2018 19 budget hearing

2018-19 Budget Hearing PRESENTED BY FINANCIAL SERVICES AUGUST 20, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018-19 Budget Hearing PRESENTED BY FINANCIAL SERVICES AUGUST 20, 2018 1 2018-19 Budget Overview The Texas Education Code requires that every local education agency in Texas prepare and file a budget of anticipated revenues and expenditures

  1. 2018-19 Budget Hearing PRESENTED BY FINANCIAL SERVICES AUGUST 20, 2018 1

  2. 2018-19 Budget Overview The Texas Education Code requires that every local education agency in Texas prepare and file a budget of anticipated revenues and expenditures with the Texas Education Agency. The State Board of Education requires that this budget be prepared and adopted by August 31 by the Board of Trustees.

  3. Assumptions • Enrollment – 2.9% growth • New Campuses: • Campbell Elementary, Paetow High School Grade Level • Tax Base – 2.4% growth

  4. Assumptions • Salary Increases: • Teacher paygrade averaged 2% • Non-teacher paygrades 2% of midpoint • 1% one-time lump sum payment for all staff • Maintenance & Operations Tax Rate: $1.1466 • Debt Service Tax Rate: $0.37

  5. 2018-19 General Fund

  6. 2018-19 General Fund - Revenue REVENUES Tax Revenue ($1.1466) $ 443,256,388 Other Local Revenue 13,366,700 State Funding 209,450,746 State TRS Contributions 36,376,443 Federal Revenue 12,699,339 Total Revenues $ 715,149,616

  7. 2018-19 General Fund - Revenue 2% 34% Local Revenue State Revenue Federal Revenue 64%

  8. 2018-19 General Fund - Expenditures 12% Payroll Costs Non-Payroll Costs 88%

  9. 2018-19 General Fund – Payroll & Benefits PAYROLL BUDGET Salaries $ 499,491,021 Other Compensation 32,816,896 Benefits 96,733,841 Total Payroll Budget $ 629,041,758

  10. 2018-19 General Fund – Non-Payroll NON-PAYROLL COSTS Campus & Department Allocations $ 68,341,156 (Utilities, Fuel, Software, Appraisal Fees) Non-Allocations 13,757,208 TIRZ Contribution 4,797,789 Total Non-Payroll Costs $ 86,896,153

  11. 2018-19 General Fund Purchased & Contracted Other Operating Supplies & Materials Services 4.7% 2.2% 5.2% Capital Outlay 0% Payroll Costs 87.8%

  12. 2018-19 General Fund $500 Instruction & Instructional Related $450 $468.6 $400 Instructional & School Leadership $350 $300 Support Services - Student $250 Administrative Support Services $200 $150 Support Services - Non-Student $100 $88.3 $50 $72.3 Ancillary Services $15.3 $11.4 $45.9 $0

  13. GENERAL FUND Budgeted Fund Balance at September 1, 2018 $ 206,470,936 Revenues Property Taxes and Other Local Revenues 456,623,088 State Program Revenues 245,827,189 Federal Program Revenues 12,699,339 Total Revenues 715,149,616 Expenditures Payroll Costs 616,460,919 Purchased and Contracted Services 36,634,830 Supplies and Materials 33,246,006 Other Operating Expenses 15,258,658 Capital Outlay 222,085 Total Expenditures 701,822,498 Operating Transfers In (Out) (13,268,893) Net Change to Fund Balance 58,225 $ 206,529,161 Budgeted Fund Balance at August 31, 2019

  14. 2018-19 Food Service Fund

  15. FOOD SERVICE FUND Budgeted Fund Balance at September 1, 2018 $ 4,304,959 Revenues Local Revenues 14,635,000 State Program Revenues 180,000 Federal Program Revenues 16,445,893 Total Revenues 31,260,893 Expenditures Payroll Costs 13,679,905 Purchased and Contracted Services 84,000 Supplies and Materials 18,192,306 Other Operating Expenses 43,900 Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 32,000,111 Operating Transfers In (Out) Net Change to Fund Balance (739,218) $ 3,565,741 Budgeted Fund Balance at August 31, 2019

  16. 2018-19 Debt Service Fund

  17. DEBT SERVICE FUND Budgeted Fund Balance at September 1, 2018 $ 56,382,357 Revenues Property Taxes ($0.37) 143,035,814 Interest Earnings & Other Local 1,125,000 State Revenues - ASAHE 1,881,841 Total Revenues 146,042,655 Expenditures Principal Payments * 71,970,000 Interest Payments 85,058,234 Fees - Trust Department and Other 321,766 Total Expenditures 157,350,000 Transfers In (Out) - Capital Projects & GOF Funds 12,048,893 Net Change to Fund Balance 741,548 Budgeted Fund Balance at August 31, 2019 $ 57,123,905 Includes $5M principal defeasance

  18. Proposed Official Budget 2018-19 Special Debt General Revenue Service Fund Fund Fund Total Fund Balance at September 1, 2018 $206,470,936 $4,304,959 $56,382,357 $267,158,252 Revenues Property Taxes and Other Local Revenues 456,623,088 14,635,000 144,160,814 615,418,902 5700 State Program Revenues 245,827,189 180,000 1,881,841 247,889,030 5800 Federal Program Revenues 12,699,339 16,445,893 29,145,232 5900 Total Revenues 715,149,616 31,260,893 146,042,655 892,453,164 Expenditures Payroll Costs 616,460,919 13,679,905 630,140,824 6100 Purchased and Contracted Services 36,634,830 84,000 36,718,830 6200 Supplies and Materials 33,246,006 18,192,306 51,438,312 6300 Other Operating Expenses 15,258,658 43,900 15,302,558 6400 Debt Payments 157,350,000 157,350,000 6500 Capital Outlay 222,085 222,085 6600 Total Expenditures 701,822,498 32,000,111 157,350,000 891,172,609 Operating Transfers In (Out) (13,268,893) 12,048,893 (1,220,000) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues 58,225 (739,218) 741,548 60,556 Fund Balance at August 31, 2019 $206,529,161 $3,565,741 $57,123,905 $267,218,808

  19. Proposed Budget 2018-19 Special Debt General Revenue Service Fund Fund Fund Total Revenues 5700 Property Taxes and Other Local Revenues 456,623,088 14,635,000 144,160,814 615,418,902 5800 State Program Revenues 245,827,189 180,000 1,881,841 247,889,030 5900 Federal Program Revenues 12,699,339 16,445,893 29,145,232 Total Revenues 715,149,616 31,260,893 146,042,655 892,453,164 Expenditures Instruction 450,618,780 450,618,780 11 Instructional Resources and Media Services 8,321,968 8,321,968 12 Curriculum and Instructional Staff Development 9,674,450 9,674,450 13 Instructional Leadership 5,867,887 5,867,887 21 School Leadership 40,054,526 40,054,526 23 Guidance, Counseling and Evaluation Services 30,729,373 30,729,373 31 Health Services 7,403,791 7,403,791 33 Student (Pupil) Transportation 19,476,047 19,476,047 34 Food Services 32,000,111 32,000,111 35 Co-curricular/Extracurricular Activities 14,714,812 14,714,812 36 General Administration 15,298,628 15,298,628 41 Plant Maintenance and Operations 65,831,319 65,831,319 51 Security and Monitoring Services 8,930,721 8,930,721 52 Data Processing Services 13,512,883 13,512,883 53 Community Services 323,260 323,260 61 Debt Service 157,350,000 157,350,000 71 Facilities Acquisition and Construction 896,687 896,687 81 Payments to Fiscal Agents 658,000 658,000 93 Payments to Juvenile Justice Education Program 123,577 123,577 95 Payments to Tax Increment Fund 4,797,789 4,797,789 97 Intergovernmental 4,588,000 4,588,000 99 Total Expenditures 701,822,498 32,000,111 157,350,000 891,172,609 Operating Transfers In (Out) (13,268,893) 12,048,893 (1,220,000) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues 58,225 (739,218) 741,548 60,555

  20. Thank You 20


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