coleman ¤ James Frank ¤ Bobby Guerra ¤ Eddie Lucio III ¤ Bill Zedler ¤ Lina Ortega

  13. 86 th Legislative S ession Likely Healthcare R elated Issues

  14. 86 t h Session Issues General Nursing ¨ Sunset ¨ NLAC ¨ Ment al Healt h ¨ APRN Alliance ¨ TxENA

  15. 86 th S ession Issues – General ¨ S unset ¤ Last S ession ¤ Texas Medical Board ¤ Behavioral Health Executive Committee

  16. 86 t h Session Issues – General ¨ Ment al Healt h ¤ Mental Health Consortium (SB 10) ¤ Loan Repayment Program ¤ ERPOs (HB 131)

  17. 86 th Session Issues – NLAC Agenda ¨ APRNs ¨ Workplace Violence ¤ FP A ¨ School Nurses ¤ AAs ¤ Asthma Medication ¤ CSII ¨ Public Health Coalition ¨ Nurse Education ¤ NSRP + NFLRP

  18. 86 th S ession Issues –APRN Alliance ¨ TNA – S afe Harbor; Budget ¨ TNP – P AA Meetings; Concussions; Workers Comp ¨ TxANA – Dental Anesthesia

  19. 86 th S ession Issues –TxENA ¨ Freestanding Emergency Medical Centers (FEMCs) ¤ Not same code as hospitals. Why is this important? ¤ S ame requirements placed on hospitals don’ t apply n S afe Patient Handling & Mobility n Workplace S afety Procedures n Nurse S taffing Committees n Mandatory Overtime Prohibition

  20. 86 th S ession Issues - TxENA ¨ 2017 DS HS Report ¤ 24% of nurses say their FEMC is unsafe ¤ 33% say ineffective at preventing violence ¤ 25% do not have reporting policies ¤ 5.6% of nurses say they would report

  21. 86 th S ession Issues - TxENA ¨ GETAC current makeup: ¤ Association of emergency physicians ¤ Association of emergency medical directors ¤ Fire chiefs association ¤ Private EMS association ¤ Air services medical association ¤ Firefighters association ¤ Hospital association

  22. Questions? Kevin S tewart Kstewart@ TXLegeLaw.com


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