
2015 C O N F E R E N C E & E X H I B I T I O N Presentation - PDF document

2015 C O N F E R E N C E & E X H I B I T I O N Presentation Abstract Guide & Submission Form DEADLINE: 11 JUNE 2015 PRESENTATION ABSTRACT GUIDE Thank you for your interest and support! FireNZ 2015 will be held in Wellington, New

  1. 2015 C O N F E R E N C E & E X H I B I T I O N Presentation Abstract Guide & Submission Form DEADLINE: 11 JUNE 2015

  2. PRESENTATION ABSTRACT GUIDE Thank you for your interest and support! FireNZ 2015 will be held in Wellington, New Zealand 14-15 October 2015. The conference is being organised by The Society of Fire Protection Engineers NZ Chapter, the Fire Protection Association of New Zealand and the Institution of Fire Engineers New Zealand Chapter. FireNZ conferences have established a reputation as the premier event for keeping abreast of advancements in fjre safety in New Zealand. Conference presentations will be on subjects relevant to the fjre safety sector, with a focus on design, safety and innovation. Please note that for this conference an abstract, extended abstract and presentation are required. Full papers need not be produced. THE THEME Transforming the Fire Triangle: Design, Safety and Innovation. Conference presentations will be on subjects relevant to the fjre safety sector, with a focus on design, safety and innovation. Abstracts are sought on technical subjects regarding the use of fjre safety engineering in practice or the development of systems tools and methods. For instance, examples of implemented fjre safety engineered design, development of standards and regulations, or novelties in development or application of methods and models are welcome. AUDIENCE SPEAKER REQUIREMENTS The participants at this conference will be: Extended Abstract  Professionals involved in fjre safety engineering, Those speakers accepted are then required to submit a design and review of fjre safety design, regulations one to two page extended abstract to be published in development and enforcement, standards the conference proceedings in August 2015. development, and developers of engineering design The extended abstracts should identify the topic being methods; addressed; the approach used, or suggested, for  Fire safety contractors involved in testing, installation, addressing the topic; and the results or recommendations. and inspection of fjre safety systems and evacuation Figures and tables may be included in the abstract, but strategies; are not required.  Fire fjghters and other fjre service staff. Presentation You must submit your presentation slides by the SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS presentation deadline the 15th September 2015, to be assigned a presentation timeslot. A conference slide Those wishing to present should submit a ~250 word template will be provided for your use. abstract for selection by 11 June 2015 using the submission form on page 3. This will be published in the Speakers will not be allowed to present papers without conference brochure. an extended abstract in the Conference Proceedings. The 2015 Conference Program Committee will review all abstracts and make fjnal speaker selections based on level of innovation, quality, relevance, focus, practical application, and timeliness. If accepted, an invitation to present at the conference will be sent by the 31st June 2015. Presentation Abstract Guide and Submission Form

  3. PRESENTATION ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM DEADLINE 11 JUNE 2015 This application form must be fjlled out completely in order to be considered. Submit abstracts to Amelia Lowe at fpanz@fjreprotection.org.nz and include “FireNZ Conference 2015 Abstract” in the subject line of the email, no later than 11 June 2015. Presentation abstracts should provide suffjcient detail regarding scope, results and application to determine the quality and applicability of the engineering concepts that would be presented. References may be included. Presentations must be noncommercial in nature. Presentations are expected to be 30 minutes in length with 10 minutes for Q&A. PRESENTER DETAILS First Last Title Name Name Designation (eg. PhD., PMSFPE, CPEng etc) Job Title Company Email Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Mobile: Bio (no more than 250 words) Presentation Abstract Guide and Submission Form

  4. CO-PRESENTER DETAILS (if applicable) First Last Title Name Name Designation (eg. PhD., PMSFPE, CPEng etc) Job Title Company Email Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Mobile: Bio (no more than 250 words) Presentation Abstract Guide and Submission Form

  5. PRESENTATION Presentation Title Presentation Program Abstract (no more than 250 words which will be used to promote program if selected): Presentation Abstract Guide and Submission Form

  6. PRESENTATION Presentation Outline (provide details on what will be presented and learning takeaways for attendee’, no more than two pages): Presentation Abstract Guide and Submission Form

  7. PRESENTATION Presentation Outline (provide details on what will be presented and learning takeaways for attendee’, no more than two pages): Presentation Abstract Guide and Submission Form


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