2016-17 Budget Overview Presentation to the Bethlehem Central School District Board of Education Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Tonight’s agenda • Budget Recap • Transportation • Operations and Maintenance • Technology • Decisions to consider in coming weeks • Future meetings
Summary of Budgeted Revenues 2015 2015-16 16 2016 2016-17 17 School Taxes $63,480,000 $63,480,000 PILOT Payments 3,275,000 3,379,000 State Aid 25,554,000 26,200,000 Other Revenue 1,853,000 1,353,000 Total Revenue $94,162,000 $94,412,000 If MATL at 1.45% 919,000 If GEA fully restored 1,366,000 Potential Maximum Revenue $96,697,000 4
Summary of Budgeted Expenditures 2015 2015-16 16 2016 2016-17 17 Salaries $47,087,014 $48,211,189 Benefits 22,528,437 22,250,000 Debt Service 11,588,505 12,370,155 BOCES Services 3,247,257 3,564,573 Equip/Supplies& Contractual 9,360,787 8,946,083 Transfers/Capital Outlay 350,000 350,000 Total $94,162,000 $95,692,000 Overall 1.62% increase 5
Budget development as of 2/24/16 Expen Expenditur ditures es Revenue enue Ga Gap Baseline as of 2/24/16 $95,692,000 $94,412,000 ($1,280,000) MATL at 1.45%? 919,000 ($361,000) The 2016-17 budget year will yield stability in program and cost. Dramatic program curtailments will not be recommended. Program enhancements will depend on degree of GEA restoration: $0 to $1,366,000 Some of the higher priority staffing additions can be funded with “breakage”. 6
Non-instructional, District-wide Requested Additions • Increase in substitute pay rates: $28,000 – Custodians from $10 to $12/hour – School monitors/bus attendants/aides, cafeteria staff, clerical, from $10 to $11/hour 7
Transportation 2016-17 Budget Development Cindy Jurewicz, Director
Safety Record No. of Addl. Preventable Non- Total Safety Meetings Accidents preventables Accidents 2008-09 8 4 3 7 2009-10 8 8 16 8 2010-11 8 2 3 1 2011-12 0 1 8 7 2012-13 0 11 1 12 2013-14 0 1 10 9 2014-15 0 6 21 15 2015-16 YTD 3 3 7 4 9
Transportation Budget 2015-16 2016-17 Salaries $4,800,736 $4,986,444 Equipment 97,000 40,000 Fuel 535,000 430,000 Bus Parts/Supplies 258,500 258,500 Insurance 122,400 122,400 Other Oper. Costs 172,195 170,696 Garage Building 80,100 71,421 Total $6,065,931 $6,079,461 B2B Increase $13,530 10
Transp. Salary & Position Information # ‘ ee # ‘ ee Position (Employee 2015-16 2016-17 no.’s are not FTE’s. Budget Budget Show no. of positions.) Drivers 85.0 $2,654,055 87.0 $2,808,959 Bus Attendants 25.0 567,088 27.0 557,913 Mechanics 7.0 437,690 7.0 451,405 Supervisors, Office/Clerical 4.0 226,244 4.0 234,425 Dispatcher/Trainer 3.0 146,159 3.0 151,742 Substitutes 315,000 265,000 Extra Hours/Overtime 430,500 452,000 Other (Health Insur. Buyouts) 24,000 65,000 Total $4,800,736 $4,986,444 11
Transportation Revenue 2015-16 2016-17 State Aid $4,504,000 $4,324,000 Sale of Buses 25,000 25,000 Total $4,529,000 $4,324,000 Transportation Aid ratio at 63.7% 12
Bus Replacement Plan - Need vs. Purchased 20 18 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 # Buses Purchased 10 Buses Needed 8 8 6 6 6 4 2 0 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-16 2016-17 Over Several Years Ideally 15
Consideration of bus replacement proposition • Seeking 10 large and 5 small buses at a cost not to exceed $1,413,000 • Voter approval needed to purchase 16
Requested Transportation Additions • To ease cramped elementary routes, add 1 new route for each elementary school: $195,000 • Partial restoration of .60 FTE Assistant Transportation Supervisor: $45,000 (salary and benefits) 17
Operations & Maintenance (O&M) 2016-17 Budget Development Gregg Nolte, Director of Facilities & Operations
Operations & Maintenance Budget 2015 2015-16 16 2016 2016-17 17 Salaries $3,265,126 $3,223,798 Equipment/Vehicles 192,000 214,000 Utility Costs 1,004,000 931,000 Contracted Services/Projects 561,200 568,200 Custodial/Maintenance Supplies 327,600 350,600 BOCES 45,025 51,000 Total $5,394,951 $5,338,598 B2B decrease $(56,353) 19
O&M Salary & Position Information Position FTE 2015-16 2016-17 Custodians 38 $1,857,482 $1,817,141 Maintenance 15 862,522 845,400 Supervisors & 4 341,122 344,957 Admin. Support Substitutes/Misc. 135,000 144,300 Overtime 69,000 72,000 Total 57 $3,265,126 $3,223,798 20
Equipment & Vehicles Desc Descripti ription on Amoun Amount Mid Range Tractor (Replaces 1978 Ford Tractor), $44,000 front blower, float tires Cube Truck w/ lift gate 40,000 Small Pick-up with plow, 4 door, 4wd (replaces 30,000 Impala) 2 Garden Tractors w/snow blower for Sling & 34,000 Glenmont MS & HS Rider Sweepers 26,000 Other equipment 42,000 Total $214,000 21
Special Projects Pr Projec oject D t Desc escripti ription on Amoun Amount Additional security cameras $42,000 Handicap Signage Update (Mandate) 3,000 Districtwide Water Bottle Filling Stations 8,000 HS Security Alarm Panel Consolidation 13,000 Eagle New Door Access for Summer Program 11,000 HS Gym B Sound System 52,000 Total $129,000 22
Capital Outlay: High School Pool • In 2014-15: HS Pool Phase II – Ceiling and soffit improvements • In 2015-16: HS Pool Phase III – New scoreboard system and replacement of all doors – Project awarded tonight, work to start mid March • In 2016-17: HS Pool Phase IV – $100,000 in budget (as transfer to capital fund) – Additional equipment replacement & interior finish upgrades 23
Requested O&M Addition • Restore MS Custodial Staffing to 2009-10 level, with addition of 1.0 FTE custodial worker: $57,100 (salary and benefits) 24
5 Year Facilities Plan • Report just released (available on web page) • Architect’s short -term priorities are $44M – Board’s Facilities’ Committee reviewing – Overview of recommendations to be presented later this spring, for discussion – Goal: development of the next capital project (multi-year time line) 25
Educational and Information Technology Services 2016-17 Budget Development Dr. Sal DeAngelo Chief Technology Officer
Technology Budget Overview Descr Description iption 2015 2015-16 16 2016-17 2016 17 Salaries $713,568 $686,558 Equipment $807,535 $797,535 Software $84,530 $80,480 Materials and Supplies $50,500 $64,000 Technology/Purchased Services $207,671 $212,915 BOCES $473,074 $512,892 Total $2,336,878 $2,354,380 B2B Increase $17,502 27
Technology Salary & Position Information Position FTE 2015-16 2016-17 Director, Network Technicians, Database 10 $640,568 $633,558 Managers, Help Desk Staff Summer Help/Extra Help 28,000 28,000 ASPEN training 45,000 25,000 Total $713,568 $686,558 28
Future Meetings Da Date te Topic opic March 16 Athletics & Special Ed and Student Services Legal Ad must be adopted. April 5 (Tues) K12 Instruction April 13 (Tent.) Discussion & Tentative Decisions. Adoption? April 18 BOE Candidate Petitions due by 5:00 pm. April 19 Last date for Budget Adoption by Board, and approval of Property Tax Report Card. May 3 Meet the BOE Candidates Night, HS Cafeteria May 4 Public Hearing on Proposed Budget May 17 Budget Vote: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm, at the High School 29
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