drying up of rivers wetland degradation

Drying-up of Rivers Wetland degradation 40% of the total rivers was - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Drying-up of Rivers Wetland degradation 40% of the total rivers was the rate reaches 90% changed to be seasonal rivers Eco-environment degradation in Hai River due to water shortage Decrease of Over-extraction of Inflow to Sea the

  1. Drying-up of Rivers Wetland degradation 40% of the total rivers was the rate reaches 90% changed to be seasonal rivers Eco-environment degradation in Hai River due to water shortage Decrease of Over-extraction of Inflow to Sea the Groundw ater The area in the aquifer comes the rate approaches to 44,000km 2 。 90%

  2. Semi quantitative and quantitative analysis applied to Case study in Miyun Reservoir Basin, Beijing Capital

  3. Index System • Clim ate change • Hydrological change • I nfluence of reservoir operation • Urban w ater dem and • Urban w ater supply • Econom ic analysis • Adaptaions

  4. Vision I : Human activity is a major reason of Vision I : Human activity is a major reason of water stress , such as over exploitation to limited water resource. water stress , such as over exploitation to limited water resource.  Water use in agricultural irrigation is almost 70% of total water use amount.  Over use of ground water is also one of major causes to reduce ground water resource. Water level Water level declination declination N N S S Beijing Beijing 北 北 京 京 Year Year 1965 1965 1975 1975 1985 1985 1995 1995 2005 2005 Shijiazhuang Shijiazhuang 石家荘 石家荘 50 50 (m ) (m ) 40 40 evel evel Handan Handan 30 30 w ater l w ater l 邯鄲 邯鄲 20 20 10 10


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