1 regulatory requirements

1 Regulatory Requirements Coke Ov en-Pushing Emissions New Mact - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Industrial Accessories Company 4800 Lamar Ave Mission, Kansas 66202 Electric Arc Furnace Corporate Technologies Background www.iac-intl.com PP003 1 Regulatory Requirements Coke Ov en-Pushing Emissions New Mact Standards for Opacity

  1. Industrial Accessories Company 4800 Lamar Ave Mission, Kansas 66202 Electric Arc Furnace Corporate Technologies Background www.iac-intl.com PP003 1

  2. Regulatory Requirements Coke Ov en-Pushing Emissions New Mact Standards for Opacity (20% opacity during push). Will require more efficient capture. May require capture of "travel" emissions. Blast Furnaces May require retrofit from ESP &/or Venturi Scrubber to Baghouse Primarily FF, howev er there are 2 VS installations. PM control - 0.009 gr/dscf Opacity - 20% for existing plants; 15% for new plants. Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) All US "Open or Closed Hood" designs hav e either an ESP or VS. Primary Control BOPF w/Closed Hood - 0.024 gr/dscf BOPF w/Open Hood - 0.019 gr/dscf Secondary Control 0.01 gr/dscf for existing plants 0.0052 gr/dsf for new plants Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) EAF Control Device: Lead Emissions of 0.0002 grains/DSF EAF Control Device: Opacity of 3% Melt Shop Building Roof Ventilators: Opacity of 6% EU dev eloping new standards for EAF emissions for following: * arsenic; cadmium; nickel; and Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) * Once standards get adopted, US market will also be affected. Sinter Plants Windbox Exhaust 0.3 lbs per ton of product sinter (old & new plants) Discharge End 0.02 gr/dscf - existing plant; 0.01 gr/dscf - new plant 20% opacity for secondary emissions - existing plant 10% opacity for secondary emissions - new plant Cooler stacks 0.03 gr/dscf - existing plant; 0.01 gr/dscf - new plant. General Bag leak detection systems Opacity Monitoring Continuous parameter monitoring system Record keeping For Steel installations, the general accepted limit is 0.0052 gr/dscf www.iac-intl.com 2

  3. EAF Process Design Louver Damper Canopy Hood Bleed-In-Air Damper Opposed Blade Damper Break Flange/Retractable Duct Water Cooled/Refractory Duct Pressure Sensor Combustion Fce Elbow Quench Chamber W/C or Refractory To Baghouse / ID Fans Tow er (Suction or Pressure Design) Electric Arc Furnace Water Cooled/Refractory Duct www.iac-intl.com 3

  4. EAF & Ladle Furnace Louver Control Damper Canopy Hood Bleed in Air Damper Damper Break Flange / Retractable Duct Combustion Chamber Hot Quenching Electric Arc Furnace Break Flange / Retractable Duct Ladle Furnace www.iac-intl.com 4

  5. DEC / 4TH Hole Exhaust www.iac-intl.com 5

  6. Water Cooled Duct With W/C Damper www.iac-intl.com 6

  7. Side Draft Hood Enclosure Box Design E le c t r o d e s E L E C T R O D E C la m p h o ld e r F u r n a c e M a s t h o ld in g t h e e le c tr o d e s B r a c k e t s F u r n a c e M a s t h o ld in g t h e e le c tr o d e s H o o d w it h t o p p la t e a n d o p e n b o t t o m A t th is en d , th e h o o d w ill h a v e lo u v e r s , w h ich c a n b e m a n u a lly a d ju s te d . T h is w ill a llo w d ilu tio n a ir to e n te r a n d to d iv e r t th e fu m e s c o m in g o u t o f th e e le c tr o d e h o le s . E le c t r o d e H o le O p e n in g s (3 ” m in . c le a r a n c e f o r t h e e le c tr o d e ) T h e a b o v e h o o d d e s ig n c a n b e in s ta lle d b e tw e e n th e m a s t a n d to c o lle c t th e e m is s io n s th a t e s c a p e b e tw e e n th e a n n u la r s p a c e b e t w e e n th e e le c tr o d e a n d th e fu r n a c e r o o f h o le s fo r th e e le c tr o d e s . I n u s in g th is d e s ig n , th e fo llo w in g m u s t b e r e v ie w e d c a r e fu lly : 1 . T h e m a s t h o ld in g th e e le c tr o d e s c a n o n ly b e lo w e r e d to a p o in t a b o v e th e h o o d . T h is w ill lim it th e m a s t m o v e m e n t. In m o s t E A F ’ s th is is a c c e p ta b le . 2 . T h e h o o d w ill h a v e to b e s tr e s s r e lie v e d a n d c o n s tr u c te d o f S S 3 1 7 - L . In o p e r a tio n , th e h o o d w ill ta k e a n in itia l w a r p a n d th e n w ill s ta b iliz e . 3 . T h e d u c t ta k e - o f f fr o m th e h o o d w ill h a v e a b r e a k fla n g e to a c c o m m o d a te th e r o o f s w in g . www.iac-intl.com 7

  8. Side Draft Hood Finger Hood Design To Baghouse Pivot Point for Roof Break Flange Furnace Roof Mast Slag Door with Vent Pour Spout EXHAUST LOCATION Around Electrodes Slag Door Tap Spout is plugged for the Melt Cycle Design allows for cooling Air at Breakflange. Exhaust to Baghouse at 250 F. www.iac-intl.com 8

  9. Canopy Hood Design Design 1 830,000 ACFM 18'-0" Dia Duct Louver Damper Louver Damper 9'-0" X 9'-0" 9'-0" X 9'-0" Tapping Melting Slagging www.iac-intl.com 9

  10. Canopy Hood Design Design 2 830,000 ACFM 18'-0" Dia Duct Louver Damper 9'-0" X 9'-0" Tapping Melting Slagging www.iac-intl.com 10

  11. Canopy Hood Design RELADLING OPERATION CANOPY HOOD DESIGN Low Profile Canopy Hood w/Two Discharge Ducts (each w/inner duct) Traditional Canopy Design Side Discharge Top Discharge B HLP HTC B A X A X Y Y D E C C Note: Hood is located above Crane Locate Hood as close as possible to the top of the ladle Dimensions not provided, are assumed Y 5.5 m 7 m X 3 m 4.5 m C 2 m 2.6 m D 4 m 4 m E 1.1 m 1.5 m A 6.6 m 8.1 m B 8 m 10.5 m HLP 3 m 4 m HTC 5.5 m 6.7 m Low Profile Hood (acfm) 142,000 228,868 Low Profile Hood (am3/hr) 241,258 388,847 170,400 274,641 Traditional Hood (acfm) www.iac-intl.com 11

  12. IAC “M” Pulse IAC "M" PULSE MODEL Condition Flow Temp (F) IAC M-PULSE Baghouse EAF 217,000 acfm 250 6 X 234TB-BHWT-360:S6 12 Penthouse w/Monorail 2 ~ 6'-0" Pneumatically Operated Roof Door Outlet Poppet Dampers 14'-0" One/Compt. 3'-6" Compt Outlet OUTLET PLENUM (TAPERED) INLET PLENUM (Tapered) 23'-6" IP h IPw 9'-0" Inlet Damper Manual/Butterfly Hd 2'-6" 60 Deg Side Angle 12"x12" W To Suit Grade Baghouse Width ELEVATION - TYPICAL SECTION THRU COMPARTMENT Note: 1. Design of Inlet/Outlet Plenum is preliminary 2. The Header will be 12" Diameter (min). 3. Pulse Valves 2 1/2" min. www.iac-intl.com 12

  13. Side Elevation IAC "M" PULSE MODEL Condition Flow Temp (F) IAC M-PULSE Baghouse EAF 217,000 acfm 250 6 X 234TB-BHWT-360:S6 ~ 6'-0" 14'-0" Compt. Outlet 3'-6" 3'-0" OPh 23'-6" Dirty Air Housing IPh A CIh Compt. Inlet CIw 6" CIw Hd 12" x 12" Compt. Length 10'-0" Baghouse Length Grade www.iac-intl.com 13

  14. Velocity Profile IAC "M" PULSE MODEL Compt length "L" Poppet Damper EAF Plenum Width F G Flow: acfm 217,000 # of Compts. 6 Flow to One Compt. acfm 36,167 W ft 15.7 OUTLET PLENUM L ft 15.0 H Inlet Damper-Height ft 3.5 Outlet Plenum Height Inlet Damper-Width ft 6.89 Compt. Outlet - Height ft 2.5 D Compt. Outlet - Width ft 8.0 Poppet Damper Size in. 48 Inlet/Outlet Plenum Width ft 10.5 Inlet/Outlet Plenum Height ft 5.9 VELOCITY PROFILE: Inlet Plenum: fpm 3500 INLET PLENUM Inlet Plenum Height A Across Inlet Damper fpm 1500 B 40% Flow to Hopper fpm 386 C C 60% Flow to Casing fpm 579 D In to Upper Casing fpm 132 E From Hopper fpm 73 F Exit from Compt fpm 1800 G Across Poppet fpm 2878 B H Outlet Plenum: fpm 3500 A E Inlet Damper 2'-6" Compt width "W" www.iac-intl.com 14

  15. Tube-sheet Design IAC "M" PULSE MODEL W 14" 8" 8" 11" (typ) 8" Row s L Inlet Flow Bags/Blow Pipe 2'-6" NOTE: Tube sheet dimensions are approximate. Internal stiffners for common wall construction may extend width. PROJECT EAF BAGS/COMPT 360 # ROWS 20 BAGS/BLOWPIPE 18 W (FT) 15.67 L (FT) 15.00 www.iac-intl.com 15

  16. Plan View - One Door/Header IAC "M" PULSE MODEL Condition Flow F IAC M-PULSE Baghouse EAF 217,000 acfm 250 6 X 234TB-BHWT-360:S6 Inlet Outlet Baghouse Width (Bw) Baghouse Length (Bl) EAF # Compartments 6 Flow: acfm 217,000 Compartment Width ft 15.67 Compartment Length ft 15.00 Baghouse Width ft 41.8 Baghouse Length ft 45.0 www.iac-intl.com 16

  17. “M” - Pulse Baghouse Header Design Arrangement 90 Degree; Threaded, Double Diaphram Valve 3" Valve (Typical) Header Typ. 3" Blow-Pipe Roof Top Door (6" High) Outlet 8" Typ. 3" Blow-Pipe (3 1/4" OD) 2" Overlap Nozzle 2" 6" (1 1/4" Sch 40) 3/16" Plate Tube sheet Tube Sheet Hole: 6 1/4" Bag & Cage: 6" Diameter Cage: 5 3/4" Dia. Inner Strike Plate Bag to wall clearance is 3" (min) Inlet Flow www.iac-intl.com 17

  18. “M” - Pulse Baghouse 90 Degree Threaded Double Diaphragm Valve www.iac-intl.com 18

  19. “M” - Pulse Baghouse Full Immersion Design Header Tank has integrated diaphragm valves controlled by remote solenoid pilots www.iac-intl.com 19

  20. Heat Exchanger 1. Forced Cooling Fan, which blows cooling air in to the inside of the cooling tubes/pipes and the process gas is on the outside of the tube. The tubes/pipes are located horizontally. 2. The hot process exhaust gases are vented to the Air to Air Heat Exchanger where they pass through vertical parallel tubes. Cooling is accomplished by forced convection induced by cross-flow fans moving ambient air over the outside of the tubes. www.iac-intl.com 20


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