2000 bond program updates

2000 BOND Program Updates $110 M bond amount 82 COMPLETE Projects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2000 BOND Program Updates $110 M bond amount 82 COMPLETE Projects 3 ACTIVE Projects 10 M interest Civic Center Garage Elevator 155.5M other leveraged funds Randall Museum $275.5M Program - just 1.5% remains Fay House Stabilization San

  1. 2000 BOND Program Updates $110 M bond amount 82 COMPLETE Projects 3 ACTIVE Projects 10 M interest Civic Center Garage Elevator 155.5M other leveraged funds Randall Museum $275.5M Program - just 1.5% remains Fay House Stabilization San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS

  2. 2008 BOND Program Updates All the Neighborhood Park projects are COMPLETE The last Playfield project at Beach Chalet is COMPLETE The last structure in the 2008 bond, Alamo Square Restrooms, now in Construction Of $149M for RPD, 97.5% is spent or encumbered San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS

  3. 2012 Bond Status Joe DiMaggio is Complete 2 nd Issuance Completed Feb 2016 Four Neighborhood Parks in Construction: Gilman, Glen Canyon, South Park, Mountain Lake Two projects being re-bid: Balboa Park Pool and West Sunset Playground San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS 4

  4. 2012 BOND Schedule Phase Description Planning Design Bid/Award Construction San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS 3

  5. Waterfront Parks Bayview Gateway Ribbon Cutting Celebrating the ribbon-cutting of Bayview Gateway park were (Left to right): Kanya Dorland, Port Planner; Monique Moyer, Port Executive Director; Kimberly Brandon, Vice President, SF Port Commission; Scott Wiener, Supervisor District 8; Guy Johnson, son of the late Maya Angelou; Bill Buckley, DPW Landscape Architect; Mawuli Tugbenyoh, Supervisor District 10 Legislative Aid; Leslie Katz, Port Commissioner; David Beaupre, Dan Hodapp, and Steven Reel, Port staff. San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS 5

  6. 2008 Bond Waterfront Parks Complete: Brannan Street Wharf, Pier 43 Bay Trail Link, Bayfront Park, Heron’s Head Park, Blue-Greenway Design Guidelines, Bayfront Park Shoreline, Blue- Greenway Signage and Site Furnishings, Bayview Gateway (above) Design/Environmental Review: Crane Cove Park (Construction June 2016) San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS 6

  7. Port Update: 2008 Bonds Schedule San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS 7

  8. 2012 Bond Waterfront Parks Planning: Islais Creek Improvements, Agua Vista Park Des i gn/Environmental Review: Crane Cove Park (Construction June 2016) Complete: Cruise Terminal Plaza (above) San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS 8

  9. Port Update: 2012 Bonds Schedule San Francisco Clean and Safe Parks GO BONDS 9

  10. Comments and Questions

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