2015 2016

2015-2016 PACE Parent Information PACE teachers Shelly - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2015-2016 PACE Parent Information PACE teachers Shelly Couch-Eagle Mountain, Bryson, and Saginaw Shelly Dreiling-Northbrook and Lake Pointe Meg Farley- Gililland, Chisholm Ridge and Comanche Springs Stacey Herring-Greenfield and Remington

  1. 2015-2016 PACE Parent Information

  2. PACE teachers Shelly Couch-Eagle Mountain, Bryson, and Saginaw Shelly Dreiling-Northbrook and Lake Pointe Meg Farley- Gililland, Chisholm Ridge and Comanche Springs Stacey Herring-Greenfield and Remington Point Debbie Ruiz-Elkins and Willow Creek Laura Musgrove-High Country, Parkview and Remington Point

  3. PACE stands for… P lan of A ction for C urriculum E nrichment

  4. PACE is a special program for K-5 students who show exceptional ability. This could be in one or more academic areas.

  5. PACE classes Grades 2-5 Students will meet for 2-2 ½ hours per week based on scheduling at each campus. K-1 students K-1 students are served by classroom teachers with 30 hours of GT training. GT specialists provide guidance to teachers of GT students as needed.

  6. What are the goals for PACE? • To challenge students academically through enriched learning activities • To advance abilities in using higher level thinking skills • To develop independent study and research skills

  7. Goals, continued • To increase students’ ability to work with others and develop leadership skills • To assist each student in developing a feeling of self- worth

  8. How do students qualify?

  9. Testing • Intellectual ability (Total, Verbal, Quantitative, Non-verbal • SAGES test (Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students) Achievement test • Teacher assessment • Parent assessment

  10. Once your child has been identified as gifted, he/she will not be tested for the PACE program again, but will continue from year to year.

  11. During class we do…

  12. Creative thinking activities Design a flag that represents you.

  13. Problem Solving Zookeeper George was in charge of feeding all of the animals in the morning. He had a regular schedule that he followed every day. Can you figure it out from the clues? 1.The giraffes were fed before the zebras but after the monkeys. 2.The bears were fed 15 minutes after the monkeys. 3.The lions were fed after the zebras.

  14. Team Thinking Challenges **In this challenge, the students were asked to create a bridge that could hold as many coins as possible using only a piece of paper.

  15. Vocabulary building

  16. Integrated lessons that include social studies, science, language arts and math

  17. Group activities

  18. Individual research projects

  19. We have a “keep up, not make up” policy for the work missed while students are at PACE Policies regarding missed work….

  20. 1. GT students are not required to complete lessons/activities that take place in their homeroom when they are attending their GT class: however, GT students will be responsible for all content assessments.

  21. 2. GT students may be required to complete homework assignments on the day they attend their GT class if they have been provided with the necessary instruction prior to the day of the assignment and their classmates were not given the opportunity to begin the assignment in class.

  22. 3. GT students should not be kept from attending their GT class in order to complete any assignment/activity required by their homeroom teacher.

  23. Wish List • Pocket folders with brads • Pencils • Glue sticks • 4x6 lined index cards • Map pencils

  24. What if I have questions? • The best way to reach us is through email. • You can also leave a phone message at your child’s campus. • Send a note with your child.

  25. We are looking forward to a wonderful year!!


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