11 19 2015

11/19/2015 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Podcasts are still a small - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

11/19/2015 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Podcasts are still a small part of total listening hours to public radio Our live streams are currently flat What do we know 25 6 Hours in millions Cume in millions about podcast 5 listening? 20

  1. 11/19/2015 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Podcasts are still a small part of total listening hours to public radio Our live streams are currently flat What do we know 25 6 Hours in millions Cume in millions about podcast 5 listening? 20 These are rough estimates based on not 4 quite apples-to-apples comparisons 15 3 10 Total listening hours and streaming cume 2 aren’t changing much year over year * Incomplete data. 5 Includes podcasts & 1 ? audio segments from Come to our PubMetrics webinar Dec 2 for a deeper analysis! 163 stations, but not Broadcast Live NPR Station on- the biggest podcast streams podcasts demand 0 0 producers (WNYC, audio* Apr-13 Aug-13 Dec-13 Apr-14 Aug-14 Dec-14 Apr-15 Aug-15 TAL, etc.) Total listening hours, Spring 2015 2 Total listening hours and cume for 244 streams, 6am-12am Mon-Sun, Triton 3 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL NPR podcast hours downloaded NPR podcast users have increased have grown 45% year over year 21% year over year Station on-demand audio listening 10,000,000 2,500,000  NPR Digital Services launched a measurement Invisibilia (and coattails) 9,000,000 service for station podcasts and audio segments in 8,000,000 2,000,000 January  163 stations now participating 7,000,000 6,000,000 1,500,000  But the following data doesn’t include most major stations and their big podcasts (WNYC, This 5,000,000 Podcasts are attracting new audience to public radio American Life, etc.) 4,000,000 1,000,000 as well as more listening from existing audience 3,000,000 Reminder: All we know is downloads, not actual listening. 2,000,000 500,000 About two-thirds of downloaded podcasts actually get 1,000,000 heard (Spring Edison/NPR podcast survey). 0 0 6/8/14 8/10/14 10/12/14 12/14/14 2/15/15 4/19/15 6/21/15 8/23/15 6/8/14 8/10/14 10/12/14 12/14/14 2/15/15 4/19/15 6/21/15 8/23/15 Total hours downloaded for NPR strategic podcasts, Splunk 4 Total unique downloaders of NPR strategic podcasts, Splunk 5 6 1

  2. 11/19/2015 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Station on-demand audio hours have grown 18% since January But users are down slightly The big takeaway 2,500,000 4,000,000 Spike seen in Stitcher, cause unknown 3,500,000 In public radio, podcasts and 2,000,000 3,000,000 on-demand audio are the fastest- 2,500,000 1,500,000 growing types of listening 2,000,000 Existing audience is listening to more on-demand 1,000,000 1,500,000 audio (averaging 51 minutes per month) (Granted, it’s still small) 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 0 0 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Total hours downloaded for on-demand audio, 163 stations, NPR DS 7 Total unique downloaders of on-demand audio, 163 stations, NPR DS 8 9 For those who listen daily, podcasts get more listening than anything else What do we Continues to trend upward know about the audience? 12 2

  3. 11/19/2015 Public radio is the dominant force in Many NPR podcast listeners are radio Our podcast listeners are younger and podcasts listeners and donors more diverse 62% of monthly podcast People think of public radio As a result of listening to Many have donated to their users listen to public radio podcasts as essential podcasts, many people are local public radio station in Asian 8% 55+ 21% podcasts listening or favorites more likely to listen to the past year 4% AM/FM radio Don't 58% enjoy as Same as much 35-54 39% other Hispanic 8% 4% 7% Listen to podcasts pubradio 13% podcasts Less Essential More 62% 21% listening 34% 29% Donated 34% 18-34 41% 42% African- 13% About American 12% 5% the same Some of 45% my NPR NPR NPR NPR favorites 49% Podcasts Broadcast Podcasts Broadcast Younger listeners are 25-34 year olds: 54% say more! 25-34 year olds: 52% have donated even more positive! Edison/NPR survey of 1009 US podcast listeners, March 2015 13 Edison/NPR survey of 855 NPR podcast listeners, March 2015 14 Edison/NPR survey of 855 NPR podcast listeners, March 2015 15 The podcast opportunity is tailor made for public radio Podcasts are simply shows  Podcast listeners love us Early on… Now…  They are exactly the type of diverse audience we Podcasts were defined Podcasts are simply a crave by distribution tech- type of content nology and platform  Collectively we have a huge head start in this space in terms of mindshare and earshare APPENDIX  They are recurring shows that we decide to label “podcasts”  They can be listened to in so many ways  All digital listening to a show should count: apps, web players, desktop players, whatever 16 17 18 3

  4. 11/19/2015 CONFIDENTIAL On ‐ demand is already a third of all digital Rough breakdown of total audience of Station on ‐ demand listening: listening hours for a sample of stations public radio Software Station on ‐ Station Apps NPR podcasts demand* 1% Social 5.4% 1.5% Others Media Live streams~ 15% Apps 3.6% 2% Apple Core NPR Apps On ‐ demand Media 4% 33% Desktop Players 34% 4% Third Party Mobile/Device Streaming Apps 67% Broadcast 7% 89.5% * Incomplete data. Includes Browsers podcasts & audio segments 33% from 163 stations, but not Data from 2015 August the biggest podcast producers (WNYC, TAL, etc.) ~ Excludes Apple Music Triton Streaming vs On Demand TLH for subset of stations, Mar 2015 19 Cume & unique downloaders, Spring 2015 20 21 CONFIDENTIAL 25-44 Year Olds Listen To The Most Podcasts Two-Thirds Also Listen to a Public Radio Station Download Trends of Software Groups “ How m uch TOTAL tim e, in hours or m inutes, have you spent listening “ When did you last listen to a public radio station, either on the radio or online stream ?” 5 Apple Core to podcasts in the last w eek?” Millions Media Browsers 4 Within the past 7 days Longer than 7 days ago but within 30 days Longer than 30 days ago Others Mean Hours per Week 3 Total 67 26 7 Third Party Mobile/Device Apps Desktop Players 5.3 5.0 2 4.0 Age 25-34 77 19 4 NPR Apps 3.8 1 2.7 Social Media Apps 1.8 Station Apps Age 35-44 71 25 4 0 2015 ‐ 01 2015 ‐ 02 2015 ‐ 03 2015 ‐ 04 2015 ‐ 05 2015 ‐ 06 2015 ‐ 07 2015 ‐ 08 Total Age 18-24 Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55+ Base: NPR Podcast Listeners, n=855 Base: NPR Podcast Listeners, n=855 22 4

  5. 11/19/2015 The podcast audience has somewhat lower incomes and Pub Radio Podcast Users Report High Levels of Donation NPR podcast listeners are much younger than broadcast listeners employment levels, due to their younger age profile “ In the past 12 m onths, have you donated m oney to… ?” NPR Podcast vs. NPR Broadcast Listeners NPR Podcast vs. NPR Broadcast Listeners % saying “yes” Gender Em ploym ent & Education Age Incom e Total Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Employed Full Time College grad+ 21 24 71 54 52 46 48 67 55+ 46 58 $100K+ 47 Female 46 61 42 40 40 39 52 46 35-54 30 $50K-$99K 28 32 Male 54 52 29 18-34 41 <$50K 30 22 12 Your local public radio station Public radio station outside your local Directly to a podcast or radio NPR Podcasts NPR Broadcast NPR Podcasts NPR Broadcast NPR Podcasts NPR Broadcast NPR Podcasts NPR Broadcast area program Base: NPR Podcast Listeners, n=855 Base: NPR Podcast Listeners, n=855 Base: NPR Podcast Listeners, n=855 Broadcast: ACT 1 based on Nielsen Audio, Fall 2014 Broadcast: GfK MRI Doublebase 2014 5


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