2016 clean rivers program steering committee meeting

2016 Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee Meeting April 1, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2016 Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee Meeting April 1, 2016 Karnes City Lodge 309 S. US HWY 181, Karnes City, TX 78118 Habitat Assessment at Medina River at Old Agenda English Crossing SARA and BCRAGD staff CRP Overview 2014

  1. 2016 Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee Meeting April 1, 2016 Karnes City Lodge 309 S. US HWY 181, Karnes City, TX 78118

  2. Habitat Assessment at Medina River at Old Agenda English Crossing SARA and BCRAGD staff • CRP Overview • 2014 Integrated Report • Allocation of Resources and Work Plan • Coordinated Monitoring Meeting - Coordinated Monitoring Schedule • Draft 2016 Basin Highlight Report • Presentations 2

  3. Confluence of the San Antonio River and Cibolo Creek Texas Clean Rivers Program (CRP) Overview 3

  4. CRP Overview Salado Creek • Established in 1991 by the 72nd Legislature enactment of Senate Bill 818 • Promote cooperative watershed planning and coordinate regional monitoring resources • The CRP, SARA Stream Monitoring and TCEQ monitoring efforts, are the primary programs for the collection water quality data in the San Antonio River Basin

  5. CRP GOALS • Maintain and improve the quality of water . • Partnership involving the TCEQ, river authorities, regional entities, local governments, industry, and citizens. • Identify and evaluate water quality issues, establish priorities for corrective action, work to Juvenile Black Crowned Night implement those actions, Heron in Brackenridge Park and adapt to changing priorities. 5

  6. CRP Objectives • Provide Quality-Assured Data to the TCEQ for Use in Water Quality Decision-Making • Identify and Evaluate Water Quality Issues • Inform and Engage Stakeholders • Maintain Efficient Use of Public Funds • Adapt Program to Emerging Water Quality Issues Lower Cibolo Creek 6

  7. TCEQ 2014 Integrated Report San Pedro Creek 7

  8. TSWQS Designated Uses The TSWQS assigns five categories of designated uses for all classified waterbodies in the San Antonio River Basin, including:  aquatic life  contact recreation  fish consumption  public water supply  general use Spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) 8

  9. TCEQ 2014 Texas Integrated Report (IR)  2014 Texas 303(d) List  2014 Water Bodies Evaluated  2014 Water Body Assessments by Basin  2014 Index of Water Quality Impairments  2014 Water Bodies with Concerns for Use Attainment and Screening Levels  2014 Potential Sources of Pollution for Impairments and Concerns  2014 New Listings  2014 De-listings  2014 Guidance for Assessing and Reporting Surface Water Quality in Texas Lower San Antonio River 9

  10. TCEQ 2014 Texas IR Impairments and Concerns Watershed Impairments and Concerns Designated Use Bacteria and Fish Community Impairments; Habitat and Nutrient 1901 Lower San Antonio River Concerns Recreation, Aquatic Life Use and General Use 1901A Escondido Creek Bacteria Impairment; Nutrient Concerns Recreation and General Use 1901B Cabeza Creek Bacteria Impairment Recreation Use 1901C Hord Creek No Impairments or Concerns --- 1901D Lost Creek No Impairments or Concerns --- Bacteria and Fish Community Impairments; Habitat, Fish Community 1911 Upper San Antonio River Recreation, Aquatic Life and General Use and Nutrient Concerns 1911B Apache Creek Bacteria Impairment; Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient Concerns Recreation, Aquatic Life and General Use 1911C Alazan Creek Bacteria Impairment; Nutrient Concerns Recreation and General Use 1911D San Pedro Creek Bacteria Impairment; Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient Concerns Recreation, Aquatic Life and General Use 1911E Six Mile Creek Bacteria Impairment Recreation Use 1911H Picosa Creek Dissolved Oxygen Impairment; Concerns Aquatic Life Use 1911I Martinez Creek Bacteria Impairment; Dissolved Oxygen Concerns Recreation and Aquatic Life Use 1902 Lower Cibolo Creek Bacteria Impairment; Fish Community and Nutrient Concerns Recreation, Aquatic Life and General Use 1902A Martinez Creek Bacteria and Nutrient Concerns Recreation and General Use 1902B Salatrillo Creek Nutrient Concern General Use Bacteria and Dissolved Oxygen Impairments; Dissolved Oxygen and 1902C Clifton Branch Nutrient Concerns Recreation, Aquatic Life and General Use 1913 Mid Cibolo Creek Dissolved Oxygen Impairment; Nutrient Concerns Aquatic Life and General Use Bacteria and Chloride Impairments; Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrient and 1908 Upper Cibolo Creek Recreation, General and Aquatic Life Use Habitat Concerns 10

  11. TCEQ 2014 Texas IR Impairments and Concerns Watershed Impairments and Concerns Designated Use 1903 Lower Medina River Bacteria Impairment; Nutrient Concerns Recreation and General Use 1909 Medina Diversion Lake No Impairments or Concerns --- 1904 Medina Lake No Impairments or Concerns --- 1905 Upper Medina River Fish Community Impairment and Habitat Concerns Aquatic Life Use 1905A North Prong Medina River No Impairments or Concerns ---- Fish No Consumption and Dissolved Oxygen Impairments; Fish Consumption, Aquatic Life and General 1906 Lower Leon Creek Nutrient Concerns, Silver in Sediment Concerns Use 1907 Upper Leon Creek No Impairments or Concerns --- Bacteria, Macrobenthic Community, Dissolved Oxygen 1910 Salado Creek Recreation, Aquatic Life and General Use Impairments; Nutrient Concerns 1910A Walzem Creek Bacteria Impairment Recreation Use 1910B Rosillo Creek No Impairments or Concerns --- 1910C Salado Creek Tributary Bacteria Concern Recreation Use 1910D Menger Creek Bacteria and Dissolved Oxygen Impairment; Concern Recreation and Aquatic Life Use 1910E Beitel Creek Dissolved Oxygen Concern Aquatic Life Use 1910F Upper Salado Creek Nutrient Concern General Use 1912 Medio Creek Nutrient Concerns General Use 1912A Upper Medio Creek Nutrient Concerns General Use 11

  12. Allocation of Resources and Work Plans SARA staff biologists nekton sampling on the Lower San Antonio River 12

  13. Allocation of FY16/17 Resources FY 2016 FY 2017 FY16 – FY17 BUDGET CATEGORIES 09/01/15 -08/31/16 09/01/16 – 08/31/17 TOTAL $120,450.00 $120,450.00 $240,900.00 a. Personnel/ Salary $45,771.00 $45,771.00 $91,542.00 b. Fringe Benefits (38% of a) $4,004.00 $4,004.00 $8,008.00 c. Travel d. Supplies $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $28,000.00 e. Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 f. Contractual $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 g. Other $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 h. Total Direct Costs (sum a – g) $185,725.00 $185,725.00 $371,450.00 i. Indirect Cost (10% of a.) $12,045.00 $12,045.00 $24,090.00 j. Total Reimbursable Costs (h+ i) $197,770.00 $197,770.00 $395,540.00 13

  14. Turtles sunning in the Upper San Antonio River Work Plan TASK 1: Project Administration TASK 2: Quality Control TASK 3: Water Quality Monitoring TASK 4: Data Management TASK 5: Data Analysis and Reporting TASK 6: Stakeholder Participation and Public Outreach 14

  15. Lower San Antonio River Segment 1901 FY16 Coordinated Monitoring Meeting and Coordinated Monitoring Schedule 15

  16. 2017 Coordinated • Coordinates the monitoring Monitoring Meeting (CMM) resources of CRP Partners by maximizing regional efforts while preventing duplicative 24 Hr DO instrument deployment efforts. • Improves spatial and temporal coverage of monitoring sites • Primary sources of information utilize in preparing the CMM: – TCEQ Biennial Texas Integrated Reports (IR) – Information from CRP partners and the Environmental Advisory Committee stakeholders 16

  17. FY17 Coordinated Monitoring Schedule (CMS) SARA’s CMM will be held April 12, 2016. Water monitoring decisions made during the CMM are directed towards: • Completing data sets where limited or inadequate data indicates a potential impairment, concern or near nonattainment; • Waters with known water quality concerns; • Specific priority for water bodies that have no known water quality problems or without current water quality data. • Once all monitoring decisions are finalized, SARA will populate the FY17 CMS. 17 Medina River at CR 2615

  18. 18

  19. FY17 Coordinated Monitoring Schedule • Coordinated Monitoring Meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2016 • CRP Systematic Monitoring will continue on the Upper San Antonio River Westside Creeks (3 sites/one on each) – Alazan Creek, San Pedro Creek and Six Mile Creek • Adding two sites in 1907_01, Upper Leon Creek Leon Creek @ Prue Road – 20612 RT 6/yr Leon Creek @ Leon Springs – 14252 RT 6/yr • All stations that have biological monitoring events will be done twice a year 19


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