2018 19

2018-19 Thinking Schools Mr Harvey Year 9 2018-19 Student MAPS+ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Parent information evening Year 9 2018-19 Thinking Schools Mr Harvey Year 9 2018-19 Student MAPS+ Day 5th July 2018 'Sc hool will be open 6 days a week from September 2018' Science Year 9 2018-19 Science Overview We begin AQA GCSE

  1. Parent information evening Year 9 2018-19

  2. Thinking Schools Mr Harvey Year 9 2018-19

  3. Student MAPS+ Day 5th July 2018

  4. 'Sc hool will be open 6 days a week from September 2018'

  5. Science Year 9 2018-19

  6. Science Overview • We begin AQA GCSE at the start of Year 9. • All students are taught in mixed ability groups of roughly 22 students. • Most groups have only one teacher for all 5 of their lessons.

  7. Topics Covered in Year 9 Biology Chemistry Physics Cell Biology Atomic Energy structure Transfers and bonding Organisation Energy Separation, Calculations Analysis and Fuels

  8. Year 9 Science Assessment • Students will have a 30 minute assessment at the end of each topic • End of year exam in the summer term • End of year test results and end of topic tests results are both taken into consideration when placing students in bands at the beginning of Year 10

  9. Homework Expectations • Homework will be set once per week. • There is a Standard HW for each topic based on past exam questions. • Standard HW will be marked more in depth with ‘what went well’ and ‘even better if’ comments. • Students should respond to these comments in purple pen.

  10. How you can support your child • GCSE Revision guides & Workbooks • Encourage thorough completion of Standard Homeworks

  11. Looking Ahead to Year 10 At the end of the Year 9 we will place students on one of three pathways based on test results and quality of homework and classwork Year 9 Science 6 topics Foundation Tier Higher Tier Separate Sciences Combined Science Combined Science 2 GCSEs 2 GCSEs 3 GCSEs

  12. English Year 9 2018-19

  13. Curriculum Overview • Year 9 classes are taught in bands in broad ability groups • 7 lessons a fortnight 6 lessons following schemes of work 1 library and literacy lesson

  14. Curriculum overview • Students study GCSE level material in order to prepare them for their GCSEs • Assessments take place at the end of each unit and are marked using GCSE style criteria. Of Mice and A Shakespeare War Poetry Men play A Victorian Rocket Boys ,a novel memoir

  15. Expectations in English • You must use capital letters for names, places, and sentence starters. • All sentences must begin with a capital letter and end with a full-stop, question mark or exclamation mark. • Question marks and exclamation marks must be used accurately. • You must take care with your presentation. Write in a blue or black pen, write the title and date, do not doodle or scribble on your book. • You must have a reading book every day for every lesson. • Keep your reading log up-to-date • Your work must be paragraphed using the TiPToP method (time, place, topic, person) • You must Triple Check all your work for content, grammar and spelling.

  16. TiPToP your paragraphs. That means a new paragraph for a new time, place, topic or person.

  17. All work must be triple checked 1. Read through and check once for content 2. Check twice for grammar and punctuation 3. Read backwards and check for spelling.

  18. Marking and homework expectations • Students can expect the books to be marked once every 7 lessons. • WWW and EBI • Assessment pieces will be levelled • Homework: Literacy and reading once a fortnight Topic homework once a week

  19. How can I support my child? • Continue to encourage private reading • Use SMH to help them to organise their time • Discuss the wider world and current affairs • Encourage good presentation in all work • Get them to triple check their work.

  20. Maths Year 9 2018-19

  21. Curriculum overview Term 1 Proportional reasoning, including indirect proportion Percentage change, including compound change Similarity Translation and enlargement Arc lengths and sector areas Term 2 Term 3 Inequalities Non-linear sequences Expanding and factorising Bounds and intervals Algebraic fractions Negative indices and standard form Multiple-event probability Congruence Correlation Trigonometry Representing data Bearings and scale drawing Loci

  22. There is an online homework once a week using HegartyMaths. This is a video of worked examples, followed by a quiz. Please remind your child to watch the whole video, making notes. If they score below 80%, they are asked to check the video and retake the quiz. Teachers can see the time spent, whether the video was watched, and how many attempts the pupils have made. There will be written quizzes in class every couple of weeks. These give teachers and pupils a sense of what pupils understand well, and what they need to work on a bit more. There will also be formal assessments during the year. These will cover all the material studied at Leventhorpe up to those points.

  23. Setting in Year 9 The year group is split into two bands, X and Y, with four sets in each. Moving sets Pupils can move sets, on the basis of evidence from teachers' observations, homework and classwork, and scores in assessments. This is balanced against the advantages of working consistently with one teacher, and the need to lessen anxieties about moving sets. Talking to the children about setting We do not emphasise the setting to the children or make promises/'threats' about moving sets. We do not talk about moving 'up' or 'down' a set. Until Year 10, all sets study the same topics, and the differences are in the complexity of questions and the level of demand in problem solving.

  24. How can you support your child? Be positive about maths It opens a lot of doors and it is interesting! Encourage a growth mindset There aren't people who 'just can't do maths'. Don't tell them you 'can't do maths'. Model a good attitude. Have practical discussions about everyday maths Ask them about what they are learning in lessons Make sure they do their online homework properly If they struggle at first, they can recheck the video and try again. Aim for 80%+ Talk to them about preparation for quizzes and assessments They may still be developing their skill in revising independently. Preparation is testing yourself on questions, not staring at a book!

  25. PSHE 2018-19

  26. Personal Social Health Education

  27. PSHE Overview • Taught in Form Groups in Years 7 and 8 • From year 9 to 11 classes are based on timetable availability with option choices. • Curriculum follows the guidance from the PSHE Association

  28. Year 9 PSHE Curriculum

  29. Marking and homework expectations • Work produced will be in A5 Yellow Exercise books • No formal assessments • No homework generated from lessons

  30. How we can support students • PSHE in Form time • School Newsletter – Updates, links, conversation starting points. • Assemblies in school to ‘complete’ topics • Useful Websites: • https://parentzone.org.uk • http://www.parentchannel.tv/ • https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/

  31. Ready to Learn Mr White Year 9 2017-18

  32. Student expectations Mr Beardsworth Year 9 2018-19

  33. Uniform & Appearance Boys • Blazer worn around school • White shirt – tucked in • Top button done up and House tie • Smart black shoes – no trainers/boots • Dark socks Girls • Blazer worn around school • White open neck house blouse • School kilt – at knee length • Smart black sensible low-heeled shoes with back – no trainers/boots

  34. Uniform & Appearance • Hairstyles should be simple, one natural colour and not extreme. Fashion styles are not allowed. Shaved hair is not acceptable. Hair must be at least a grade 3 in length. Hair accessories are to be plain. • Students who have had their ears pierced may wear one pair of small plain gold or silver studs (worn in the lower lobe). They must not contain any stone. No other body studs, rings or jewellery should be worn. Make-up and nail varnish should not be worn in school.

  35. Behaviour • Homework – SMHW – Make sure it is done and handed in on time • Equipment – Check what you have make sure you have all correct equipment including all books, stationery, planner and a reading book • Disruptive behaviour – Lesson time is valuable. Low level disruption may not seem serious but it does have a big impact on the progress that your child can make. This is what Mr White spoke about with the Ready to Learn initiative we are running. – If disruptive behaviour continues this can lead to a faculty report.

  36. Expectations • Attendance – 96% and above • Do your best to always send your child in • Be on time • If they arrive late, they must sign in at the front desk • Take medicines to student services

  37. Year Ahead • Information evening with regards to options for year 10. AUTUMN TERM 24th September Monday Parents information evening 20th November Tuesday Year 9 Data Snapshot SPRING TERM 29th January Monday Year 9 Data Snapshot (Options) 6th February Wednesday Year 9 Parental Consultations 14th February Thursday Year 9 Tutor Day Date TBC Year 9 PSHE focus evening SUMMER TERM 21st May Tuesday Year 9 Summative Report Deadline Student Review Day 2nd July Tuesday


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