2 nd annual

2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting May - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting May 31, 2017 North Grenville Community Centre, Kemptville 1 A g e n d a 2 nd Annual 1. Background and Purpose of Todays (Annual) Meeting 2. Update Re: Long Term Accommodation

  1. 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting May 31, 2017 North Grenville Community Centre, Kemptville 1

  2. A g e n d a 2 nd Annual 1. Background and Purpose of Today’s (Annual) Meeting 2. Update Re: Long Term Accommodation Projections Community 3. Updated School Surplus Space per Policy 4002 Planning and 4. Facility Collaboration Expression of Interest process Partnership (CPP) 5. Update re: Current Facility Projects Meeting 6. Update re: Community Hubs & Update on Daycare and OEYC 7. Update re: Community Use of Schools 8. Reminder: School Information Profiles 9. Opportunity to share relevant planning information May 31, 2017 2

  3. 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 1. Background and Purpose May 31, 2017 3

  4. UCDSB Policy 4002 Re: Facility Collaboration 2 nd Annual “In optimizing the use of its land and school facilities, the Upper Canada District School Board (the “Board”) is Community committed to maintaining strong working relationships with its coterminous and contiguous boards, area Planning and municipalities, community organizations and local businesses .” Partnership (CPP) Meeting  Policy 4002 provides a framework for the sharing of planning information on a regular (at least annual) basis with municipalities and community organizations. 1. Background  Cost-recoverable and cost sharing and Purpose  Beneficial to students  The policy is not intended to prevent the board from building, renovating or closing schools or from disposing of surplus assets when required.  Aligned with the Ministry’s Community Planning and Partnership Guideline (CPPG), March 2015 May 31, 2017 4

  5. UCDSB Meetings held for Municipal and Community Partners 2 nd Annual School Year UCDSB Policy and Community Meeting Content 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Planning and 1 st Annual Meeting, Policy 4002, May 30 and 31, Spring (May/June), Partnership (CPP) Facilities June 10 and 11, 2017 2018 Meeting Collaboration (CPP 2016 Meeting) Policy 413, Pupil Not Applicable October 17, 2016 Not Applicable 1. Background Accommodation October 21, 2016 and Purpose Review May 31, 2017 5

  6. UCDSB Community Planning and Partnerships – Web page: 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 1. Background and Purpose May 31, 2017 6

  7. 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 7

  8. 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 8

  9. The Demographic Reality of Eastern Ontario 2 nd Annual Year 5 Year % Community Age Change 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Planning and 0-3 (Pre-School Aged) 14070 14032 14076 14042 14110 0.28 Partnership (CPP) 4-13 (Elementary Aged) 37639 37636 37432 37359 37137 -1.33 Meeting 14-17 (Secondary Aged) 18897 18143 17283 15935 15341 -18.82 2.Update: Total 0-17 Aged Population 70606 69811 68791 67336 66588 -5.69 Long -Term Source: Revenue Canada Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 9

  10. Impact of an Aging Population on UCDSB Enrolments 2 nd Annual Elementary System Average Daily Enrolment (ADE) 2007-08 t0 2016-17 Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 10

  11. Impact of an Aging Population on UCDSB Enrolments 2 nd Annual Secondary System Average Daily Enrolment (ADE) 2007-08 t0 2016-17 Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 11

  12. Impact of an Aging Population on UCDSB Enrolments 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections Appendix B, Building for the Future Pupil Accommodation Review - Final Staff Report, February 15, 2017 May 31, 2017 12

  13. Housing Impact 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections Appendix B, Building for the Future Pupil Accommodation Review - Final Staff Report, February 15, 2017 May 31, 2017 13

  14. Housing Impact 2 nd Annual One example of housing starts compared to population and enrolments: Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections Appendix B, Building for the Future Pupil Accommodation Review - Final Staff Report, February 15, 2017 May 31, 2017 14

  15. System Enrolment and Space Update 2 nd Annual Elementary and Secondary 2016-17 2017-18 Community (<21) ( Projected ) Planning and Number of School Facilities 86 81 Partnership (CPP) Total OTG Space 36,197 35, 034 Meeting # Portables / Portapacs on School 84 60 Sites (SFIS, Feb 2016) 2.Update: Elementary Enrolment, Headcount, 17,712 17,575 Long-Term October 31 (Regular Day School) Secondary 8,293 8,132 Accommodation Enrolment, Headcount, October 31 Projections Total Elementary and (Reg) 26,005 25,707 Secondary Enrolment % Utilization of OTG Space – Total 71.8% 73.4% May 31, 2017 15

  16. System Enrolment and Space Update; T.R. Leger 2 nd Annual • 640 students (projected for 2017) in 15 campuses across the Community UCDSB Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 16

  17. Update: Long Term Accommodation Projections: Elementary Enrolment (Headcount) 2014-15 to 2026-27 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 17

  18. Update: Long Term Accommodation Projections: Secondary Enrolment (Headcount) 2014-15 to 2026-27 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 18

  19. Update: Long Term Accommodation Projections: Elementary and Secondary Enrolment (Headcount) 2014-15 to 2026-27 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 2.Update: Long -Term Accommodation Projections May 31, 2017 19

  20. The Connection with Educational Programming 2 nd Annual A Vision from the 2016 Program Review: Community Our communities value and appreciate: Planning and Partnership (CPP) • Caring and safe learning environments • Meeting Flexible program offerings that meet individual student needs • Skilled and knowledgeable teachers • 2.Update: Positive and nurturing relationships • Leadership opportunities for students Long -Term • Access to effective French language Accommodation instruction • Alignment with the larger school Projections community May 31, 2017 20

  21. 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 3. Updated Surplus School Space per Policy 4002 May 31, 2017 21

  22. 2 nd Annual Selection of Available Space Community “In accordance with the Guideline, the Board will consider facility collaboration for Planning and buildings that meet one or both of the following criteria: Partnership (CPP) 1. A utilization rate of less than sixty (60) per cent for the last two (2) years, Two hundred (200) or more unused pupil places. ” 2. Meeting 3. Updated Surplus School Space per Policy 4002 May 31, 2017 22

  23. 2016-17 *Schools Meeting Available Space Criteria – UCDSB Western Region School Name Surplus School Name Surplus 2 nd Annual Spaces, Spaces 2016 , 2016 Community Commonwealth PS 184 Naismith Memorial PS 285 Planning and Drummond Central 84 North Elmsley PS 133 Partnership (CPP) School Oxford-on-Rideau PS 160 Duncan J Schoular PS 195 Meeting Pakenham PS 90 Gananoque SS (7-12) 364 Prince of Wales PS 303 Glen Tay PS 194 3. Updated South Edwardsburg PS 130 Linklater PS 168 Surplus School South Grenville DHS (7-12) 602 Maple Grove ES 187 Space per Policy Sweet’s Corners ES 219 Meadowview PS 185 4002 Wolford PS 73 * Does not include schools approved to be closed effective Sept. 2017. These facilities will be subject to the Disposal of Assets – Policy 414, Procedure 414.1 (Disposal of Surplus Property). http://www.boarddocs.com/can/ucdsb/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=A6XQQ2690499 May 31, 2017 23

  24. 2016-17 *Schools Meeting Available Space Criteria – UCDSB Eastern Region 2 nd Annual School Name Surplus School Name Surplus Community Spaces, 2016 Spaces, 2016 Rockland DHS (7-12) 215 Planning and Central PS 239 Seaway DHS (7-12) 303 Partnership (CPP) Cornwall Collegiate VS 541 (7-12) St. Lawrence SS (7-12) 218 Meeting Glengarry DHS (7-12) 593 Tagwi SS (7-12) 228 Maxville PS 184 3. Updated Morrisburg PS 163 Surplus School North Dundas DHS (7- 300 12) Space per Policy North Stormont PS 105 4002 * Does not include schools approved to be closed effective Sept. 2017. These facilities will be subject to the Disposal of Assets – Policy 414, Procedure 414.1 (Disposal of Surplus Property). http://www.boarddocs.com/can/ucdsb/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=A6XQQ2690499 May 31, 2017 24

  25. 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 4. Expression of Interest Process May 31, 2017 25

  26. 4. Expression of Interest Process 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 4. Expression of Interest Process May 31, 2017 26

  27. 2 nd Annual Community Planning and Partnership (CPP) Meeting 5. Update: Current Facility Projects May 31, 2017 27


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