2017 early literacy summer institute

2017 EARLY LITERACY SUMMER INSTITUTE Creating a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2017 EARLY LITERACY SUMMER INSTITUTE Creating a Literacy-Rich Environment in the Classroom Name Tents On the Back Write as many words as you can to describe

  1. 2017 ¡EARLY ¡LITERACY ¡ ¡ SUMMER ¡INSTITUTE ¡ Creating a Literacy-Rich Environment in the Classroom ¡

  2. Name Tents On ¡ ¡the ¡Back… ¡ • Write ¡as ¡many ¡words ¡as ¡you ¡ can ¡to ¡describe ¡an ¡effective ¡ classroom. ¡

  3. GOALS ü Recognize that classroom environment contributes to classroom culture and tone ü Know the key materials and stations that every classroom should have to support literacy ü Know how to maximize space ü Identify charts and other visuals that are critical for literacy instruction ü Understand the importance of student work in a classroom

  4. What Message Does The Space, Books And Print In These Pictures Send To The Students? 
 § Classroom B § Classroom A

  5. Physical Environment Space ¡ Books ¡ Print ¡

  6. What Do You Value About Space?

  7. Space Welcoming ¡ Organized ¡ Decluttered ¡ De?ined ¡ Valued ¡

  8. Space: What Do You Value?

  9. Writing Center

  10. Reading Spaces

  11. Working With Peers

  12. Space– What’s The Message?

  13. What Do You Value About Books?

  14. Books Quality ¡ Accessible ¡ Balanced ¡ Organized ¡ Valued ¡

  15. Growing Your Library Collection ¡ Organization ¡ Space ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

  16. Leveled Library

  17. Books – What’s The Message?

  18. What Do You Value About Print?

  19. Does The Print In Your Classroom…. 
 Or this? Look like this?

  20. Print Developed ¡ Authentic ¡ Purposeful ¡ by ¡class ¡ Accessible ¡ Valued ¡

  21. Charts And Visuals Essentials

  22. Posted Goals

  23. Procedural Anchor Charts

  24. Procedural Anchor Charts

  25. Procedural Anchor Charts

  26. Writing Strategies That Have Been Taught

  27. Reading Strategies That Have Been Taught

  28. Reading Strategies That Have Been Taught

  29. Student Work

  30. Student Work

  31. High Frequency Word Wall

  32. Tiered Words Tier 3 Words Tier 2 Words

  33. Created With The Students

  34. Charts With Helpful Pictures

  35. Print– What’s The Message?

  36. Video

  37. Do Students Use Their Literacy Environment?

  38. My Message To My Children Is…

  39. The Literacy Environment “ Classroom displays that CELEBRATE student e ff orts and have a connection to the daily life of the classroom are one of the most powerful - and overlooked - tools for teaching. They can generate EXCITEMENT about the curriculum, increase children’s investment in learning, help children to APPRECIATE their own work and the work of others, and foster a powerful sense of individual and group ownership of the classroom.” § Marylynn K. Clayton, Classroom Spaces that Work

  40. Literacy ¡Environment ¡ ¡

  41. Literacy ¡Environment ¡

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