10 years of water vapor and ozone soundings at costa rica

10 Years of Water Vapor and Ozone Soundings at Costa Rica Holger - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

10 Years of Water Vapor and Ozone Soundings at Costa Rica Holger Vmel (NCAR/EOL) H. Selkirk (GESTAR/USRA) G. Morris (St. Edwards College) J. A. Diaz, E. Corrales (Universidad de Costa Rica) J. Valverde (Universidad Nacional) NOAA Earth

  1. 10 Years of Water Vapor and Ozone Soundings at Costa Rica Holger Vömel (NCAR/EOL) H. Selkirk (GESTAR/USRA) G. Morris (St. Edwards College) J. A. Diaz, E. Corrales (Universidad de Costa Rica) J. Valverde (Universidad Nacional) NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Annual Conference 20 May 2015

  2. Different regions in the tropics From Vömel et al., 2002

  3. Stratospheric water vapor stations

  4. Water Vapor and Ozone Sounding (Costa Rica)

  5. Launch statistics at Costa Rica

  6. Water Vapor Climatology at Costa Rica

  7. Water vapor during summer July 2005 July / Aug 2007 From Selkirk et al. JGR (2010)

  8. RH (ice) Climatology at Costa Rica

  9. RH (ice) Climatology at Costa Rica Relative to Tropopause Altitude relative to mean tropopause [km]

  10. Seasonal Cycle: Temperature

  11. Seasonal Cycle: Water Vapor

  12. Seasonal Cycle: RH Ice

  13. Summary • 10 years of simultaneous water vapor and ozone profiles over Costa Rica • Tropopause temperature Monthly mean shows strong seasonal cycle • Tropopause water vapor mixing ratio Monthly mean shows strong seasonal cycle (tape recorder) • Tropopause relative humidity over ice Monthly mean nearly constant at 100%

  14. NCAR EOL


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