Sword Art Online is an Anime series that spands two seasons. Sword Art Online is a Virtual Reality Massively Multi- player Online Role-Playing Game. It was release in 2022 with the Nerve Gear. It stimulates the user’s five senses via their brain, players can control their players with their minds. The series stars in an online game called Sword Art Online (SAO). The game traps 10,000 players inside the game. The only way to exit the game is to defeat the final boss on the 100th floor of the games tower. However if you die in the game you die for real. After the events of Sword Art Online another virtual world becomes the setting for the series. This world is called Alfheim Online (AFO). In this world 300 of the players from Sword Art Online haven’t awoken as they are being used for mind experiments. The third virtual world is called Gun Gale Online (GGO). In this world there is a mysterious connection between the game and deaths occuring in the real world. 1. Sword Art Online
Kirito Leafa Kirito Leafa Real Name: Kirigaya Kazuto Real Name: Kirigaya Suguha Asuna’s Boyfriend/In-Game Kirito’s Cousin/Adopted Husband Sister Main Protagonist Leafa hated VRMMORPGs, but Kirito is one of the 1,000 beta began playing ALO as a way to testers for Sword Art Online. better understand Kirito. She is In Gun Gale Online which is a a national quarter finalist kendo fantasy game focused on the use practitioner which helps her in of guns. Kirito uses a photon sword ALO. instead of the recommended guns. 2. Kirito & Leafa
Sinon Sinon Gun Gale Online Alfheim Online
Asuna Lisbeth Asuna Lisbeth Real Name: Yuki Asuna Real Name: Shinozaki Rika Kirito’s Girlfriend/In-Game Asuna’s Best Friend Wife She is a proud blacksmith. She made Asuna was the sub-leader of the the rapier that Asuna weilds as Knights of Blood guild. They are well as the Dark Repulser Kirito a clearing guild formed with the weilds. She becomes Kirito’s personal purpose of clearing floors quickly. blacksmith. She develops feelings for In ALO she recieves the nickname Kirito but backs off due to her best Berserk Healer due to her love of friend already having feelings for fighting on the front lines despite him. her role as a healer 4. Asuna & Lisbeth
Klein Silica Klein Silica Real Name: Ayano Keiko Real Name: Tsuboi Ryoutarou Klein and Kirito became friends Silica was the first player in Sword after Kirito taught him how to play Art Online to tame a Feathered Little Sword Art Online. Klein is a friendly Dragon. She named it Pina; the same person who is always willing to lend name as her cat. She meets Kirito a helping hand. He is also very loyal after a fight in the forest that results in the death of Pina and almost to his friends and always wants to herself until Kirito comes and saves be by their side. He gets upset when her. He then helps her to revive her Kirito goes to GGO and is fighting and fallen friend Pina. he’s not there with him. 5. Klein & Silica
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